Part 5: Baking Spells

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A few hours later Mal sat on her bed as Evie sat beside her sewing a new top. "My mom said, 'If a boy can't see the beauty within then he's not worth it.' Can you believe it? What world does she live in?!" Jane asked incredulously.

"Auradon." Mal answered in a joking sense

"Guys." Evie spoke up holding up the top she just finished. "You like?" She asked with smile.

"Yeah, it's cute. Brings out your eyes." Mal answered honestly liking what she made.

"I know" Evie said with a cocky smile

"I'll never get a boyfriend." Jane lamented, as she moped..

"Boyfriends are overrated." Mal told her showing disinterest in Jane's self-pity.

"And how would you know Mal? You've never had one." Evie said teasingly.

"I don't need one, E. They're a waste of time" She told her best friend.

Evie smirked finding her reason ridiculous before her face dropped. "I forgot to do Chad's homework." She exclaimed, going straight for her school bag.

"And that's exactly what I mean." Mal informed Jane.

And just then another girl walked into the dorm room "Hey guys. I'm Lonnie. My mom's Mulan?" She said to them, in an attempt to get them to recognize her, but Mal just stared back blankly.
"No? Anyways, I loved what you did with Jane's hair. And I know you hate us, and... you're evil..." Mal smiled at that particular comment as Lonnie continued. ".. But do you think you could do mine?" She asked.

Mal stared back at her clearly wondering why she would make such a request. "And, why would I do that for you?" She asked.

Lonnie pulled out a small bag from her outfit. "I'll pay you fifty dollars." She offered.

Evie immediately stood up seeing and hearing about the offer of money. "Good answer. Let's see. I'm thinking, we lose the bangs. Maybe some layers, and some highlights....."

Lonnie stopped her as she held up her hand. "I want it cool. Like Mal's." She said.

Evie gave a wide eyed dumbfounded look "Really? The split ends too?" Evie teased, making Mal give a deadpan look.

She groaned as she stood up grabbing the spell book. "Ok.... Beware for swear, replace the old with.. cool hair." She closed the book and moved her finger, making Lonnie's head move in sync with it.

Mal lifted her head up and new long flowing hair grew across Lonnie's shoulders. She look towards the mirror walking towards it with a shocked look on her face. Evie shook her head and followed her thinking she hated it. "I know, I know. It looks like a mop on your head. Let's cut it off-"

"No, no, no, no. I love it." Lonnie cut her off looking ecstatic.

"You do?" Evie said, shocked that someone liked something Mal made for them.

"Yeah, it's just..." She reached down to her skirt, and ripped the hem of her skirt creating a slit, adding more style to it.. "Now I'm cool."

Jane walked over to the mirror and repeated what Lonnie taking hold of the bottom of her dress and ripping it up the side. "Oh no! Mom's gonna kill me." She yelled in a panic, regretting what she did, running out the room.

Later on that day, Mal and Evie sat in their dorm room as Mal continued to search through her spellbook. Jay  then walked into the room with Henrik behind him, wearing a blue jersey with the number 8 on it. "Yo-ho-ho!" He yelled with a grin.

"He has not stopped showing it off for an hour" Henrik said clearly annoyed with Jay constantly gloating about making the team

Carlos whistled from where he sat against the edge of Mal's bed with Dude the dog next to him.

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