Chapter 20

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Jennie's POV

The car door opened and I was met with a girl who slightly looked like Lisa, maybe a cousin. She's also the same girl who was checking up on me all the time I was at the house.

"Oh my god!! Are you hurt?!!" She said helping me out of the car, I shook my head no.

"I- it's Lisa's" I whispered, her eyes widened but she kept her calm and lead me to the living room where I sat shakily, I still can't believe what happened.

I remembered her face, the way she looked at me, the way she said she was sorry. I can't take losing her... I think I lo-


"My baby" I embraced her and held her so tight. I kissed her head and face and made sure she was alright.

"Momma where is Lisa?" She asked wiping her tears with her sleeves. What am I supposed to tell her. That her favorite person is fighting for their life, is she even alive in the first place.

Thankfully, Rosé walked in the room and smiled sadly at me. Nayeon walked behind her and asked me if she can go get Angel something to eat. I think Rosé wants to talk in private and that's the only way to get Angel out of this room.


"Bambam called, they're at the hospital. She's... she's not okay. Go change and I'll take you to her."

I ran through the corridors of the hospital until Bambam came into view, he was sitting on the floor with his head between his arms.

"Bambam?!" He looked up and his eyes were red from crying, I've never seen him show any emotions until today.

"Is she okay?!" I asked him, he shook his head no. I went to look through the glass that's separating us from the operation room, I couldn't see her very well because the doctors were in the way.

One of the nurses was running around and got a machine with two iron looking things, it's a defibrillator to revive her heart.

I didn't realize I was banging on the glass until I felt arms wrap around me, Bambam was holding me tight in his arms as I cried my eyes out.

"It's okay I'm here..." Was the last thing I heard before I passed out.

Bambam's POV

My bestfriend and little sister was fighting for her life and I was holding Jennie in my arms. She exhausted herself crying, I had to stop her from hurting herself while trying to break that glass. I held her so we won't get kicked out the hospital.

I was trying to find a nurse to help me get her on a hospital bed, so they can check on her.

"Miss I need some help here, she passed out"

"Of course sir" I followed her, I gently put Jennie's limp body on the rolling bed. The nurses assisted me until they found a room for her. I sighed, everything went wrong in a matter of seconds. But I don't know what's worse me having feelings for my sister's soon to be lover or my sister on her death bed.

"Bambam!!" My head shot up and I looked at Rosé who was standing at the door.

"She's stable b-"

My heart skipped a beat, I had tears of joy but I had a feeling that wasn't it.

"She's in a coma, they don't know how long she's gonna stay in it. The doctor said it's because she lost so much blood and oxygen wasn't going to her brain with enough quantity" she finished and I plumped back on the couch not being able to stand on my feet.

"What are we going to tell mom? How am I going to explain this to her she'll blame Jennie and her kid for everything that happened to Lisa..." I mumbled, I felt a hand on my shoulder but I didn't care to look up I knew it was Rosé.

"And you know I'm not the favorite, she didn't want to adopt me in the first place until she warmed up to me later. she won't believe me..."

I looked at Jennie and she was in a deep slumber, I sighed and left her to rest. I had to go check on Lisa. I'll be back to see Jennie when she's awake.

 I'll be back to see Jennie when she's awake

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