Chapter 34

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Jennie's POV

The next day, I took my stuff again and headed to Lisa's house. Why, you ask? Well I did text her and said I won't come today, she said I had to so we can finish the painting as soon as possible. I could've declined but you know I can't do that.

"From now on, our session will only be 45min long" she said walking in front to the room, everything was like I left it.

"Sure..." She took her seat and that's when I noticed, her boxers were a little lower and I can see her lower abdomen was shaped in V, it was very ehm appealing to look at. I felt my cheeks redden, and I swallowed and turned to look at the barely touched painting.

From time to time she'd move her waist upwards to get more "comfortable" as she puts it, and her, you know, would slightly move and I know she's doing it on purpose because everytime she'd catch me starting at her crotch she'd smirk and slowly do it again knowing very well I'm watching. I'd just close my legs and try to focus on the canvas instead of my horniness.

For me it was the longest 45 minutes of my life, and by the end of the session when she was walking me to the door I noticed that her boxers had a bigger bulge than when I arrived an hour ago.

"I'll see you tomorrow then?" She smiled innocently, nothing is innocent about you. Of course I'm not gonna say that to her, I just kept the thoughts to myself.

I didn't reply with words but just nodded my head and went to open the door. Her hand caught mine over the door handle and neither of us moved it.

"You're not going to say anything?" She asked, getting closer. And her almost completely naked, standing in front of me looking all hot and shit was not helping me form a sentence.

"What do you want me to say?" I felt her breathe on my face, that's how close she was. Her perfume was making me dizzy, I missed it so much. I tried to back away, but she trapped me against the door. This, looks familiar. Only this time, I was leaning up closer to her face. If one of us moves any further our lips would touch.

"Honey!" Diana's voice was heard but she wasn't here yet, I jumped back and tried to move away but she didn't even flinch.

"Lisa..." her eyes stared at mine and I saw a small smirk on her face. Damn you and your hot face. Heels were heard getting closer by the second and I was still stuck under her intense stare.

"S-she's h-" I was cut off by the smoothest lips on mine. I couldn't help but moan in her mouth, our lips moved together in sync like they were made for each other. It was suffocating me but in a good way, and I wanted more.

The thrill of getting caught was giving a mix of excitement and fear at the same time and I know she was feeling the same and she wanted me more, because I felt her hand sneak around my waist and pull me closer to her. We were so close I help her hard wood on my thigh.

"Honey! Where the hell are you?!" Diana's voice was very near and I took the time Lisa was distracted to pull away. I can barely walk, just her kiss made my legs weak I wonder what her dick would do to me. I need to get out of here.

I quickly pulled the door open and walked out in hurry. What the hell am I going to do now?

Lisa's POV

I was still dazed to realize Jennie has slipped from between my arms. I felt like I was waiting for so long to kiss her even though I met her a week of so ago. It felt so unreal, so damn good.

"There you are!" Diana hugged me from behind and started feeling me up, her hand went down and cupped me. I was hard, and horny and she just had to do that unexpectedly making me moan.

"Oh someone's ready for me" I need to get rid of it and there's only one way.

"Go to the room I'll be up and a second" I said, she smirked and walked up the stairs. I stood looking at the door where I last had Jennie cornered and I thought of how hard she made me with just one kiss, how she made my chest tighten with this unknown feeling just with one moan. I sighed and followed Diana back to the room.

 I sighed and followed Diana back to the room

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