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"William George Bailey Jones" Miranda cooed to the newborn in her arms. She was so wrapped up in time with her son she hadn't noticed her interns gathered around her door.

"You think she's in a delusional state right now or something" Cristina asked

"She hasn't left the room" George sighed "I'm worried about her"

"Maybe we should give her space" Izzie looked at them

"You think she'll leave the program and we'll get a new resident permanently" Alex asked

"Is that all you care about" George asked.
Before Alex could respond Richard walked up and gave them all a look of disapproval.

"What are you all doing"

"Sir" They all turned to face him

"Give the woman some privacy" He crossed his arms

"We were worried sir" Meredith spoke up

"And take that worry away from here. You know she wouldn't want you all standing here"

"Yes sir" They all walked away. Richard walked over to Addison.

"Addie tell me something" Richard asked

"Richard. How much longer can we keep her here without calling in psych" Addie asked

"I am not calling a psychiatric evaluation on my favorite resident"

"Well Richard from an OBGYN standpoint she can be discharged"

"Addie" Richard looked at him

"Mom and baby are healthy. There's no reason to medically keep her here"

"If we call a psychiatric evaluation on her we could be jeopardizing her future in this hospital"

"By not calling it. You're jeopardizing her life"

"Addie please just go talk to her" He sighed

"And say what Richard. There is nothing I can say" She shook her head "I'm sorry but if you won't make the call I will"

"What call" Derek asked

"She's calling a pysch eval for Bailey"

"That's not a good idea. Has anyone tried talking to her" He asked looking towards her room

"She just talks about the baby. She doesn't mention Tucker and when she does. She just says he hasn't made it to the hospital"

"Let me" He entered her room

"Derek Shepherd" She greeted him

"Bailey. Baby is looking good" He smiled

"He is a cutie isn't he" She smiled

"What's his name again" He asked walked closer to her

"William after my father. George after O'malley Bailey Jones"

"That is so sweet. I heard O'malley helped you give brith" He nodded

"Yeah because Tucker isn't here. I wonder where he is"

"Bailey" He put his hand on hers and spoke gently "You know where Tucker is"

"No, I have been calling and he hasn't been answering" She shook her head

"Bailey" Shepard sighed "You know where Tucker is just say it"

"Get your hand off of me"

"Bailey" He urged "You know what happened to Tucker"

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