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Ben and Miranda stood in the parking lot after a long day's work, Miranda and Ben found a moment to catch up and unwind. The setting sun cast a warm glow over the surroundings, lending a sense of tranquility to the conversation.

"So, how was your day, Ben?" Miranda asked as she leaned against the car.

Ben let out a weary sigh "It was... eventful, to say the least. Work was busy as usual, and then there was Callie's baby shower."

Miranda nodded in understanding, recalling the lively atmosphere of the celebration. "Yeah, it was nice to take a break and celebrate with everyone. Callie mentioned how she sees us as 'goals'."

A smile tugged at the corners of Ben's lips at the mention of Callie's comment. "That's sweet of her. We certainly have our moments, don't we?"

Miranda chuckled "Definitely. But speaking of work, is everything okay? You seem a bit... off."

Ben hesitated for a moment, his expression growing serious. "Yeah, about that... I got banned from the pediatric floor and all of your surgeries by Arizona."

Miranda's brows furrowed in surprise. "What? Why?"

Ben explained the situation, recounting his conversation with Arizona earlier in the day frustration evident in his voice. "She thinks I've been hovering too much since the shooting. Thinks we're co-dependent or something. I was telling Callie about it. I didn't want to seem like I was bad-mouthing Arizona but I didn't see how she could do that"

Miranda's expression softened with understanding. "Well, maybe she has a point. You do spend a lot of time on my floor when you're not working and we're getting married so maybe we should ease off being in the OR together."

Ben sighed "I just don't like feeling like I'm being punished for caring about you."

"That sounds so familiar to me" She tapped her chin

"I know I already thought about it. Oh, I lifted his punishment this morning. You're right. He was trying to do the right thing and went about it the wrong way. Trust me I see the irony in our situations"

Miranda reached out to gently squeeze Ben's hand, a comforting gesture that conveyed her empathy and support. "I know it's frustrating, Ben. But it'll be okay"

He nodded " We always make it out on the other side okay"

"Exactly" She smiled

"Are you coming home, or are you staying late at work?" he asked

Miranda considered his question for a moment, weighing her options. "I think I'll come home," she replied with a small smile. "I've had enough for one day."

Ben nodded, relieved by her answer. "Good. I'll make dinner then," he said, a hint of warmth in his voice.

"Sounds perfect," she replied, leaning in to give him a quick kiss before she headed to her car.

As Ben and Miranda arrived home, they were greeted by the cheerful chatter of their children and the delicious aroma of a home-cooked meal wafting through the air. Ben's sister had picked up the kids from school and had taken the initiative to prepare dinner.

"Mommy, Dada Ben" Tuck hugged them

"MaMa RaRa, Daddy" Delilah hugged them

"Hi, my babies" Miranda greeted them warmly

"Were you two good for Auntie Ros?" Ben asked

"Yes, we helped make dinner" Delilah excitedly replied

"Fantastic" Ben smiled "You saved Daddy because now I don't have to do it"

"Hey, Sis" Miranda smiled, stepping into the bustling kitchen where Rosalind was putting the finishing touches on the meal.

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