CHAPTER THIRTEEN: a mastermind.

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"Jason and Greg were little Atlanta rich boys. Apparently they used fake names to rent this place." Gale told them. "How did you even find it?"

"It's called investigating journalism for a reason." Kirby rolled her eyes. "How didn't you find it? Weren't you tracking them?" Max and Sam looked at each other as Max held onto Tara's hand.

"I went through their financial records dozens of times and this was not in any of them. This doesn't make sense." She scoffed. "Don't worry. I'm just really good at my job. You'll get there."

"What is this place?" Max asked as Gale unlocked the door and held it for the group. "What's with all the security?" Sam asked. "It's a movie theatre." 

"It's not just a theatre. It's a shire." They walked in and saw some bloody clothes, drawings and most importantly, ghostface costumes. "What the fuck."

"They've got the whole goddamn franchise." Tara and Max split their ways. "You all have been through so much." Max walked to the ghostface masks. To Amber's. She couldn't move. She just stared.

"How did they get all this stuff? I mean isn't this evidence?" Tara scoffed. "Well, cops like money and evidence can get lost pretty easily. Present company excluded of course."

"You okay?" Tara walked up to her. "Yeah. Of course." She took her hand and dragged her as far as possible from her sister's crimes.

"So. Somebody killed these chucklefucks and took over?" Chad asked. "Someone who believes that Sam masterminded Woodsboro."

"If this were a normal Stab movie, this would've been the killer's lair." Mindy nodded. "Which means this isn't a normal Stab movie."

Tara suddenly disconnected their hands and rushed away. Max tried to walk after her, but Kirby stopped her. "Let her be alone for a minute."


The three girls walked around the park and waited for Ghostface to call them. It was Kirby's idea to try and trace him, so maybe it will work. Max hoped it will. "You should've stayed with the others."

"Sam..." Max sighed. "That's not gonna happen." Tara deadpanned. "There's no point in all three of us putting ourselfs at risk."

"We're not. We're backups." Tara smirked and Max giggled, taking her girlfriend's hand into her own. 

Ringtone. Sam pulled her phone out and saw the name 'Richie Kirsch' on the display. She looked around and picked up. "You're gonna die, you know."

"No, you're gonna die, Samantha. Choking on your own blood while I hack up your sister and her little girlfriend."

"Unless we find you first."

"For a mastermind you're not very bright. Waiting for me to call, desperate that I'm near by so the police can grab me? But I'm not near by. I'm a step ahead. Be seeing you, Samantha."

"Did you get it?" Sam spoke to Kirby. "Yep. Geolocation coming through right now." They waited for a few seconds. "He's on the upper west side. He's in an apartment building halfway across the city."

"Upper west ninety six?" Tara asked and Max realized what was going on. "Gale." They ran towards the parking lot. "My friend Danny works on the upper west side, he can get there quicker."

"Yeah, or he can finish her off." Max scoffed at his remark and ran faster than the rest of them. "Max?" Her girlfriend called out, but she just got in the driver's seat of Bailey's car and waited for them.

She honked. "Sam! Tara! Get in." She motioned to the car. Tara smirked at her girlfriend and got in, Sam soon followed. "What are you doing? Hey! Get out of my car! That's an official vehicle! Hey!"

"Should we use the sirens?" Sam asked and Max smirked. "Did you really think we're gonna steal a police car and not use the sirens?" She turned them off and drove to Gale's apartment.


"Hey, Fuckface!" Sam yelled as they ran into the apartment, where Ghostface was seconds away from killing Gale. She picked up the gun and shot them a few times.

"Gale!" Max shouted at the dying woman as Sam tried to chase Ghostface, who ran away. "Gale. I'm sorry." She pressed her hands on her wound, to try and stop the bleeding. "I should've known he was gonna come after you."

"He didn't get me. Tell Sindey he never got me." She whispered and her eyes started to close. "No, Gale? Gale!"

"Out of the way!" A paramedic instructed them as they walked in. Sam kept screaming Gale's name as the two younger girls tried to drag her from the woman. "We've got a weak pulse."

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