Chapter 1

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It was somewhere in the middle of June when they met.Alex was reading by the water fountain in the middle of his college.He was so immersed in his novel that he forgot about the world around him.That is until he heard a voice.

"O God,....."

It was the loveliest voice he had ever heard.And it snapped him right out of his mind.

"....I should be bounded in a nutshell and count myself a king of infinite space,...."

Those words.He recognize those words from Hamlet.It is one of his favourite quotes.And to hear it being recited by such a melodious voice,Alex felt like butterflies.He immediately stood up and began walking around the fountain.He just had to find the owner of the voice.

"....were it not that I have ba–"

"bad dreams",Alex completed now looking at who he'd describe as the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.And she stared back at him.

She had long wavy black hair that falls gracefully on her shoulders.Lovely baby blue eyes that held so much life and warmth yet something captivating.And her lips,full and faded pink in colour.Made him just want to kiss her right there and then.

Alex found everything about the girl so breathtaking he couldn't bring himself to look away.It was as if time stopped moving as he found himself lost in her beauty.


He heard the girl's voice again snapping him out of his trance.

"You zoned out.Are you ohk?",she questioned.

"Yeah.Uh.....I'm Alex.I heard you and just had to see the face behind the lovely read Hamlet?",Alex questioned with a smile even though he was slightly nervous.

It had been a while since he spoke to a girl.And despite being good looking himself,Alex felt the girl before him was out of his league.

"Of course.It's a classic.One my favourites",the girl smiled.

Hearing her say that Alex felt as if he had been hit by Cupid's arrow.

"It's my favourite too",he said now staring at her like a lovesick puppy.

"Really?",she raised a brow in disbelief.Far too many times boys had pretended to like the things she liked just to get her to go out with them.And she wasn't one to be tricked so easily.

"Yeah.It portrays how Hamlet struggles to control his own thoughts.I can relate to that at times",Alex explained and the girl flashed him a genuine smile."It's like you can't stop thinking about something.Like you–"

"–You're outside looking in.I get it",she completed still smiling.Just then the girls phone rang and she looked at it briefly before standing up.She was getting ready to leave.

"Nice meeting you but I have to get to class.See you around,Alex",she smiled walking pass Alex who was beaming with joy over the fact that she remembered his name.

But that's when he also realized he didn't know her name.

"Wait!!",he immediately called out to her turning around and she stopped to look back him."You didn't tell me your name",he said.

"Prudence",she replied simply before rushing off as Alex repeated the name to himself in a daze.

The rest of the day Alex tried to find Prudence but he couldn't.He didn't have any friends to ask about her and he couldn't really find her on social media with just her first name.He didn't even have her number to begin with.

Alex was saddened that he couldn't find Prudence but the memory of the brief interaction with her was on repeat in his mind.That night he went to sleep with a huge smile plastered on his handsome face.And unknown to him, Prudence was thinking about him too.

The next day Alex went to the fountain again around the same time he met Prudence hoping to see her again.And get her phone number this time around.

He waited for hours but she never showed up.That however didn't stop him from going back there again and again for two whole weeks.He didn't see her again but he didn't give up.Then one faithful Thursday,when he went back to the fountain,he found her sitting in the same spot.

"Hey",he smiled walking up to her."You probably don't remember me.It's–"

"The guy who read Hamlet.Alex",she cut him off with a smile."I remember you"

Alex's heart immediately fluttered.

"I haven't seen you again for a while.Thought you were avoiding me",he confessed sounding a little hurt as he sat next to her.

"Actually I had to make a quick trip back home", Prudence explained with a smile.

"I hope everything is ohk"

"Yeah.Just a family thing"


"So,what have you been up to?"

"Besides coming here everyday to wait for you? Nothing much",Alex said and Prudence let out a chuckle.

"You came here everyday to see me?",she asked.



"Why not?",Alex questioned and Prudence found herself at a lost of words."If I get a glimpse at your beauty then even if I have to wait for decades,it is worth it"

"You're just being nice.I bet you didn't even come here like you claim", Prudence said trying to sound like she didn't believe Alex.Even though for some reason,she did.

She had heard alot of pick-up lines from guys over the years.But none sounded as genuine as Alex's words.

"Everything I said is true",Alex argued.

"Why should I believe you?", Prudence challenged.

"You have no reason to.But you also have no reason not to",Alex cleverly said making Prudence smile."How about you go on a date with me?This Saturday.And I'll show you how I feel about you"

"You want to take me on a date?We literally just met"

"Hence the date.How else can we get to know each other?",Alex cheekily questioned.

"Well played", Prudence smiled and he smirked.

"So,can I have your number now?So I can text you the time and place for out date",Alex smiled innocently as if he wasn't overjoyed by the turn of events.

Not only was he about to get Prudence's number but he was taking her out on a date.He felt the day just couldn't get any better.

After Alex and Prudence exchange phone numbers,they went to their separate classes and the day soon went by in a blur.

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