Chapter 10

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The day of Prudence's court hearing soon arrived after Alex's funeral and all parties were present.The judge soon arrived and asked both lawyers to make their opening statements.Afterwards the legal war between Louisa and Prudence fought by their respective lawyers,began.

"Your honour,when my client Miss Louisa Tillman came to me with this case I wasn't very convinced.Just like everyone else,I thought the late,Mr Alex Reign had simply committed suicide as the reports said.But then I began thinking.Why would a man with no apparent life struggles l, suddenly decide to take his own life the day after his wife returned from a business trip?", Jackson began spiking the interest of the judge and the jury.

"It seemed a little suspicious to me,so I did a little digging.And what I discovered is rather shocking",he added briefly glancing at Prudence with a smirk."Your honour, I'll like to call Miss Tillman to the stand"

"Do you swear to speak only the truth and nothing but the truth?",one of the court officers asked Louisa as she placed one hand on a Bible while raising the other.

"I do",she replied before taking her seat as Jackson approached the witness box to start with his question.

"Miss Tillman,I understand you're Mrs Reign's childhood bestfriend, correct?", Jackson asked.


"And is it also true that you and Mr Reign had an affair before he died?"

"Yes", Louisa replied sending a mocking smirk at Prudence who sat beside Daniel with a blank expression.

"And do you believe Mrs Reign knew about this or even suspected it before her husband died?"

"Yes.She walked in on Alex and I in a compromising position the day she returned from her business trip"

"And is that the same day after which Mr Reign was discovered dead?"


"No further questions,your honour ",Jackson said returning to his seat.

"Mr. Andrews?Would you like to cross examine the witness?",the judge asked Daniel as he stood up.

"Yes,your honour",he replied before walking to the witness box.

"Miss Tillman, you admitted to the court to having an affair with the late Mr Alex,correct?",he asked.

"Yes", Louisa replied.

"And when exactly did this affair start?"

"The day Prudence left for her business trip"

"I see.And you claim Mrs Reign caught you and her husband in a comprising position which would give her motive to carry out his murder.Correct?"


"Miss Tillman,are you very religious?Do you believe in miracles?"

"Objection, your honour.Mr. Andrews' question is irrelevant to the case", Jackson interrupted before Louisa could interrupt.

"Objection sustained",the judge simply said.

"Pardon me",Daniel immediately apologized in a professional way before he continued to question Louisa."Miss Tillman,you and everyone working with my client is well aware of the fact that she was involved in an accident earlier this year,am I correct?"

"Yes",she replied.

"And you're also aware of the fact that the accident claimed her sight?"


"So miss Tillman,you would have this court believe that my client caught you in a very compromising position with her late husband despite the fact that she's excuse me to say,blind?"

"No, She's–"

"Your honour, I've submitted to the court my client's medical report after the accident which clearly states that she has in fact lost her sight", Daniel said cutting Louisa off as he began walking back to his seat.

"But I–"

"Your honour,I call doctor Stevenson to the stand", Jackson quickly cut in sending Louisa a pointed stare that made her walk back to her seat in silence.

"Dr. Stevenson,is it true you were the doctor who treated Mrs Reign on the day of her accident?", Jackson asked the middle aged man after he was sworn in.

"Yes.I was on duty that day",he replied.

"And according to the report,you diagnosed her with amaurosis fugax , correct?"


"Doctor,please explain to the court what exactly amaurosis fugax means"

"Well,amaurosis fugax,or commonly known as temporary blindness is caused by lack of blood flow to the retina"

"So you're saying,Mrs Reign is only temporarily blind?And her sight can in fact return?"


"Your honour,this goes to prove that Mrs Reign's blindness is not permanent,and her sight could have returned the day she walked in on my client and her late husband,in a compromising position.And she is just pretending to still be blind to mislead everyone", Jackson explained."No further questions, your honour "

"Mr. Andrews?",the judge asked.

"I'll like to cross examine the witness, your honour",said Daniel.


"Dr. Stevenson,you explained that my client's blinders is only temporary correct?", Daniel asked the doctor.

"Yes",Dr. Stevenson replied.

"Is there a specific time period for her sight to return?"


"Has there ever been a case where a patient with amaurosis fugax sight never returned?"


"Your honour, according to Dr. Stevenson,there isn't a specific period for my client's sight to return and there is a chance it never will.So with that said,it is in fact possible that my client's sight has not returned as claimed by the prosecution", Daniel explained."No further questions, your honour"

"The court is adjourned.Resit in the next two days",the judge declared as he got up to leave.

The jury soon followed along with everyone else present in the courtroom.

"We can't let that bitch win this case, Jackson", Louisa frowned as she and Jackson walk out of the courtroom.

"Her lawyer is good but don't worry, I'm not bad either.I still have a couple Aces up my sleeve", Jackson smirked.

And just then Daniel, Prudence and Ada walked out of the court house heading towards Prudence's car which the driver she hired recently just drove over.Louisa glared at Prudence from the side as she descended the stairs and entered the car with Ada's help.

"Help me crush that bitch,Jack.Help me crush her", Louisa said with a tone laced with venom as Prudence's car began moving away.

Jackson simply smirked in response just as Daniel who didn't Prudence in her car like Ada,turned in their direction.He and Jackson locked eyes for a moment which was enough to wipe Jackson's smirk off his face,before he walked away to hail a cap.


Ohk so I'm not really familiar with the terms used in a courtroom or how real court proceedings go and I'm too lazy to do some research so bare with me😂😂

Prudence is still called Mrs Reign because she decided not to change her name.

And yeah,I know originally, Jackson was a private detective but I decided to change it up and just make him a lawyer.


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