Chapter 4:

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Alex's P.O.V.:

As I was walking to the house with Ezra and his friends, I kept getting the feeling that somebody was watching me again. Just like when Otis and Devyn left me after a very awkward conversation with them.

"Hey... Is something bothering you Alex?" Ezra asked me when he turned around and saw that I was falling behind them.

"Huh...? No. I'm fine. Why do you ask?" I ask, knowing that he and everybody else can tell I'm lying to him right now. Ezra narrows his eyes at me and stops walking to turn around and starts to walk towards me.

"Don't lie to me Alex. And don't say that you aren't lying because I can tell when you lie and when you tell the truth. Now... what's bothering you." He demands that I tell him.

"Don't worry about it. It's none of your business. And you can ask all you want, but you're not gonna get an answer out of me." I say back in a sassy tone before looking away from him.

"Don't use that tone with me. And you will answer my question. So tell me... Now." He said while grabbing my chin and forcing me to look at him.

"No. And you're not gonna get it out of me either." I say before walking past Ezra.

"We'll see cupcake. We'll see." He said in a pissed tone. When he looked at me I just smirked at him. I watched as his eyes darkened in anger as he grabbed my arm harshly and dragged me to the house that we stopped at. He walked up to the closed gate and opened it, then pushed me towards the house harshly.

"Dude. You know that she can leave whenever she wants. Stop making her want to leave when you know that we need to ask her some questions. So stop pushing and dragging her everywhere." Nico said to Ezra before looking at me. "Are you okay? He didn't hurt you, did he?" Nico asked, walking up.

"No, he didn't. But I think that I might leave soon because I left Kitty's food at the place I'm living at." I said to Nico and looked back at the house. "Nice house, by the way. You guys must have great jobs." I said to no one in particular. I walked up to the house's front door and was going to touch it but all of a sudden the door opens and I'm suffocated in the hug I'm now in.

"ALEX!!! It's been so long since the last time I saw you!" I heard Brennan yell in happiness. I just laughed at how stupid he was and got out of his death grip.

"Hey Brennan. And you saw me yesterday morning so it hasn't really been that long." I say and walk past him and into the house.

As I was looking around I heard Ezra asking Brennan how he knew me. Before Brennan could answer I butt in.

"That, my friend, is none of your business. So butt out. It's got nothing to do with you." I said to Ezra, then I looked at Brennan, "Please don't tell them when I'm not around. I really don't want them to know, especially that one." I pointed at Ezra when I said the word 'that'.

Ezra glares at me and grabs my arm and pulls me to a door. When he opens the door the first thing I see are the stairs that most likely lead down to the basement. I immediately turn around and run away from him and hide behind Brennan.

"Get your ass back over here, or else I'll lock you up down there for days with no food or water." Ezra said in a threatening tone. When I didn't answer and just rolled my eyes at him he growled and walked to me slowly.

"I guess you want to get locked up. Well,... I'll just have to put that at the end of what I originally have to do. Now... Be a good girl, and come here and don't make me carry you." Ezra said as I was still hiding behind Brennan.

...I don't move...

Next thing I know I'm being thrown over Ezra's shoulder. I can hear him swearing under his breath. That's when I remember something...

"WAIT!!!" I yell, getting everyone's attention. Ezra stops dead in his tracks and signs.

"What?" He snapped at me.

"Put me down." I demand. To my surprise he puts me down and sets me on my feet.

"Are you going to be a good girl and do as told now? Because I'm still gonna lock you up with no food or water."

"No you're not." I state with a matter of fact tone.

"What makes you so sure?"

"I guess you forgot, but I didn't." I replied back and walked back over to Brennan and looked at him.

"Forget what?"

"I can leave whenever I want to. So you're not allowed to lock me up. Besides, if you try to starve me it won't work because I'm homeless. I know how to survive without food and water for days on end. I guess you forgot that as well, didn't you?" I said. "Goodbye!" I yelled in a sing-song voice and headed for the door.

"She's right, Ezra. We aren't allowed to keep her here against her will. You know that. Goodbye Alex." Nico stated.

"Why are you leaving though, Alex?" Jake asked me.

"Well Jake, since the moment we walked up to the gate outside, and to this moment, I have felt like I'm not safe because 1: I keep getting threatened by Ezra and 2: I was grabbed hard enough by Ezra that it left bruises on my upper arm. The spot that he grabbed, that's why I'm leaving. I also have to feed Kitty. You know.... my cat." I said, answering Jake's question.

I walked the rest of the way to the door and grabbed the handle to open it and step outside. Before I could even close the door Brennan asked if he could walk with me until I made it to my 'home' just to make sure that I made it there safely. I politely declined the offer he gave me and walked down a few steps to then walk down the long driveway and stand in front of the gate. As I'm trying to figure out how to open the gate, I once again get the feeling that I'm being watched, so I look around. As I was looking at all of the trees, I saw someone or something jump from one tree to another tree. I jump when I feel a hand lay on my shoulder. When I turn and look at who it is I just roll my eyes and ask what he wants.

"What are you looking at?" Ezra asks me. Curiosity was clear in his voice.

"Did you know that curiosity killed the cat?" I asked, ignoring his question by asking my own.

"Yes, I did, but I can't die. I'm already dead.. Now...what are you looking at? If you just answer the question I'll leave you alone. Okay?"

"Fine... I keep getting the feeling that I'm being watched, but whenever I look around I'm alone. It's starting to freak me out. That's what was bothering me earlier as well. Are you happy now?"

"No. I'm not. How long have you been getting this feeling?" His voice had a deadly serious tone to it when he answered me.

"After I walked away from Nico and when I was almost 'home'. That's how long. Why?"

"It's not safe for you to leave by yourself. I'm coming with you, and I'm not taking no as an answer. Don't move, or else I'll make you regret it, and I don't think that you would like that very much. Now would you?"

"And why isn't it safe for me to leave alone? And how would you make me regret it? Would you lock me up in your creepy ass basement for days on end with no food or water???"

When I didn't get an answer from him I just smirked. I was about to say something else, when all of a sudden Ezra was on top of me covering up my head. A few minutes pass and he gets up off of me.

"What in the absolute HELL is your problem!?!" I yelled at him while looking up at him pissed as hell.

Word Count: 1418

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