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    Your eye twitched in annoyance as you waited in the quiet room. This was getting old, even for you. 

     But you couldn't help yourself! It was either be early and wait for the rest of the Overlords to pour in, or be late and have the embarrassment of sitting where you didn't want to sit. Not to mention, having everyone's eyes on you.

     That would be quite unfortunate.

     "Y/n, the meeting doesn't start for the next thirty minutes." The door creaked open, to reveal Carmilla Carmine standing in the door frame. You sent her a sharp smile, revealing your sharp teeth.

     "Ah! Carmilla, darling. You know me, It's either be late, or be bright and early!" You held your head up via your hands resting on your chin.

     Carmilla's expression remained neutral. "Hm." That was her only response as she stalked into the room, and to the front of the table.

     Your smile dimmed, you didn't appreciate when people weren't as chatty as you wanted them to be. It felt isolating.

     You didn't like to be isolated.



    "Y/n, darling! It's been forever, how have you been? Has that ratty hotel been treating you alright?" You were engulfed into a weird and tight hug only by Rosie herself. 

      You chuckled and you lightly patted her on the back, "absolutely wonderful, my dear! I couldn't be happier there, it's truly a wonderful bit. It would be far more wonderful if you were there."

      Rosie giggled, "aw! You're such a charmer! But I think we both know redemption isn't my style. Nor is it yours, I seriously don't understand why you even bother with such a lousy place to begin with."

     The smile on your face widened. "I think we both know why."

    With that, Rosie walked to her seat next to you, joined by Alastor who seemingly joined in out of nowhere. It wasn't a surprise at all, since he usually sneaks up on you as well. It was always a habit that he made of himself.

     "Welcome, Hell's Overlords, I have invited you all here since you represent the controlling powers of our city. With the new extermination schedule, we need to discuss what we can do to minimize the impact to our interest." Carmilla began.

     But she had cut herself off when she realized a face that she hadn't quite seen in a while had entered, "Alastor?" She wondered aloud.

     "Yes, I know! I've been absent for some time, and I'm sure you've all been wondering!" Alastor chirped cheerfully.

      "Not really." 

       Alastor's eye twitched.


     The door slammed wide open, and someone you didn't really want to see quite yet, was just standing and mosing her way into the room, she sat at a spot near the door.

     "Nice of you to join us Velvette." Carmilla's eyes narrowed. She cleared her throat, "will your...colleagues, be joining us?" 

     You seriously hoped not.

     "No! They have better shit to be do than to listen to an old windbag who thinks she's tough shit." Velvette chuckled. "I'm here to represent." 

     Carmilla Carmine's eyes narrowed as she heaved out a sigh, this meeting wasn't going to go well.

     Velvette then noticed that you were sitting inbetween Alastor and Rosie. "Y/n, love, how've you been? You haven't answered my texts!" She mockingly pouted.

      "Velvette, dear, you know that I don't mess around with that silly picture box non-sense." Alastor's smile widened quite a bit. You were truly taking after him, and he loved it.

      She rolled her eyes, "You remember our promise?" She hissed.

      You kept your poker face on, just right as you nodded, "I do." 

     Velvette smiled. "Good."

     Carmilla cleared her throat, "Now, as I was sayi-"

     Velvette's hand shot up, "yes...?" Carmilla sighed a clearly annoyed and irritated smile.

     "On the subject of discussion...!" She threw a decapitated angel head onto the table. Your smile widened as you looked at it in hunger. 

     Despite the extermination happening quite recently, you could never find yourself passing up a dead angel for consumption. They were rather filling after all.

     The feeling of being a hungry animal, willing to do anything for food was such a powerful emotion. It provides the will to do anything without consequence. It gives one a reason to cause an unnecessary amount of violence.

      Carmilla's eyes widened, "Where did you get that?" She demanded. 

      "We found it during extermination day." Velvette smiled and stood up from her seat. "If these holy rollers can be killed, the game has changed." Her smile turned sinister. 

      She then stood a top the table, "we can take the fight to them." 

     Zestial's many eyes narrowed, "we not know how this one perished. If we rush to war without knowing mightened, they will purge all of hell for getting an uprising." He hissed and slammed his hand down on to the table, wanting his point to be proven.

     The Overlords turned to each other and gossiped, agreeing with what Zestial had said. Velvette only rolled her eyes.

     "Oh! I get it. So grandpa is too pussy to fight, so I guess there's just no point! Hm? Is that it?" She mocked.

     Zestial's eyes narrowed.

     Velvette saw how she was making him mad. "Aw, what's the matter fossil? To senile to make a power grab?" She mocked, Carmilla had enough.

     She slammed her hand down and started arguing with Velvette.

     And before you knew it, Carmilla shouted that the meeting was over. You tilted your head to the side and crossed your arms. 

    Aw, darn. It was just getting good too! 

    "That was a productive meeting!" Alastor broke the silence as the rest of the overlords started leaving. You were one of them.

     "Y/n, dear! Before you go!" Rosie stalked her way towards you. 

      You smiled at her, "Aw, yes. Of course, Miss Darling Rosie."

      Rosie's once cheery smile was no longer cheerful. "Please, visit me sometime. Please take care of yourself." 

      You smiled once more, though it wasn't menacing or sinister like what you did during the meeting. "Of course, my dear. Only for you."

     Rosie grinned and engulfed you into a tight hug once more. 

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