Chapter 11

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Jennie's POV

For an odd reason I started to see that man all over, in the supermarket, when I'm going on a run and even when I come home at night. He'll be standing in different corners pretending to smoke read a news paper or on his phone.

Who the hell reads news papers in a fuckin dark alley, if that ain't suspicious then I don't know what is. So I did the most reasonable thing. I put Tala's number as an emergency contact.

And it's only been two days since, I saw Yeri talking to him, two days since I almost gave up and kissed Lisa. Two days since I promised Angel to take her to see Love and Lisa of course. So now she's giving me the attitude.

"Angel come eat breakfast!"

"No thank you" I heard her say from the bedroom. I sighed and walked there to see her laying with her arms crossed.

"Why are you sleeping in such uncomfortable position?" I asked chuckling, she huffed and turned the other way. Well I have to take her...

"If you don't eat your food Angel, I'll not take you to her house" she looked at me with a smirk.

"Took you long enough" she took the sheets off of her and I saw she was ready and all she needed was shoes. This little devil. She walked out the door flipping her hair. What just happened.

As soon as I pushed the front door open, Angel took a deep breath like she's about to scream. And guess what, she did.

"LISA!" I quickly put my hand over her mouth so she won't scream again.

"Angel! Why would you do that?!!"

Lisa came running down the stairs, with a surprised face, she looked at Angel and smiled widely.

"Took you long enough" Lisa said, why is my kid picking up her damn stupid attitude.

Angel ran to her like she haven't seen her in forever, and Lisa completely ignored my existence and whistled. A few seconds later the big great doberman come running with her tongue out. Angel wiggled herself wanting to be put on her feet. And Lisa did just that.

I was going to stop her from getting closer to the dog, but Lisa put her hand up stoping me from going any further. Love slowly walked to my 2 year old and licked her whole face in one big lick.

"Ewwww" I heard her say.

"I'll ask Nayeon to keep an eye on her while we work" She said dryly, yep I was getting an attitude from her as well.

Through the whole time I was working I could heat Angel's giggles all over the place and I can see Lisa's face light up and plant a smile whenever she'd hear her. I'll just ask her to give me a serious look because I was doing an important part. She'd let her smile drop and we'll go back to working.

After today's session was over, she got up and left the room without looking my way. I sighed and followed her out to find Angel.

"Momma can we stay longer?!! Pleaaasee!" Angel was sitting on a couch watching tv with Nayeon, Love and the  cat that I now know is named Leo.

"No baby we have to go, mommy has work" I can feel eyes burning holes in the side of my head I turned to see a surprised Lisa.

I don't know why she's so surprised, I don't really have a job I just said that so I won't have to stay. She rolled her eyes and turned to look at the screen intensely.

"You're no fun" Angel sighed and grabbed her shoes, she walked next to me and gave me her hand to hold but she was looking at the ground. Then she remembered she didn't say goodbye, she ran to Nayeon and hugged her and kissed the dog on her head, patted the cat and now she was playing with her fingers with a deep blush on her face in front of Lisa.

Lisa kneeled down to her level and smiled, she kissed her cheek softly. She whispered something in her ear and Angel nodded aggressively with a smile.

We waved goodbye to them and we went home to rest. But I have no clue why I felt like something was wrong but I just brushed it off like I do with all my problems.

 But I have no clue why I felt like something was wrong but I just brushed it off like I do with all my problems

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