Chapter 9

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Lisa's POV

I was driving Jennie to her apartment, when I saw a suspicious SUV following us but I knew if I make it inside my club we'll be safer. Then all of a sudden a second one come out of nowhere and hit my car on the side.

Jennie woke up terrified, trying to figure out what's going on.

"Lisa what's happening" it's not the time to think about the way she said my name,

"Jennie I need you to trust me please"

"I don't like this..." She mumbled as the cars tried to push me off of the road. Jennie would scream everytime they hit the car.

"Jennie! Open the glove box, you'll find a gun give it to me"

"No no no"

"Jennie!! Do it!!" I pressed in the gas to try and lose them but they were still tailing behind us. She shakily passed me the gun, her eyes were tearing up.

"Grab the steering wheel" she did as I said, I opened my window and started shooting the cars, I tried to shoot the wheels but they were shooting at me too.

I shot one wheel and the driver lost control making the two cars collide. I drove away from the accident and went to my night club where my men were.

"Lisa what the fuck was that?!" I heard her ask, I tried to grab her thigh to make her feel safer with me but she just pulled her legs away.

"I'll explain when we're at a safe place" was all I said the whole way to the club. As soon as I got out the car I pulled her through the back door to my office. She was pacing around panicking. I grabbed my phone and called Bambam.

"Bambam I need you to do something for me"

Jennie's POV

She was casually talking on the phone like people weren't trying to kill us, like she didn't take her gun and shot two SUVs. What's gonna happen to me? I have a kid for fuck's sake. What was I even thinking?!!

I felt a hand on my arm and I jumped away, Lisa was standing there looking at me, she tried to get closer but I backed away.

"You're so not going to like this" she said, before she could explain herself I saw her arm was bleeding. My eyes widened.

"Lisa, you're hurt!" She looked at her arm and she shrugged,

"It's just a scratch don't worry"

"Just a scratch! Are you fuckin kidding me?!" She just stood there and rolled her eyes and went to a cabinet grabbing a first aid kit giving it to me.

"Here Jennie, can you clean it for me please" she asked me. I sighed and just tried not to hurt her too much.

"So what is it that you're going to tell me?" She chuckled nervously as I put a bandage over the cut on her upper arm.

"You and Angel need to stay at my house until everything calms down"


"just until things calm down"

"What does this have to do with me?"

"Well as you can see I have enemies and I don't want them to get to you or Angel so you need to stay somewhere safe and the safest place in this town is my house"

"Yeah says the one who let me in the first time without knowing who I was" I said rolling my eyes at her, this can't be happening. Why does this shit happen to me out of all people.

"I'm not going to stay with you neither is Angel, I don't need anymore trouble" she grabbed my arm and stopped me from moving away.

"This is for your own safety"

"My safety?? Getting me into your bullshit is enough I have a kid to take care of" I wiggled my arm out of her grip leaving her sitting on the sofa and went out of the club. The date was perfect but the events that happened next ruined it all. I took a cab home and plopped on my bed, I didn't know how tired I was until my face hit the pillow.

 I took a cab home and plopped on my bed, I didn't know how tired I was until my face hit the pillow

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