Part 2: Arrival and Plotting

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The VKs soon arrived at Auradon Prep, the limousine comes to a stop in the campus, outside the courtyard garden. Waiting for them was a band playing music and everyone waving and smiling at the newest arrivals to Auradon.

The chauffeur stepped out of the car and opened the back door. Jay and Carlos tumbled out of the limousine, fighting with each other over a blanket of sorts. Jay would come out on top of the fight holding Carlos on the floor with his foot "You got everything else, why do you want whatever that is?" Carlos yelled, with Henrik, Mal and Evie following suit out the limo.

"'Cause you want it!" Jay said mocking him still attempting to pull the blanket away from Carlos

"No!" Carlos held onto the blanket tightly refusing to let go. Henrik just watched in amusement at the sight. Mal and Evie however took in the sight of Auradon, amazed and mystified by the lush green and beautiful sky they saw.

As the admired the sight, three figures, one of them being Prince Ben, walked towards the five carrying smiles on their faces. The other two were two women, one was wearing a light blue outfit and the other a bright pink dress.

"Guys!" Mal looked over at Carlos and Jay, as Henrik quickly tried to remove Jay off Carlos, to which the boys quickly saw the three figures standing there, watching them.

"Just cleaning up." Jay said before muttering at Carlos "Get up." Jay took the blue sheet from Carlos, and tried to hide it from the three.

"Leave it like you found it!" The woman in the light blue dress lady said. "And by that, I mean just leave it." She quickly added.

Jay gave a frown before throwing all the stuff he planned to steal back into the limo before lifting up Carlos. Jay was soon garnering the attention the girl in the pink dress, quickly shoving past Henrik and Mal, with a smirk on his face trying to act suave. "Hello, foxy. The names Jay."  He said as he crossed his arms looking her up and down.

The girl quietly gave him a fake smile and forced a laugh, clearly not impressed by Jays performance. The woman in light blue dress, then spoke. "Welcome to Auradon Prep. I am the Headmistress! The Fairy Godmother!" She exclaimed giving the VKs a soft smile.

"Wait wait Fairy Godmother? THE Fairy Godmother?" Henrik asked, raising his eyebrow having his curiosity peeked.

Mal had a glint in her eye as she spoke. "As in, Bibbidi-Bobbidi-boo?" She asks.

"Bibbidi-bobbidi you know it!" Fairy Godmother responded with smile.

"You know? I've always wondered how Cinderella felt. You know, when you just appeared, out of nowhere." Mal said forcing smile as her hand went under her chin. "With that sparkly wand...and that bright smile."

Fairy Godmother let out a light laugh "That was a long time ago. And as I always say, 'Don't focus on the past or you'll miss the future!'" She said gesturing her hands, before waving them in her face.

Both Henrik and Mal raised their eyes brows grinning knowing now that magic was indeed in Auradon.

Ben approached the five with the girl in the pink dress beside him "It's so good to finally meet you all." He said giving them a charming smile and keeping a respectful eye contact on all of them. "I'm Ben."

The girl in pink stepped forward putting her hands on his arm, as she smiled. "Prince Benjamin. Soon to be King." She spoke

Evie immediately stepped forward, the word "prince" catching her attention. She approached him with a smile. "You had me at prince. My mom's a queen. Which makes me a princess." She said with confidence

"The Evil Queen has no royal status here and neither do you." the girl in the pink dress spoke up, putting Evie down with her comment. Evie's smile slowly faded as she stood up straight.

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