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It was a bright morning, perfect weather and time for breakfast. Everything seemed normal, just like any other day. However, there was one thing that was different today.

Roy quietly observed Demetrius, who was acting like a child playing with his food, grinning foolishly at the dining table.

Roy was the first General and Demetrius' most trusted right-hand man. Throughout his years of service to his Lord, this was the first time he had seen Demetrius act this way since Princess Estelle's disappearance.

Had something happened? Was there news he hadn't heard? Roy's curiosity was evident on his face, and he was eager to ask Demetrius, but who was he to demand answers?


What if his Lord was in love and that was the reason for his unusual behavior? He pondered, seriously holding his chin. And who could be the exceptional woman who had captured his Lord's heart, to the point where he would do anything she asked, even if it meant jumping off a cliff?

Roy thought again.

But it seemed impossible for his Lord to be in love, as he never left the castle, and it was highly unlikely that Demetrius would be interested in the maids or female knights. No matter how hard he racked his brain, Roy couldn't find the answers to his questions. The only way to end his curiosity was to find out for himself.


Demetrius was currently dealing with a mountain of paperwork on his desk, so much so that he could practically use it as a bed. His gaze fell on Esmael, who was quietly and seriously inspecting the papers he had already finished. Faster than time itself, Demetrius' face changed to a sour expression as he stared at Esmael. Esmael's sensitive senses didn't miss the piercing looks from Demetrius.

"My Lord, stop shooting daggers at my back and just say it," Esmael said, unable to focus on his work.

"I am the king. And as a king, I have a lot of workers and subordinates working for me, and I pay them all quite well," Demetrius stated.

"And?" Esmael asked, waiting for Demetrius to continue.

"And I, who do this hellish, dehydrating, most depressing and frustrating, never-ending paperwork, don't receive any salary," he complained.

Esmael didn't know how to react to Demetrius' words. Should he feel pity or irritation at Demetrius' lack of common sense? Esmael chose neither and instead presented a blank face to Demetrius.

"My Lord, if my memory serves me right, and I am absolutely sure that I have an excellent memory, it was you who decided to build a kingdom, accept refugee demons as your people, and declare that you would build the greatest empire and lead it to glory. Your Majesty, it's not my fault, it's yours. And I'm not being disrespectful, I'm just reminding you of the truth," Esmael responded.

Demetrius was left dumbfounded and speechless. While it was true, he couldn't help but feel it was unfair. These paperwork duties were preventing him from taking a walk, relaxing, and visiting Estelle in the knight training area. They had just reconciled, and he was determined to make up for the days and years they had been apart. But how was he supposed to do that if he was buried in paperwork?

"Then, I could at least have a vacation, right?" Demetrius suggested.

Esmael let out a sigh. He was close to banging his head against the wall. What was going on in his Lord's head? It seemed like Demetrius wouldn't leave him alone until he got what he wanted. And honestly, his salary wasn't that high because his normal pay hadn't been restored since Demetrius ordered a cut due to an incident involving Princess Estelle. His jealousy of a boss who prevented him from getting close to Princess Estelle had led to his salary being halved, and until now, it had been forgotten and not restored!

If anyone needed a vacation right now, it was definitely him.

Demetrius exited his office with a satisfied smile. He knew Esmael can't stop him, so he didn't leave him alone until he let him go. He straightened himself up and concealed the mischievous grin on his face to avoid being mistaken for someone with a mental disorder.

He immediately made his way towards the Knight area to visit his loyal knights. And of course, to see his child and make sure they were doing well.

As he was heading towards the location, he paused in front of the Knights Dinning Area. A thought crossed his mind that led him to enter the kitchen.

"There, finally done," Demetrius happily said as he placed the cupcakes he baked into a small container.

"Your Majesty, it was the first time I saw you bake. I didn't even know that you can bake," the Knight Chief exclaimed in awe. It's likely that he never imagined the great king stepping foot in the kitchen, let alone baking cupcakes, something they didn't know he had learned to do.

The Chief's gaze then fell upon Demetrius' hands, which had several burns and small cuts from the baking process. He was certain that the king excelled and had no equal in wielding a sword, but that wasn't the case when it came to handling a small knife and delicately slicing fruits into small, precise shapes.

Even the Knight Chief couldn't believe it. What's even more puzzling is who the cupcakes baked by their great king were for.

"May I know, my Lord, for whom did you bake these cupcakes?" The Knight Chief bravely asked. Soft and affectionate eyes drew on Demetrius' face as he looked at the small container holding the cupcakes.

"It's for someone to whom I owed a great debt. This is just a small bribe," Demetrius replied.

"Oh...?" A mischievous smile formed on the face of the Knight Chief, as if there was some kind of imagination running through his mind.

"Is it perhaps... for a lady?" he said, with a slightly teasing laugh.

"Lady?... well... she is indeed a lady now, but I don't really care if she's now a lady or not. In my eyes, she is still just an adorable, beautiful rabbit whom I will forever spoil and adore," Demetrius proudly said.

The imagination of the Knight Chief only grew wilder, leading to a BIG misunderstanding.

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