Black vs Potter

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We all go our seperate ways a for a bit and get ready for dinner. No way am I staying in this formalwear from lunch with the Berkshires. After the week I have had I am ready to have a nice relaxing dinner with everyone. I am in one of mu usual sleep sets. I nice gray one this time with black lace but I bust out laughing when I see all of the guys in gray sweat pants and tight black tees "awww we all match!" I laugh and the guys join me

We head through the door and I yell "Wolf daddy! Are..." that's as far as I get

"Yes Lacey everyone is decent. Damn it. Stop calling him that!" Sirius yells

"NEVER!" I shout back headed their way as the boys bring the food I throw myself into Remus's open arms for my hug I turn to Sirius "DAD there you can stop your bitching early. I said it. I need a nice relaxing day." He swoops me into a hug

"Wolf daddy!" Theo yells hugging him too as everyone laughs. Sirius and Remus says their hellows and Remus hugs Matteo too.

I couldn't be happier until I notice everyone else at the table. I turn to glare at Sirius and Remus "you hate me just say it. No need to put us all through this"

"Stop being dramatic" Sirius says

"Yeah that's your dad's job" Remus adds

"Hey!" Sirius shouts. We all take our seats. I am in the middle, Matteo is next to me and Theo between him and Sirius. On my other side is Romeo with Enzo between him and Remus. Sirius and Remus are technically at the ends of the table. Across from me are the twins, Ginny and the golden trio. The boys stalk laying out the food for us all while I pout.

"So Lacey" Fred asks and George finishes "how are you liking your suite?" Shit stirring already

"I love it actually. The space is amazing and the company is even better." I laugh "how are you two liking your suite?"

"It feels much bigger without you lot hanging out"  George says and Fred finishes "seriously your men are giants" George chimes in "what are the logistics of all that?" Making me roar with laughter as my guy groan

"Are we really just going to act like this is okay!" Harry shouts and everyone turns to him "we have the dark lords son, two death eaters, and the head of the russian mob and we are just going to hug and joke and let them take Lacey?" Looks around for support and Ginny is the only one smiling at him "if she was that damn desperate for a marriage contract she should have said something. I would have signed one for her so she didn't have to resort to stooping this low and becoming a whore and a traitor!" Ginny's face falls but I have had it.

"Angel" Matteo starts to stand up

"Don't you dare" I tell him my wand already out and pointed at Harry as I rise "I have had more than enough of your shit Potter. You will watch the way you speak of them. They are mine. If you cannot contain yourself you may find yourself unable to speak at all." I hiss

"Okay everyone take a breath" Sirius say "Harry I don't know what has gotten into you but we talked about this. Mind your business. Lacey put your want away. Mind your hostility."

"She pulled her wand on him for telling the truth!" Ginny says in outrage "she can't get away with that"

"You will be next if you don't stay out of my business too raggity ann" I tell her

"Why are you always so nasty to Ginny?" Harry asks "what has she ever done to you? She has told me how often you have bullied her this summer"

"Pull you head out of your ass Harry. She is a liar. I hardly ever left my room all summer so how would I have bullied her. Plus how dare you say that when you have seen how she treated me our limited interactions." I say in disbelief

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