Ep-8: y/n's first love ....♥️🥀✨

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After few minute of sharing my first kiss .he attached his forehead on mine ,breathing heavily we stayed stilled with closed eyes .

And breaking the silence he spoked.


Hmmm..I just hmm in response.

"I..LOVE..YOU Y/N"..

My mind was still proceeding what just happened now and i what I just did now.

Did I just kissed him......I thought.

Coming back to my sense, i slightly pushed him back and moved from there.

Sitting on couch I started to massage my forehead due to frustration.

What's wrong y/n..? He asked like nothing happened.

What's wrong with me ?Huh. First tell me what was wrong with you jungkook....spat out my angry .but honestly I wasn't that angry.

First you made me send back Nick to his home...and after stealing my first kiss .......you tell me what is wrong...

It was right that he stoled my first kiss .showering my anger on him I went to room locking the door behind me i throwed myself on bed.

What's is wrong with me ...".i should be mad at him but why it's total opposite? I wanted to punch and smash him hard but why does my heart doesn't agree with it.....
Yeah,this few days with him I got close to him but it doesn't means that I am in lo.....wait am i really in love ..
No way it can't be but what if i ended falling in love with....him..Huh....I'm confused .".

As i was busy in my own thought I felt weight on my waist .....it was him ...jungkook's hands were wraped around my waist and i froze at my spot not dare to move .

jungkook's hands were wraped around my waist and i froze at my spot not dare to move

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Y/n ....you ok..he spoked

Jungkook was right behind me on my bed..

Just leave me alone jungkook...

And what if i don't. Coming close to my ears he said in his deep voice.

Still angry with me??y/n . He made to me face him and asked which made me blush for some reason.

But jungkook why did you behaved like that it really confused me...and I'm still made at you cuz you stole my first kiss..trying my best not to blush I finally spoked up.

Well y/n even I don't know ....but seeing you with Nick was making me boil in anger and that brat was gonna propose you and ask you for date which I don't want it

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