Chapter 4

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"Where do you work,Lou?", Prudence questioned.

"For you actually", Louisa smiled suppressing her true emotions.

"For me?", Prudence questioned in confusion but then realisation quickly dawned on her.Her company had a branch in town."You work at the office division here?As what?How come I didn't know?", Prudence questioned herself at the last part.

"I'm the secretary for the manager.And I'm sure you didn't know cause as the CEO you have more important things to take care of", Louisa replied hiding the bitterness in her voice.

"Nonsense!I should know all my employees.I'm promoting you to assistant manager right now", Prudence said bringing out her phone.And seeing it Louisa's jealousy increased because she knew it was the latest of it's brand.

"I don't think that's fair.Ypu can't just promote me because I'm your friend.Let me prove myself to you first", Louisa smiled declining the offer even though she despised her job even more now.

"That's such an admirable thing to say",Alex smiled at Louisa and she immediately beamed with joy.

Initially she just wanted to come off as a good person to Prudence but who knew her act would make Alex notice her?She felt butterflies in her stomach.

"Indeed.Well, let's talk about something else", Prudence said and everyone simply hummed in agreement.

The rest of the dinner went by smoothly.Louisa learned how Prudence and Alex met,a few of his interests and in her happy bubble, Prudence literally told her how to win Alex's heart.

But Louisa wasn't the only one who learned something.The couple a little more about her too.Like the fact that she lived alone,had no boyfriend and her mother was currently in a nursing home.

That night everyone went to bed with new information.They were all totally glad they had the dinner but for different reasons.

Few weeks passed and within this time, Louisa spent alot more time with the couple.And in doing so,she got a little closer to Alex.So much so she even convinced him to suggest he and Prudence make their stay in the town permanent.

She needed them to stay in order for the plan she cooked up to work.She wanted to slowly get close to them so much that they each trust her blindly.Then she'll slowly find a way to divide the two then have Alex all to herself.All she needed was a chance to put her plan into action.

And that chance came one night when Prudence was involved in a violent car crush on her way home from an important business meeting.She was taken to the hospital and Alex was called.He quickly rushed there in panic and by the time he arrived,the doctor was waiting with bad news.

"Mrs Reign suffered alot of injuries in the accident and one might result in amaurosis fugax",the doctor said to Alex.

"Wha...what does that mean?",Alex asked.

"It means due to lack of blood flow to the retina, your wife might be temporarily blind",the doctor explained.

"B-Blind?No.This can't be.There must be some sort of mistake.Run some tests"

"Sir,I assure you that I've run every test and the results all came back the same.But I assure you that her blindness is on–"

"Then run some more.Prudence can't be blind.No",Alex cried out in tears rushing out of the doctors office towards where Prudence was being kept.

He paused ones he got in seeing her waving her hands about calling out to him with her eyes bandaged.

"I'm here, I'm here",he said rushing to her side.He took her hand in his.

"Alex? What's going on?What happened?Why is there a bandage over my eyes?",she questioned and Alex nearly broke down in tears.

He opened his mouth tell her what happened but he just couldn't bring himself to do it.

"You were involved in an accident but you'll be fine in a few days ohk.There's no need to worry",he said instead forcing himself to stay strong for her sake.

"Ohk.And the ban–"

"Rest now.I want you to come home as soon as possible so you need to rest"


"I'll go bring you some clothes.I'll be back soon",he kissed the top of her head and rushed out before she could say anything.

Outside,he crushed down to the floor in tears.He couldn't believe his beloved was now blind.He just couldn't believe it.

And while Alex was crying in agony, Louisa arrived at the hospital and quickly rushed to his side on spotting him.She squatted beside him looking at him with fake worry on her face.

"Alex.What happened?Why are you crying on the floor like this?",she asked secretly hoping his state ment Prudence was dead.

"She's blind, Louisa.My wife is now blind",he cried.

"Oh God", Louisa pretended to be pained while cursing in displeasure inside.She wanted Prudence dead.

"This is not fair",Alex cried some more and Louisa took that opportunity to wrap her arms around him in a hug.

Alex clinged to for support thinking she was giving him some comfort but in reality, Louisa was relishing in the pleasure of giving his body against hers.She smirked now seeing a silver lining in Prudence's blindness.Because it might just be the chance she had been waiting for.

"Let's get you home", Louisa said getting up and helping Alex to his feet.

They let the hospital together and as Louisa drove Alex home in his car,she could picture their life together.With Prudence blind, she'd be able to openly flirt with Alex even if she was in the room.

And she was sure Alex would soon get sick of having to take care of her.He'd grow tired of her and she'd be there to make sure he turns to her for comfort.And slowly she'd find her way into his heart.

Then she'd convince him to make Prudence sign over her company to him,make him divorce her and marry her.Then she'd finally get her happily ever after.Beating Prudence, getting a handsome husband and swimming in riches.

"Thank you",Alex said briefly as he walked up to his doorstep when they arrived at the lake house.

"Oh it's nothing.And I'm sure Prudence will pull through this.Everything is going to be fine", Louisa encouraged giving Alex a soft smile and he hummed in response before inviting Louisa in while he called her a taxi.

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