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    "Y/n!" A child's giggle could be heard as you walked outside. You laughed a little as you felt your little sibling cling onto your leg. You smiled and  pat their head.

    The year was nineteen thirty nine, and countries around the world were still recovering from the stock market crash, and were starting to become at war with each other.

    "Darlin', I'm gonna need ya to let go now. I need to head to work." You were a voice actor for one of the most famous cartoon characters of all time. Though recently, it's become more sexual than anything.

     Your boss...he had been asking you to do some extra items that weren't included in the job description. If you know what I mean.

     You seriously didn't want to go to work, as working wasn't the best thing you could've been doing.

     The sibling whined in annoyance and pouted, "but Y/n! Why won't you ever take me to your job?" They asked. 

     You had never taken them to your job for a very special and certain reason. Your boss and coworkers...they didn't take lightly to innocence, and would try to ruin it as much as they could the second they see anything remotely innocent.

    Your sibling pouted again. "You know it's for your own safety." You reminded them gently, your hand on their shoulder.

    "I know..."


     You entered the studio, already feeling drained  when you clocked in.

     "Ay! Y/n, get your bitch-ass in here!" You heard your boss hiss. You sighed and went into the recording room, and started doing your job.

     It had been a few hours since then. Your boss would bitch and moan about the quality, and make you redo the same thing a thousand times over. You were getting tired, and so you begged your boss to give you your government mandated break.

    You were breathing heavily and downing and chugging water from your water bottle.

    "Y/N!" You jumped and you heard your younger sibling scream out in joy and clung onto your waist. Your eyes widened in fear.

    "Y/n...? Who's that?" You froze in terror as you heard your boss in the doorframe. You quickly stood up and shielded your younger sibling behind you.

     "U-Um...um n-no one!" You stuttered in fear. Keeping your sibling hidden, you grasped their arm tightly to prevent them from doing anything remotely stupid.

     "Aw, don't lie, darling! Who is that?" Your boss hissed, his freakishly tall structure towered over you. You couldn't lie, you were extremely intimidated.

     When your guard was off, your boss grabbed your little sibling and held them up high. "Awww! They're so adorable! Are you bringing me fresh meat?" Your boss clicked his tongue. 

     Your boss started to drag them away. You knew full well what would happen if you let him take your sibling. They would grow up just like you. 

    Full of sin.

    You stood up and pushed your boss away from your sibling, took their arm again, and ran.

    "And for the record, I quit!" You shouted at the top of your lungs towards him, not bothering about all the stuff that you had left behind. You had more important things to worry about.

     Like making sure that you and your sibling made it home safe and sound. Which would prove to be difficult when you had an angry but an extremely powerful person (with a ton of influence) after you.

     Your boss had always threatened you with the consequences of what could and would happen if you were to quit. 

    Section A: having your guts pumped with lead to make you look like you have Swiss cheese for a stomach, rather than an actual body.

   Section B: Losing your entire bank account, and with a bounty so high that you wouldn't be able to so much as stick your nose out of your front door.

   Section C: Your only family gets slaughtered in front of your own eyes.

    They weren't the best. 

    And to think, all of this over some actor that could be easily replaced. So why go through all of the trouble to just keep you in the studio with your boss?

     Gunshots could be heard behind you, and that was when you were really starting to think you screwed yourself over. 

    No matter! I'll just have to take the long route home. Go around back, possibly. You thought quietly to yourself and continued onwards. You were going to lose your life to your boss.

     You hadn't bothered to run to your car, as it would take too much time, and time wasn't something that you could eagerly give out right now.

     You had made it to an intersection with oncoming traffic. You pushed your sibling harshly to the other end quickly and were almost there to join them until...


    Your body had come into contact with something hard and moving.


    You gasped for air as you fell down, down, down. Your back hit the hard ground. You felt as dizzy as ever. Your heart pounded as your eyes slowly opened.

    The sight that greeted you wasn't welcoming, but rather terrifying.

   "Oh, you sweet poor thing!" A charming and feminine voice exclaimed and greeted you. She gently cupped your bloodied face with a warm smile.

    "Let's get you in more comfortable attire, yes?" She grinned and helped you stand up.

    "...w-who are you?" Your own voice surprised you. It sounded like a cartoon character in the late nineteen thirties! Very technological.

    "My name is Rosie, my darling."

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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