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     "Y/n, Darling!" Rosie engulfed you into a tight and warm embrace. "My, I wasn't expecting to see you in such an unnecessarily bloody battle!" You gently patted her back.

     "It's quite flattering to see you so worried over me. But I applaud you, my dear Rosie." You gave her a small peck on the cheek. You gave her one last squeeze and then let go of her.

     You sighed a little and walked into the shared mansion between the two of you. It was rather grand, wasn't it? 

    The demonic flowers were in bloom and freshly trimmed, "My, what inspired you to make everything fancy?" You asked with a playful smile on your face.

     Her sharp teeth were once reminded to you as she smiled at you. "No reason, no reason at all, Darling. Now, there's someone that I would really love for you to meet." She smiled a little, before taking a step to the left, revealing that there was someone in fact, standing behind her.

     With a small tilt to the head and a quick charming smile, you realized that a demon Overlord that you looked up to quite a lot was standing right in front of you.

    "By golly! I was most certainly not expecting to meet one of my idols today, especially right after a battle. My most sincerest apologies my good sir, If I had known, I'm sure I would be much more presentable." You couldn't stop the huge grin that stuck to your face as you stared at him.

     The Radio Demon's smile (somehow) grew even more. "It is quite alright, my dear. You are quite well mannered." His voice was just as radio-like as it could get. So the rumors were true, hm?

     A demonic smirk tugged at your lips as you nod, "Why thank you, dear. I'm sure Rosie has introduced me, but if not, my name is Y/n. And yours, my dear Radio Demon?" Your eyes narrowed a little, the grin seemed a little less genuine now.

     "Alastor, pleasure to be meeting you, quite the pleasure!" He took your hand and shook it.

     Rosie coughed a little, to signal that she was still there, "Now, it would be quite rude of us if we didn't offer you anything. So, would you like anything at this current point in time?"

      Alastor glanced at Rosie, "Thank you for the offer, my darling Rosie! But I think I'm quite alright." He then glanced back at you. "I believe this new meeting is the start of some real entertainment!" His grin revealed his sharp teeth.

      "And, my new friend, couldn't think of anything more correct."


     It was a couple months later, and You, Rosie, and Alastor were now plopped in front of a T.V. Just watching the news. The Extermination was now six months away and ever since you and Alastor had met, you two were closer than two peas in a pod.

    Much to Rosie's displeasure.

   Currently her arm was slung around your shoulder, pulling you close to her as she smiled menacingly at the T.V, watching as Katie Killjoy made herself known in a quite unflattering way.

    Charlie Morningstar followed suit. "Welcome back!" Right on que, she snaps her neck. "So, Charlotte-"

    "It's Charlie..." She smiled nervously.

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