Chapter 21

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Jennie's POV

I woke up in the hospital and I was confused as hell on why was I on a bed. I saw Bambam sleeping uncomfortably in the corner.

I gently pulled myself up to sit on the bed, my sudden movement woke him up and he rubbed his eyes and smiled softly at me.

"Are you okay?" He asked walking closer to the bed, I nodded my head yes.

"Just a little headache" he pointed to the night stand and there were pills and a cup of water.

"I figured..." I just smiled not saying anything and throw the pills down my throat and gulped the water.

"Eh Jennie..."

"Yes Bambam"

"She's in a coma..." I felt like I was going to throw up, my heart beat increased to an uncontrolled level. All I can hear was the beeping sound on the machine which made a nurse walk in quickly.

"Miss is everything alright?" She looked between me and Bambam suspiciously. I didn't reply I just stared into the void, I can hear them talk to me but my lips were to heavy for me to move so I sat there doing nothing just swimming in my own thoughts.

They eventually left me alone after I didn't respond to either of them. What am I going to do now, wait for her until she wakes up. Or cry myself until god has mercy on my soul and give me a least a little rest.

The nurse said I was okay and I am aloud to leave, I looked for Bambam and I found him waiting next to a door. He saw me and he walked closer to me, I smiled at him sadly and just sighed.

"I called our parents, they'll be here tomorrow"


"She's ehh my...sister?"

"You're asking or telling me?" I asked him playfully, so they're siblings. They don't really resemble each other but oh well.

"Nice to meet you then Bambam" I gave him my hand to shake, he just chuckled at my silliness and guided me inside her room.

I was met with her unconscious body attached to machines, Bambam explained that she couldn't breathe on her own and they had to put a tube down her throat to pump the oxygen for her. "You two should rest, you look like shit" I turned to door and Rosé was in a white hospital coat.

"Yeah, we should go to the house and change and clean you know" Bambam pointed to his bloody shirt.

"And you need to see your kid Jennie" I nodded.

"Angel?!" I called out for my daughter and she came running with chocolate all over her face, she saw me and jumped on me. I missed her so much the house felt empty without her attitude.

"You want to help momma pick an outfit?"

"Yes please" she said cutely, I spent the whole day talking with my kid and trying to make her distracted so she won't ask me about Lisa. I have no clue how to explain to her what's going on.

I'm not someone who smokes but with all what's going on I bought a pack of cigarettes and went to the balcony.

"I didn't know you smoke"

"I don't, it's just.... I don't know" I stumped on the cigarette as he got closer and leaned on the balcony as well. We both were silent but it wasn't the awkward one.

"So you're parents are coming tomorrow?"

"Yeah I'm not excited to see mom, she can be very.... Judgmental" he said disappointed, oh I think I know what he means. Me and his sister, me being poor and his mom will think I'm here because I want her money. Oh god not another drama.


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Lisa brother

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