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    You were gasping for air as your heart pounded. Your entire body was shaking, the room felt like it was spinning. Screaming was all you could hear. 

     What was happening to everything? What was happening to you? You couldn't answer that question to save your life.

     Were you dying? No...the great Y/n L/n couldn't die. You wouldn't let yourself die. What had ever happened, you surely wouldn't let yourself come to such a fate.

     "My, My, My...fresh meat." A feminine and elegant voice called out to you. It made you want to run to the voice and just hug it until it popped. It reminded you of a nice warm feeling. A feeling that you couldn't quite trace.

      So, with what little strength you had left, you took a glance at who was speaking to you. And, you were immediately scared shitless. This woman, this thing, was surely not human. So just what was it?

      Your pathetic appearance seemed to earn a laugh from the mysterious demonic looking woman. "Hm, you look like you just fell, my dear. Hm. I suppose I have just the place for you."

     Tears were in your eyes, and you could barely get a look at her face, but you could see her smiling. She offered her hand to you. Which you shakily took.

     And with a gentle tug, you were on your feet once more. You were starting to regain what little strength you had, and your vision was starting to become more and more clear. 

      "There, there, there. You're safe now, darling. I can promise you, you can trust me." She said. And that's when you got a clear look at her. She looked so demonic. She didn't have eyes, they were just black holes where her eyes should've been.

     Her hat was elegant, and her outfit reminded you of the 20th century. Perhaps the nineteen twenties. Either way, she looked gorgeous.

     She seemed to notice that you were looking at her. "Hm, like what you see, darling?" 

     Your face immediately reddened, "Sorry...." Even your voice sounded scratchy, almost...glitchy?

      "Well, before we continue, I must introduce myself. My name is Rosie, and yours, darling?" She tilted her head to the side and grinned, showing off all of her sharp teeth that looked like they could stab through flesh.

      "Heh...My name...My name is Y/n...I think." She rose a brow and looked at you questioningly. 

      "You think?" You nodded. 

       "U-Um...where...where are we exactly?" You asked and then looked around. Noticing how there were many other demons that looked similar to Rosie. Sharp teeth, nineteen twenties looking clothing, and...blood.

      She giggled a little, "Why my dear, we're in Cannibal Town! The most jolly place in hell!" 

    Your eyes widened, "Hell? I'm in hell?!" 

      "Yup!" She booped your nose and gently grabbed ahold of your hand. "Now, let's get you settled in, yes?" She smiled and gave your hand a gentle squeeze before walking with you towards her home.


    It's been awhile since you first fell down into Hell. But you had gotten accustomed to it quite well. You didn't go out into the world often, but when you did, you always had Rosie with you.

     After all, she knows Hell like the back of her hand. She's an Overlord after all. Speaking of which, in such a short amount of time, you've also become an Overlord as well!

    At first, Rosie tried to strip you of that title, in her words, 'It was much too dangerous for a newbie like you to start taking in roles that were not your speed,' But you were determined to prove her wrong.

     And you did, much to Rosie's displeasure. 

    But now, you were getting ready to go on your daily outing. You swiftly put on your puffy jacket and tied your hair up into a pony tail and let out a sigh of content.

     "Y/n, Darling! Will you come into the kitchen for a moment, dear?" Rosie called out from, you guessed it, the kitchen.

      There was a small smile on your face as you walked to that part of the mansion. "Yes?" You asked and looked towards her, curiosity lacing in your expression.

      Rosie looked at you for a moment, giving you an adoring expression. "Aw! You look so cute in my jacket!" You froze, was this her jacket?

      "Ack, I'm sorry, I didn't know." You moved to take the jacket off and put it back, but Rosie stopped you. "No, no, no, darling. Please, keep it."

      A grin tugged at your lips and you hesitantly nodded. "Of course, anyways...um, did you need something?" You quietly asked.

     With a quick snap of her fingers, Rosie handed you a sheet of paper. You tilted your head to the side and read it. It was a list of items. 

     "I saw that you were going out, and I was hoping that you could pick up a few items." She smiled at you.

      "Of course! You've already done so much for me, It's the least I can do. Anyways, I shall see you later, Rosie." You waved her goodbye, and left the home. Heading off to the direction of where you needed to go.

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