Chapter 23

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"No. 3," Meng Rao paused and looked at the guests present, "Who is No. 3?"

Li Mu was already nervous, and his heart was already in his throat. Now Meng Rao has such a big circle, which makes Li Mu want to hit people.

Turning around, his eyes met Wu He's, both of them looked very unfriendly. After a silent "hum", the two of them turned their heads.

The atmosphere was almost heightened, and Meng Rao said: "The third place is our room 4 group."

After hearing this result, Li Mu reacted immediately and almost jumped up.

Although the reward is only vegetables, I got a basket of fish and shrimp this morning. These vegetables are like timely rain for Room 4.

Wu He's group, who came last, had nothing and followed the large group back with empty hands.

But Wu He retorted: "I live in the mountains, and I'm just too lazy to carry it."

"Come on." Li Mu subconsciously wanted to say something to him, but found that everyone was looking at him, and then realized that it was on camera. forward.

Wu He has always had no scruples, because his team will negotiate with him, and clips that are unfavorable to him will never be broadcast.

But Li Mu is just an amateur guest now, and he doesn't dare to talk nonsense.

Li Mu wanted to say that Wu He was a waste and was always pretentious, but he got a good script but didn't know how to use it.

After all, in the mission of their 4th team, the mission target they found would definitely be a blockbuster if they were photographed well.

When he returned home after holding back his words, Li Mu's face was still gloomy.

Lu Shijian came out wearing an apron. Seeing Li Mu's expression, he blinked and asked, "What's going on?" "

It's okay," Li Mu said, handing out the vegetables in his hand, "That's all.

" Without asking about the ranking, he raised his eyebrows and said: "It's just right, our family is just short of some vegetables."

Our family?

Li Mu was shocked by this statement, but he didn't dare to look up at Lu Shijian, so he quickly came to look behind Li Xi. Cubs draw.

When painting, Li Mu always felt that time passed quickly. Before the cub finished painting, Lu Shijian announced that it was dinner time.

After dinner, the program team didn't tell everyone that there were other activities tonight, so Li Mu took the cub to wash up.

When he came into the house, the hat that Lu Shijian took was hanging on the shelf. Li Mu was hesitant to return it to him now.

Logically speaking, it would be polite to wash it and return it to Lu Shijian. But the recording will end tomorrow, and I can't do it if I wash it now.

When Li Mu was struggling, the cub asked, "Papa, what's wrong?"

He couldn't hide the concern in his eyes, and Li Mu couldn't help but soften.

"Baby." Li Mu called the cub in front of him in a low voice and told him to return the hat.

They and Lu Shijian were going to part ways after the recording, so it would be better to have less ties now.

The cub listened quietly. After listening, he ran to Lu Shijian's room holding two hats.

Li Mu was leaning on the door listening to the conversation next door, and heard his cub purring and saying: "Lu Papa, here you go."

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