Chapter 12

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The court played the videos Daniel mentioned and that's when everything began to fall into place.

"Your honour,I think everyone can now tell that Miss Tillman was obsessed with the late Mr Reign despite his rejection.If she is capable of breaking and entering, illegally planting cameras in my client's home and blackmailing my client's late husband, there's no reason not to believe she wasn't the one who actually committed his murder", Daniel said as Louisa was now visibly pale as Jackson who now stared at her with shock and disgust.

He only took her case because he genuinely believed Prudence was guilty and while informing him of the whole situation, Louisa never mentioned anything she did.She didn't mention how twisted her mind was.Obsessing and stalking your crush was one thing but drugging them to sleep with you,is where Jackson drew the line.

That was basically rape and he'd be damned if he stood for it.He regretted not looking more into the case before accepting it.He thought despite the fact that Louisa tried to ruin a marriage,deep down she was a good person.She helped him out alot in the past.

"Your honour, I'd like to recall Miss Tillman to the stand", Jackson said after Daniel returned to his sit.

Louisa looked at Jackson with questioning eyes but he didn't even spare her a glance until he was before her behind the witness box.

"Miss Tillman,where were you on the night Mr Reign died?", Jackson asked.

"Home", Louisa replied.

"Where you there the entire time?", Jackson pressed using the little Louisa informed him about against her.

"No,I went to see Alex at the house"

"So he invited you over?And do not lie,Miss Tillman.You're under oath"

"No,I broke in",in barely a whisper.

"Please speak up so the court can hear you,Miss Tillman "

"I broke in", Louisa admitted loudly with a frown."But only because I was worried for him.Prudence saw us together and I know she has violent tendancies.I was scared she'd hurt him and she did.She killed him"

"So the other times you broke into their house were you worried about him then too?What about the security cameras?How do you explain that,Miss Tillman?And the drug?"

"Jackson,did you forget you're my lawyer? You're suppose to be defending me not prosecuting me", Louisa spat out in anger.

"I advise you watch your tone,Miss Tillman and please answer the question.Why did you illegally plant security cameras at the Reign residence,and why did you drug Mr Reign into having sex with you?", Jackson pressed.His anger slowly coming forth.

"WHAT THE FUCK, JACKSON!!You little piece of shit.I paid you to help me win this case and you dare turn against me‽"

"Order!!Miss Tillman,watch your language and tone in my courtroom.I will not warn you again",the judge warned Louisa who was glaring daggers at Jackson.

"No further questions, your honour", Jackson said making his way back to his seat.He feared he couldn't remain professional for long and might end up getting jail time or worst his licence suspended for attacking his own client in the court.

"I will give my verdict tomorrow at seven.Till then,the court is adjourned",the judge announced and the everyone dispersed.

Louisa quickly caught up to Jackson just as he walked out of the courthouse and grabbed him by the arm, pulling him to face her.

"What the hell was that‽",she questioned with so much rage a vein appeared on her forehead threatening to pop.

"What the hell was that?What the hell did you do?Why didn't you inform me that you were a fucking rapist‽", Jackson countered in equal rage roughly pulling his arm away from Louisa's grasp.

"How dare yo–", Louisa began raising her hand to slap Jackson when Daniel appeared out of nowhere to stop her in her tracks.

"I advise against your action miss Tillman", Daniel said as Louisa roughly pulled her hand out of his hold.

"This is none of your business",she glared at him.

"You're right but you have no right to strike him"


"Enough!", Jackson cut Louisa off glaring at her.He was even more angry with her now that she tried to hit him."Just shut up.I'm cutting all ties with you right this very moment and after the verdict tomorrow,I don't what to ever set my eyes on you again.You disgust me."

And with that Jackson quickly walked away leaving Louisa with mixed feelings.She felt angry and scared at the same time.She was sure Prudence killed Alex and was ready to do whatever it takes to get justice for him but she didn't expect things to turn out this way.She thought it would be a simple case but with the way things were going it seemed she might end up going to jail.

She was slowly starting to panic so much that she didn't realise she was starting to have a panic attack until she heard Daniel guiding her to breathe.She took deep breaths until her breathing returned to normal then she quickly pulled away from Daniel who had placed his hand on her back.

That was until an idea suddenly popped into her head and she immediately grabbed his arm pretending to be a little dizzy.

"Are you ohk?", Daniel asked.

"Just a little a dizzy.Do you mind taking me home?"

"I'll call you a cap then be on my way"

"Oh come on.Let me treat you to a drink.As a thank you"

"I don't think that's appropriate seeing as I'm literally trying to put you in jail and all",Daniel smiled but it didn't reach his eyes.He knew exactly what Louisa was up to and he'd be damned if he could be manipulated so easily.

"Technically Prudence is trying to put me in jail for Her crimes.Besides, we're not in the courtroom so we're simply a man and women who–"

"Who what?Are attracted to eachother? Don't waste your time miss Tillman,only a fool would fall for this bullshit.Do not mistake my kindness for lust.Good day"

And with that Daniel walkaway leaving Louisa to wallow in shame.Sje felt so embarrassed she let out a frustrated groan.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20 ⏰

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