Chapter 20

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Room 4 is no longer the farthest house. After everyone arrived, Gao Yue, Wu He and Mu Keyi's family who lived in Room 2 were still halfway there.

Although the central square is called a square, it is not big.

A group of people stood in the middle, and with cameras placed around them, there was not much scope for movement. The residents of the island gathered around to watch, and they could only stand outside the square.

It took a long time for the family of three in Room 2 to reach the central square.

When choosing a room, Wu He, who was leaving the crowd, looked overjoyed, and his dislike for the other guests was almost written on his face.

Now standing in the central square with Mu Keyi, his face getting darker and darker, the little darkness in Li Mu's heart emerged again.

Although I can't say that I deserve it, I can say that I deserve it in my heart.

"I want to change my house." Wu He said bluntly.

Usually, Wu He always gets angry, and Gao Yue doesn't pay much attention to him. If Mu Keyi hadn't insisted, Gao Yue would have stopped teaming up with Wu He. Usually, the two of them have their own opinions.

But today, the house is probably very dissatisfied, and it is rare for the two of them to be on the same side.

As soon as Wu He spoke, Gao Yue shouted: "I second the motion!"

The other guests were afraid that the flames of war would burn them, so they pretended to be busy and looked around.

"There are no more houses left." Meng Rao announced the news ruthlessly.

Gao Yue said aggrievedly: "It's really too far! Do you know how long it takes the three of us to walk up there? 20 minutes! A whole 20 minutes!" I

didn't have a good lunch today, and I felt dizzy when I walked up to the house. .

When Li Xi saw Gao Yue pretending to wipe away tears, she thought he was really crying. She quickly and innocently said to Li Mu, "Papa, uncle lives in our house!"

The voice was very low, but Gao Yue heard it.

"Good baby." Gao Yue said, trying to take the cub from Li Mu's arms, but Li Mu sidestepped away.

Li Mu looked at the cub seriously and said, "Baby, uncle's house is bigger and more beautiful than ours. There is no need to live in our house."

Although he didn't really want to live in their house, Gao Yue still pretended. He looked at Li Mu angrily.

"Xiao Xi is good, Teacher Li is bad." Gao Yue said.

When she heard someone talking bad about her father, Li Xi quit, hugged Li Mu tightly and said to Gao Yue, "Papa is good, uncle is bad!"

This sentence made Gao Yue laugh.

When it comes to the house they live in, other guests also have something to say.

Si Weiyun, who lives in Room 1, expressed his worries: "Director Meng, it's really noisy around Room 1. We can't sleep at night."

Meng Rao saw the trick and said: "If you are tired during the day, you will fall asleep at night." Yes."

Chen Fan, Mei Yu and Luo Qingyan in Room 3 also had something to say.

Mei Yu said politely: "The house next to our house has been playing mahjong."

Luo Qingyan said innocently: "They are very noisy."

Chen Fan added: "They come over from time to time and invite us to join in."

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