Chapter 42

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Lisa's POV

I ran out the church, I heard my name being called but I ignored. I had to get to her before she leaves, I ran to the street it was raining so much and I had to find a car because I didn't have time to grab mine. I took my gun out and pointed it at a car, the woman quickly stopped and got out the car.

"I'm sorry ma'am!!" I yelled before taking her car and racing through the streets to the airport. God I hope I get there on time, there was a red light and I didn't even care I noticed that I couldn't even cut off from the other side so I just drove on the sidewalk, honking at everyone.

How do I know which destination to go, the airport was the size of 8 football fields. I tried to remember someone she might've told, I don't even have Yeri's number.

I got out the car and ran inside, I was running around looking for a woman with a 2 year old kid between thousands of people.

Where is she going to be, what if she wasn't here in the first place, what if she hasn't arrived and her plane isn't departing anytime soon.

I just held on into that ring and kept looking, I just went and looked at any woman with long brown hair and that looked like her.

Then I saw her, well her back, she was holding a kid on her waist and she was about to give her passport and ticket.

"Jennie!" I ran to her and grabbed her by the shoulder.

Jennie's POV

I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around to look,

"Ma'am please put your seatbelt on the plane is about to take off" The flight attendant said to me, I helped Angel with her seatbelt and I held her small hand. This was both our times taking a plane and I was nervous.

"You good baby?" She nodded her little head and hugged her teddy bear closer to her. I kissed her hand and leaned back.

I could feel the airplane shaking, the turbulences and vibration. I took a deep breath and just kept holding Angel's hand because she looked scared. She was closing her eyes tights and just squeezing my hand.

"It's okay baby, you're fine" I said to her after the plane was in the air. The light that indicates the seatbelts can be taken off was on and I helped her take off hers and took mine right after. This is going to be a long trip.

Back to Lisa's POV

"Can I help you?!" The girl asked, it wasn't her. I felt my heart drop and like I was going to throw up. She was gone and I've lost her.

I sat down on the ground and laid again a wall near by. I just looked at my shaky hand with the ring sitting on my sweaty palm. It was so beautiful, it'll look so perfect on her fingers.

No, I can't give up. I ran out the airport and found the car still at the same place. I made a u turn. I think I'm gonna start from her house. Maybe I'll find something helpful.

I grabbed my phone and called my assistant, since I bought the art Gallery where she works, she must have put her resignation papers with the cause of her departure.

"Jessica! I need you to look up the list of the employees of the art gallery we bought last month, send me everything right now. It's urgent"

"Yes Ms Manobal"

I hanged up and parked in front of her house. It had a sign that said sold. Luckily for me, there was the name of the company at the bottom of the sign.

"Goddamn it Jennie why can't you be patient for once!" I said out loud. I put the phone on my ear and put my hand on my forehead. I was so stressed, I was afraid of the unknown, I was afraid of not knowing what's going to happen or what to do, for the first time I felt helpless. I felt like my world is crumbling down and I was just looking at it being demolished without doing anything to save it.

"Hello! Diana?! Yes! I need your help"

"Hello! Diana?! Yes! I need your help"

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