Chapter 6

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The next day when Alex woke up,he was completely horrified to find himself not only naked on the living room floor.But entangled with an equally naked Louisa.It didn't take a genius to understand what happened and in that moment of realisation,Alex experienced a series of emotions.

Horror,guilt,shame, stupidity and finally,rage.

He knew there was no way he'd have had sex with someone just because he was drunk.He had gotten drunk many times at college and though some memories of that state are hazy,he knew he was a weeper.He'd end up having a breakdown whenever he was drunk and would wake up with red puffy eyes from crying so much.

So how could he have done this?And his body heating up?The sudden arousal?No, something must have been in the drink and he didn't need to guess who put it there.But what he didn't understand was why?She was his wife's bestfriend.

Alex immediately got up and got dressed quickly before walking to the kitchen to fetch a glass of water.He returned to the living room and poured the water on Louisa,waking her up with a scream.

She looked up at him in shock and confusion as he glared down at her.If he didn't have the policy of not hitting woman,he would have beaten her up by now.

"What did you do?",Alex questioned.

"What do you mean?", Louisa played dumb.

"You know exactly what I mean.Why did you do it?Tell me!",Alex demanded angrily and Louisa frowned.

This was not the reaction she was expecting from him at all.She expected him to be all sad with guilt then she could make him feel even more guilty by pretending to punish herself for their action.She'd even offer to tell Prudence who'd definitely get angry and might even divorce Alex.

Then she might finally have him by playing the innocent woman.She might even fake a pregnancy just make sure he married her.The plan was brilliant when she came up with it but now things aren't exactly going as planned.She didn't even know how he figured out she spiked the drink.

"I don't understand what you're saying Alex.You and I were very intoxicated last night.We did something we shouldn't have", Louisa said as she began to put on her clothes while trying to sound pained."I don't know how I'm ever going to face Prudence again.So I don't think this is the right time for games"

"I'm not playing, Louisa!!",Alex yelled grabbing the now dressed Louisa's arm tightly,making her wince in pain."I know you spiked the drink.I never have drunken sex.I'm a weeper.Why did you do this?Why?"

"Let go.You're hurting me", Louisa struggled trying to free her arm from Alex's hols but he was much more stronger than her.

"Tell me why you this",Alex demanded again and Louisa finally realised she had to approach this a different way.If she can't seduce him then she'll have him by force.

"I did it for you",she said looking him in the eye and he frowned."I did because I love you.Because I want you"

Alex immediately let go of Louisa's arm on hearing this and took a few steps back look at her like she was crazy.And he indeed thought she was.

"You love me.You want me.I am a married man.Hell,I'm married to your fucking bestfriend!!",Alex yelled in anger.

"She's not my bestfriend!!", Louisa yelled back in equal anger.If not more.,"Prudence is not my bestfriend and she'll never be.For years I've lived in her shadow.She always had and has everything but me?What do I get? Nothing.Why do I have to get the shorter end of the stick?Why can't I have my happily ever after?"

"Your life problems have nothing to do with Prudence.You're probably suffering from an inferiority complex.You need help"

"No.I need you and you're going to be mine.My lover", Louisa smiled.

"Why would I do that?I want nothing to do with you.Last night could be classified as tape since you drugged me.It will never happen again",Alex firmly replied.

He didn't even want to see her again.He planned on telling Prudence the entire thing ones she returns and beg for forgiveness.Then he'd find a way to deal with Louisa.

"Oh but it will.You see,I had a few cameras installed around on my visits here so what we did last night,I have it recorded back at my apartment.So if you don't want me to release it online and humiliate not just you but Prudence infront of the world,I suggest you do exactly what I say",she flashed a huge Cheshire grin.

"You're evil",Alex breathed.

"Everything is fair in love and war",she chuckled.

"You don't love me.You're just using me to hurt Prudence"

"That's not entirely true darling.I do love you and with me using you,at least you get to have sex with a sexy woman who isn't blind.So it's not all that bad now is it?", Louisa but her lip seductively but Alex just glared at her.

"Yes,it is",he responded before walking pass her."Get out"

"I'll be back my love", Louisa chuckled as she left the house and returned to her apartment.

She was overexcited that even though her plan didn't turn out like how she had hoped,she became his lover.And the night before, although it's a little hazy,she had no doubt,was a dream come true.She felt pure bliss like never before.Which irritated her knowing Prudence had been enjoying such pleasures while she couldn't find anyone to satisfy her fully.

But she comforted herself thinking of the days to come.She would experience not just that pleasure of sex with Alex but much more.So much more.

And she didn't care if he was willing or not.She was done waiting.She was done watching Prudence have it all from the sidelines.She wanted this and she'll take it.It was her time to shine.

And she wouldn't be leaving the spotlight ever again.No,she planned to make Alex her husband and have Prudence's life as hers.And she would go to any length to make sure it happens just like that.The details,she didn't care for but the result, she'd cherish more than jewelry.

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