Chapter 26

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Jennie's POV

I watched as Irene guided Lisa through the exhibit, showing her all the different sculptures. And soon it'll be my turn to show her the paintings we've got and I am anything but ready.

When it was my turn to explain, I went through the paintings smoothly I didn't even look at her once. I knew she was looking at me, because obviously I'm the center of attention since I'm explaining the meaning behind each painting we have in this exhibit.

"This one right here is one of our most expensive paintings, The Lady with an Ermine is a ehh- portrait painting by the Italian Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci. The work is painted in oils on a panel of walnut wood." I felt my heartbeats lose their stability, I remembered the main reason I met her.

"Are you okay miss?" I heard her voice ask me worriedly, she didn't remember me. I gave her my most convincing smile and continued with the rest of the paintings.

By the end I was physically and emotionally drained, I had no energy to talk or to move. I just sat on one of the couches with a glass of Champaign.

"Hey? I came to check if you were alright" My head shot up and I was met with the most beautiful hazel eyes that I love so much.

"I ehh yes I'm okay" I stuttered out, how pathetic of me. She doesn't even remember who I am and I'm stuttering my words out.

"Are you sure, you looked distressed." She walked closer and I didn't even have to react, I felt her sit next to me on the couch. I was panicking I didn't know what to do so I stood up quickly and I spilled the Champaign on my dress.


"Here let me help you" she grabbed my hand and took the napkin from me, her hands were still the softest and she was still the gentle girl I met a long while ago because she gently patted the part where I spilled the drink. She even leaned in to look better if she missed a spot, she was very close and I can hear my loud heartbeats going crazy inside my ribcage.

"There you go..." She whispered, if I wasn't already wet than I am now. Her voice was low and I was loving it, okay get your shit together now is not the time.

"Thank you Lisa" her eyes looked at me confused, like she didn't hear me right.

"How do you know my name?"

What am I supposed to say now, well done Jennie. Well done.

"I- eh we know each other? I guess?" I laughed uncomfortably. She smiled amusingly,

"Alright then, why don't you tell me your name since you know mine"

"Jennie!" Our conversation was interrupted by no one other than Irene, she smiled at both of us.

"Oh Ms Manobal, how did you like the gallery?" Lisa looked at me and I can see her eyes scan me up and down before she smirked a little.

"I loved it. Matter of fact I'll be visiting more often" she said,

"Oh yes!"

Oh no,

"Well Jennie I'll see you around" she winked at me and left me standing next to a very surprised Irene. What the fuck just happened...

"Well that was something" All I did was nod,

I grabbed my stuff and walked to the bus stop. I had a very uncomfortable feeling, you know being dressed in a short tight dress and having to go outside in the street and take a taxi is a pain in the ass.

And I was right, every male species that walked past me whistled, cat called me or tried to approach me at some point.

I even heard someone honk at some point, I didn't even know the car that stopped in front of me. I couldn't see inside of it or who was driving, it just stopped in front of me and started honking. I tried to change the spot I was waiting at when I was stopped by the driver.

"You really had to get me out of the car huh" there she stood in all her glory,

"Well a normal person will get out the car and not honk like they're trying to pick someone for a fun night" I rolled my eyes at her, she's still so annoying.

"Come on hop in" she opened the door and my legs just had to walk on there own and get inside her car.

She jogged to her side and plumped next to me, she turned her engine but didn't move anywhere.

"Well you gotta tell me where you live you know" she said sarcastically. I forgot she doesn't remember who I am, even if she did remember I changed houses so I would have to show her the way there.

 I forgot she doesn't remember who I am, even if she did remember I changed houses so I would have to show her the way there

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