Chapter 11

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The day for the next court hearing soon arrived and everyone was seated.The court cleck read the proceedings of the previous court hearing and soon after the proceedings began.Jackson was the starter again and he called Prudence to the stand.

She was helped to the witness box by one of the police officers present in the courtroom before she was sworn in.Jackson then stood up and walked towards the witness box to question Prudence but his style of walking had clearly showed some discomfort despite his efforts to hide it.

"Mr. Croft,are you alright ?",the judge asked Jackson in reference to his new funny way of walking.

"I'm fine your honour,thanks for asking.Just slept on the wrong side of the bed", Jackson chuckled brushing off any slight concern for him anyone might have.

And while this was going on,no one noticed the slight smirk plastered on Daniel's handsome face.

"Mrs Reign,the court is already away of your medical state and according to your lawyer,your sight has indeed not returned.Is that true?",Jackson asked.

"Yes", Prudence replied.

"And you haven't done any such thing that suggests otherwise?"


"Mrs Reign,you are aware of the consequences of lying to the court, correct?"

"Objection", Daniel cut it.

"Overruled",the judge said simply.

"Yes", Prudence replied Jackson's question.

"No further questions, your honour", Jackson then walked back to his seat.

"Mr. Andrews?"

"Thank you,your honour",Daniel said."No questions your honour"

"Prosecution,carry on"

"Your honour,I call Miss Ada Erickson to the stand",said Jackson as the officer from before helped Prudence back to her seat.

"Miss Erickson,how long have you worked for Mrs and the late Mr. Reign?", Jackson questioned.

"Not long,just a few months ago after Mrs Reign became blind",Ada replied.

"In your time working,at the house,have you ever seen Mrs Reign,do something a normal blind person wouldn't do?Like read a book or watch television?"

"Yes.I have seen Mrs Reign watch television",Ada replied and everyone except Jackson and Louisa were shocked by this news.They were already aware she was going to say that.


The day after the first court proceedings, Louisa tracked Ada down to the market to have a word with her.

"What do you want?",Ada asked Louisa who was wearing a large coat,a huge hat with shades as a disguise to not be recognized.

She was scared if she was spotted talking to Ada before the next court hearing,it might turn bad for her.

"Look,I know you have no reason to help me or betray your employer but I just need you to tell me the truth,ohk.Is Prudence really still blind or not?", Louisa asked.

"Are you trying to use me to gather evidence?Are you wearing a wire?",Ada questioned.

"No.No no no no no", Louisa said before opening up her coat to show that the insides are perfectly ordinary.When that didn't seem enough to convince Ada she

"Nevertheless,I won't betray my employer"

"But for the same of the late Mr Reign,can't you be honest just ones.Tell me if Prudence is really blind.Do it for Mr Reign to receive the justice he deserves"

"Ohk",Ada agreed after a while of contemplating."I have seen Mrs Reign watch Television"

"Will you be able to testify this in court?"


End of flashback »»

"So you admit to seeing Mrs Reign watching television despite claiming to be blind?", Jackson asked.

"Yes",Ada replied."But when questioned her,she explained she wasn't watching but listening to whatever was being displayed on the television.She said it made her feel less broken.I've always noticed that Mrs Reign is a bit self conscious about her condition despite how she tries to hide it.She is really blind, your honour",Ada added much to both Jackson and Louisa's shock.

"And you are sure that wasn't just a lie to cover up the fact she regained her sight?", Jackson continued to question like the professional he is,not losing his cool.

"Yes",Ada replied.

"Miss Erickson ,you are aware of the consequences of lying to the court, correct?"


"So you are absolutely sure,you did not witness Mrs Reign exhibit any real signs of regaining her sight?"

"No, your honour "

Jackson then stared at her for a brief moment before letting out a sigh."No further questions, your honour"

"Mr Andrews?",the judge asked.

"Thank you, your honour ", Daniel said as he stood up and began walking towards the witness box as Jackson was making his way back to his seat.

They share a brief glance as they passed eachother and Jackson immediately looked away with his ears tinted red.

"Miss Erickson,how would you describe Miss Tillman's relationship with the late Mr Reign based on your observations?", Daniel asked.

"From what I've seen,Miss Tillman continuously,shamelessly throw herself at the late Mr Reign despite him being completely oblivious to her desires",Ada explained.

"That's not true we loved eachother", Louisa immediately objected.

"Miss Tillman,this is your first warning ",the judge cautioned Louisa.

"So what you're saying is the attraction between my client's late husband and Miss Tillman was one sided?", Daniel continued to question Ada.


"So if the late Mr Reign was initially not interested in Miss Tillman,then what could have possibly changed his mind?And why on the same night his wife travelled?", Daniel asked no one in particular."Your honour, I'd like to recall Mrs Reign to the stand"

"Proceed ",the judge said and Prudence walked over with a little help to replace Ada.

"Mrs Reign,did you grant Miss Tillman free access to your home at all times?"

"No", Prudence replied.

"So you did not give her an extra key or passcode or any means to enter your house without you having to let her in?"

"No,I did not"

"I see.Did you or your husband install any security cameras in your home?", Daniel continued to ask and Louisa's heart skipped a beat out of fear of being exposed.

"No", Prudence replied.

"So at no point in time did you or your husband install even one security camera?"

"No,Alex believed he was all the security we needed ", Prudence smiled sadly.

"Your honour I've submitted video evidence that  clearly showed Miss Tillman not only breaking and entering my client's home but invading their privacy by planting security cameras all over her home",said Daniel as Louisa broke out in cold sweat."And it also shows what happened the night my client travelled and the morning after"

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