Part 1: Ben's First Proclamation

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A long time ago...
A long time ago...
Well, more than twenty years ago...
Belle married Beast in front of sixteen thousand of their closest personal friends.
A big cake.
But, instead of a honeymoon, Beast united all the kingdoms and was elected king of the United States of Auradon. He rounded up all the villains and helpers, mostly interesting people, and dumped them on the Isle of the Lost with a magical barrier to keep them there.
This is my hood. No magic. No WIFI. No exit.
Or so I thought.
Hold on! You're going to meet us. But first this happened.

Prince Benjamin, better known as Ben, stared out the window at the Isle of the Lost with an unreadable expression on his face as Lumiere took measurements for his suit for the upcoming coronation.

"Vin, head." Lumiere said as Queen Belle and King Adam entered his chambers. Ben went to step off the platform but stopped when Lumiere scolded him.

"How is it possible that you will be crowned king next month? You are just a child." Adam commented, thinking it was crazy how fast his son was growing.

"He's turning sixteen, honey." Belle scolded as she cascaded down to collect the discarded coat from the table.

"Hey dad." The formative teenager watched his father's childlike resilience with amusement.

"It's still too young to be crowned king. I didn't make the right decision until I was at least forty-two years old!"

Belle placed the robe over her chest before scoffing as she heard her husband's comments and turned to him. "Didn't you decide to marry me at twenty-eight?"

"It was either you or the teapot." King Adam joked, winking at his son.

He quickly said, "Just kidding." Seeing the look Belle gave him.

"Mother, father". Ben started talking again, forgetting that he was on the run, he went to leave when Lumiere stopped him. pointing at Ben to remain still while Ben remained on the platform. "I have decided what my first proclamation as king will be." Ben continued.
His parents shared a look with each other and were a little shocked that he had made his first decision just before he had become king.
"I have decided that the children of the Isle of the Lost should be given the chance to live here... in Auradon." Ben stood tall, with a straight look of confidence at his father.

"Hmm" Belle dropped the jacket she was holding on the floor.

"Uh." King Adam put his hands in his pockets as he stood there not knowing how to really feel about the decision his son was making.

"Every time I look at the island, I feel like they are abandoned." Ben said stepping off the platform, walking to his parents.

"Children of our sworn enemies? Live among us?" Adam asked in disbelief. There was no way his son would go through with this.

"We're starting with a few first, just the ones who need our help the most. I've already chosen them." Ben stated already knowing who would be coming.

His mother nodded, seeming to be more in agreement with the decision than his father. But this only seemed to anger him however. "And you?" His father asked looking over at his wife in disbelief.

Belle looks at her husband, placing a loving hand on his arm. "I gave you a second chance. Who are their parents?" She said looking at Ben.

"Cruella De Vil, Jafar, the Evil Queen." He pauses before saying the last part, afraid of his parents' reaction. "And Maleficent." He finished, taking a deep breath.

Lumiere screams when he hears the name Maleficent "Maleficent!? She's the worst villain on earth" Adam yelled at his son. Now he was convinced this plan was crazy.

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