Part 3: Stealing the Wand

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They ran outside the dorms and ran up the steps outside of the Auradon Cultural History Museum where the wand was being held.

"Check your mirror E." Mal said as they all make their way down some stairs.

"Okay." Evie says, pulling out the mirror. As she did, she examined her makeup closely in the mirror "Is my mascara smudged?" Evie asked her.

Mal rolled her eyes as Henrik looked at her annoyed. "Are you serious, woman?" He asked her, which Evie looked at him, with confusion wondering why he asked that question.

"Why don't you see if you can find us the wand. That's be helpful." Mal jumped in giving a serious tone to Evie.

"Sure. This way." Evie said taking the lead for the group going around the building to a back door of the museum.

Inside they see the one and only Maleficent's cursed spinning wheel, and inside a security guard who was studying the cameras that kept focused on the other relics inside the museum.
The guard's chair squeaked as he turned around, making the descendants duck out of the way. When the five peeked back in, the guard was still there but he had turned away from the window.

"That's your mother's spinning wheel?" Jay asked Mal laughing not impressed by the appearance of it.

"Yeah, it's kind of dorky." Carlos agreed laughing as.

"It's magic. It doesn't have to look scary." Mal told them trying to defend her mom's wheel.

"Get the spellbook, see if you can make it work." Henrik ushered at Mal, as she nodded taking out her spellbook.

Mal then uttered the phrase "Magic spindle do not linger. Make my victim prick a finger." She read. They all looked up to see what would happened but all that happened was the guard turn towards the wheel and stared at it.

Henrik leaned towards his sister. "Mal, nothing happened." He said stating the obvious.

"Impressive." Jay said sarcastically shaking his head.

"I got chills." Carlos butted in adding to the sarcasm.

"Okay, you know what..." Mal said getting frustrated with the boys held up her hand to them. "Prick the finger, prick it deep. Send my enemy off to sleep." Mal read, this time with more confidence.

The five watched as the security guard rose from his chair and walked around the wheel staring at it. He then reached out to touch the needle, which pricked his finger. Then just like that, the guard stretched and yawned, and laid down on the desk next to the wheel and falling into a deep sleep.

Henrik let out a laugh, happy his sister could pull it off, while Mal just grinned. "Not so dorky now, huh?" She retorted at Carlos and Jay.

Both her and Henrik attempted to open the door but it wouldn't open. Henrik then slapped the door in frustration "Locked." He said gritting his teeth.

"Stand back." Jay said smiling as he backed himself up ready to run and kick open the door.

"Make it easy, make it quick, open up without a kick." Mal read quickly, making the door fly open just as Jay jumped in the air towards the door landing on his behind. The two girls laughed at him, and Carlos and Henrik just chuckled at the embarrassing situation he put himself in. Mal kicked him in the back as she and Evie walked past. "Coming?" She asked him in a patronizing tone, just adding salt to the wound for him.

Carlos and Henrik walked over to Jay and helping him off the floor "Come on, Jay." Carlos said

"I'm good." Jay said with frustration and embarrassment in his voice shoving Henrik and Carlos.

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