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"Is there something wrong with your eye?"

Connie didn't seem to be paying attention and only snapped out of it when she realised I was talking to her. I gestured to her face "They're all red and seem watery every time you blink," She continued to stare at me as if not believing I was asking her this question "It looks quite uncomfortable, its common for humans to get stuff in their eyes and although I certainly can't untie you I was wondering if you'd like me to do anything to help?"

I knew I didn't exactly look like her idea of help considering I had tied her up, hurt her friends and my partner was currently rummaging in said deads friend's drawers behind us to look for handcuffs because she'd 'sworn she'd seen some the last time we were here' but I was hoping the blonde would be smart and put aside her pride to make tthis experience less...unberable.

Peeling off the tape on her mouth Connie was quick to snap at me. "And have your fingers near my face?" She scoffed, "What would you know about humans anyway?"

I stared silently at the girl I'd watched grow up and sighed before shaking my head and standing up. "I flipped over all the pictures in here so you wouldn't have to stare at something so painful whilst you're trapped in here," I told her, pointing at the photographs on Teegan's office wall that I'd either turned over or removed completely, "We should be back tomorrow morning with something to eat so I hope you'd eaten something before...you know."

"Astra she's our prisoner not our guest," Sol reminded me, pulling out the thin silver handcuffs. She knelt beside Connie and pushed her to the floor before pressing her face into the tile with her knee, "Try something and I'll crush your neck," She warned before untying her.

My lip fell in between my teeth as Connie shuffled uncomfortable on the floor with her face pressed painfully against it. "You won't be here for long, just until we can-

"Find a way to bury your body," Sol finished for me as the handcuffs snapped into place and she rose from her knees. Connie pushed herself back upright making Sol notice the worn out tape on her lips that would probably not stick again. "Lucky for you," She tore off the remaining silver tape "Your friend has some stronger tape in her drawer as well."

With Sol's back turned I locked eyes with Connie again. "If you want me to help you with your eyes this is your last chance," I told her honestly. "After this we're leaving."

She looked reluctant but gave in "I put some fake contacts in, I can't go to sleep with them on," She admitted what I knew she was going to say.

Constance was told once in high school that her eyes were scary and had worn a deeper shade of blue over them ever since. "Lucky for you, I know Teegan always has some eye drops in her second drawer because of emergency allergies," I smiled at her, crouching beside Sol to look but my smile left my face when I didn't find something. "And her back up back up eye drops behind her desk top incase she lost the first ones," I remind myself going to check again.

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