Pitch Black Reality Check

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How did I get here? How is this happening? My mind is racing. I stand there completely numb nodding at all the insane things people are saying to me, only half listening. Do these people not understand that this is my mothers funeral and my home instead of the time and place to be trying to talk business with me?

"Please excuse me, I have matters to attend to" I say already turning around to walk away. I am not waiting for a response from another vulture trying to tell me I am too young to run these businesses myself thinking they can buy me out for a fraction of what they are worth.

Finally, in the kitchen I search for Sparkle. "There is my favorite house elf!" I scoop her up and hug her tight.

She hugs me back and nervously says "I am here for you miss but you know this is frowned upon" knowing she would be punished for allowing me to show her affection and returning the gesture. Only now there is no one to punish her. Only me.

"Don't be silly. You and all of the rest are mine now. Things are different. Besides, I don't give a damn what these people think of me. I could buy and sell them ten times over." Not that they would step foot in the kitchen. That is for servants. 

"You are too kind miss" sparkle says with her head hung in respect "what can I do to make this easier for you? Your things are already packed but the reception ends in half an hour. You need to see the guests out before he comes to get you."

"My so called father couldn't even be bothered to come to my mother's funeral and has not contacted me once. I am not going. Dumbledore can manipulate whatever system he wants. I am not going to live with that convict under the guise of being taken in by his best friend."

In all honesty, my entire situation is ridiculous. Not even 72 hours after I recieved news of my mother Dumbledore was at my Beauxbatons to inform me my life was a lie. All this time I thought some dead pure blood Regulus Black was my father. Nope. His murdering disowned brother is my father. Dumbledore said my mother did this to protect me. Nope. She did it to protect her image. Then this man has the nerve to tell me that some man name Lupin was taking me in and I was going to live with him and my father in secret. He then had the nerve to spell me so I couldn't tell the truth about what I know of Sirius. Needless to say I had a team of magical lawyers fighting to get me my independence within the hour. I was staying in my own home thanks. Nope. The only thing magical about my team of lawyers was the amount they could charge for their failures.

It is a shame I love school so much. With my money and resources I would never need to finish school. I could magically run and make it damn near impossible to find me. That idea went out the door when I remembered I would have to give up my education. The wonderful thing about France is the trace comes off at 15 and I am brilliant so if I needed to disapperate away I could.

Two hours later and everyone has left. Dumbledore was supposed to be here an hour ago. I wait in the entry way with Sparkle and her twin brother Fleck. They are my favorite elves by far and my best friends. It's not that I am opposed to going to Hogwarts. I did not have friends at school, I had rivals. Queen Bee comes with a lot of pressure and everyone wanting to see me taken down a peg.

It is not my fault my pin strait ice blonde hair and glowing green eyes make me stunning. I was born with fair flawless skin. I was born top of the food chain with more money than god. If they want to hate me for things beyond their control that is their problem. Some people are just born better. Being top of all of my classes certainly did not help.

No, the real reason I did not want to leave was denial. If I left I had to admit my perfect life was a lie. I would have a team of people trying to push their authority on me. Men at that. My mother was cold and cruel and I inherited my ice princess image from the ice queen herself. She was a powerful woman though who hated men. I didn't necessarily disagree with her. The only difference between us was our hearts. Her heart was made of ice, while mine is still warm and soft but well hidden. I did not want to get my hopes up for a father knowing it would crush me when it didn't work out. I did not want men telling me what to do and taking me from my home and my elves. My elves were my real family.

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