Chapter 11:

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Alex's P.O.V:

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" After I had finished doing everything that the big guy had told me to do, I felt everything go numb and black. The question going through my mind is 'what's going on?'. A couple of seconds later I stopped feeling things all together and I was slowly beginning to get my sight back. As my sight was gradually beginning to return to me I tried my best to look and see what was around me. It didn't feel like I was still in the alleyway that I was just standing in. While I was looking around I noticed that I was in an unfamiliar place, but at the same time it feels like I actually know this place. When my vision was finally completely back I took an even more detailed look around the strange room that I was now in.

The first thing that I noticed about the room was that it looked like some kind of nursery one would have made for their newborn baby. The second thing that I had noticed were the two people standing near the crib with a baby laying in it. I walked closer to the people and crib to see if I could get around them and have a better look of who these strange people were. As I was walking closer I suddenly felt my body suddenly stop, preventing me from getting any closer. After a few more minutes of trying to get closer with no progress I had decided to just stand there and study the man. He was a tall guy, about 5'8. He had clean cut dark brown hair with gray stripes sticking out every now and then. He was dressed in a black expensive looking suit and expensive looking dress shoes. Next I took in the woman's appearance. She looked to be about 5'4 and had pretty, long, chestnut colored hair. She appeared to be young. Then I took in what she was wearing. It was a flowy red dress that ended half way down her thighs. The print on the dress were little pink and white flowers. For shoes she had beige sandals and the straps of them went all the way up her calf. The more that I looked at this woman, the more that I felt like I actually knew her. As I was about to turn around and see if there was any way out of this room, I heard a man speak.

" *****, you do understand what it is that we have to do, don't you?" The man asked the woman.

"But *****, why must we have to do this? It's our child. We shouldn't have to do this." The woman cried as she tried to convince the man of something.

"Come here, darling. I know that this is a hard thing for you to do. It is hard for me to accept as well, but if we don't, this beautiful child that we made together will get exterminated." The man told her.

After that brief conversation, the woman was left as a sobbing mess as she tried to understand that this had to be done for the sake of her baby's life. Finally, the woman slowly began to nod her head up and down as she slowly began to come to terms with everything that is about to happen so that her child could live a better life than what is already planned for her. A couple of moments later a knock could be heard coming from behind the other side of the only door to this room. The woman and man looked over to the door, and the man walked over to open it.

"Good evening. Are you Mr. ***** and Mrs. ***** by any chance?" Said the strange man that was standing on the opposite side of the door that I was in.

"Yes, that would be us. Are you ***** *****?" The woman asked as she held the baby close to her chest.

"I am. Then that must be the child I am here to pick up. Is she healthy and in good condition like we agreed on in the deal?" The man said, walking into the room and towards the woman.

"D-do you have to take her? Please don't take her away from us! I haven't even been able to name her yet!" The woman cried out as she held onto the baby tightly, unwilling to let go.

"Honey, you have to let her go. You have to let him take her. We can't keep her. If we did, it would only end up putting her in danger. You understand that, right? I know you don't want to let our precious little angel go, but we have to. Maybe if she wasn't born the way that she is, this wouldn't have had to happen. But there is nothing that we can do about it. She was nearly killed by one of them, and we can't help and care for her the way that she needs while she is still at such a young age. Humans can't properly care for Vampires, but because she is a purebred, they will be able to. She won't need to hunt, and she can eat normal food like they can. We can't care for her while she is so young." The woman's husband said.

"I know... She's just so small and precious, and we didn't even get the chance to name her. Please sir, will you at least allow us to name our child before you take her away forever?" The woman pleaded to the strange man with a heavy heart.

"Alright, but you must never tell anyone that this was something that I had allowed you to do. If it ever comes up, then you must deny that this had ever happened. Do you understand that?" The man said, agreeing with the grieving mothers one and only wish.

"Alex... Let's name her Alex Rose Helix. That way, if or when the right time comes, and she is able to recover these memories, she will be able to find us if she wishes too. We love you so much, our sweet little angel." The woman said, before finally gathering enough courage to hand her precious little baby over to her husband who also said his final goodbyes and farewells before passing her on to the human who will be taking away their little girl.

As I was watching all of this go on in front of me, all I could think at the moment was shock and confusion. I was stunned! I'm a Vampire? A purebred at that! What does that even mean!? Not only that, but that also means that the people who took care of me while I grew up weren't my real parents? Does that mean Dakota isn't my actual brother? N-no... This isn't true. This is a prank! A lie! Those creeps are just trying to make me believe them! But the longer that I was stuck in this room watching as my father handed me over to this unknown human, I began to doubt everything that I grew up to know.

If I am a vampire, then that must mean that my parents are still out there somewhere. But I don't know what their faces look like, or what their names are. Whenever a name was used, it would go quiet and I wouldn't be able to hear it. With their faces, they would be the only things to go blurry so that I wasn't able to make out either of the three faces standing and talking right in front of me. The only face that I can see, and the only name that I have been able to hear... was my own. "

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"I still don't know if any of what I saw during that weird moment was the truth, or if all of it was just some kind of sick lie. I'm still trying to process it all myself. But I also thought that I should tell someone about it. I just didn't know who. I didn't want to tell Ezra because he would just stress and worry about it. The same thing could be said for Jackson. So when you asked me what was on my mind I was relieved." I told Nico after I had finished explaining what had happened and what I had seen in the alley way before he and the others showed up.

"Well... shit.." Nico mumbled, dropping his head into his hands as if he was completely drained of all of his energy.

"What is it? What's wrong?" I asked him, worried.

"None of what you saw and experienced was a lie. It was all the truth, Alex." Nico told me as he slowly looked up, meeting me eye to eye.

Word count: 1,465

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