Groveling to Black

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"Wait so it's official? Like fully signed. You took all four of them you lucky witch!" Pansy announces "why four though? I would have went with a dick for every day of the week and taken the contract I hear Draco's parents put in just to make him suffer for talking shit" Draco throws something at her.

"Trust me girl" I tell her "these four are more than enough. I can handle them but do I want to?" We all laugh.

"Angel" Matteo warns

"I am just kidding" I say "no really they are all great. They were already friends and we all fit perfectly together. Romeo was the only question and he grew on all of us so quick it seemed natural to keep working on my existing contract and bring him into the mix. Hopefully I don't end up regretting any of them but if I do I have others." The boys shift uncomfortably with that statement.

Theo, Matteo, and Enzo have been very touchy with me and clearly trying to make up for the other night. I try to act normal but I am still a little put off. It's a reminder that they each have someone of their own. I don't. Everyone I have I share. There is the chance I'll always be the odd one out. I knew this. I was okay with this. Then I felt it. Now it's a little harder. I just need to get used to it.

Romeo is a different story. He is with us but not. Him and Enzo are keeping their distance so I'm assuming there are issues there. He is also keeping his distance from me whenever possible. I am not sure what is up with that. I am going to have to talk to him.

"Hey guys I'll be back in a second" I tell them "Romeo can you help me with something quick?"

"Ummmm" he says "sure"

The others look at us funny but when we round the corner I reveal a secret. I grab his hand and aparate us to your room.

"What the fuck?" He asks

"Yeah I can do that. Blood of Merlin." I wave him off "so what is going on with you and Enzo?"

"Nothing" he mumbles "what did you need help with?"

"Nothing. I just wanted to talk to you. You have been avoiding me all day and it's fine. I get it. I knew where I stood coming into this but you and Enzo are being weird and avoiding each other. What is going on there"

"We figured out a bit too late that we have different priorities and want different things" he says "he is mad at me right now and I don't know how to fix it."

"Well is it something your did, something you said, or something you didn't do?"

"A combination really"

I reach out and grab his hand "well if you want to explain it I am here to talk it through with you and try to help"

He rips his hand away "can you just fucking stop?" He gets up and starts pacing.

"I'm sorry but what did I do?"

He laughs sarcastically "what did you do? Everything. That's the problem!"

"I don't understand"

"Yeah well neither do I" he says "I came here resigned to living a miserable life. I knew I had to marry you. If I didn't make this contract work I wasn't getting another one. My father would disown me and remarry just to try to have an heir he wanted. I knew my only shot of happiness was to con you into thinking I wanted you and just find a way to hire some gay male staff to have affairs with. I was okay with that. Then I met you. It instantly became harder because you were beautiful and had a fan club. You didn't need me. You don't need money or power. You were already surrounded with big names. Then I talked to you and you were not only beautiful but nice. We had that conversation in the book store and you were perfect. You made it clear you would accept anyone. You are not a snob or judgmental."

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