A Black and a Stranger

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I have been at this party about twenty minutes before I made up my mind. This is exactly what I needed. I was a little disappointed when I saw the boy who invited me clearly had a girlfriend but there are lots of other options here.

This is clearly an upper middle class house party. Lots of food and booze flowing around. Everyone is dressed nicely in new clothes but nothing high end. The house is large with a pool and an indoor outdoor sound system. Over all nothing over the top and definitely nothing magic. Just normal highschool kids having fun. Based on the jocks wearing different colored team jackets it's clearly an open party.

I have a few drinks and dance for a bit. A few people come up to me and we have some nice conversations but no one will catches my eye. After a few more dances I need some air. I had outside to sneak one of my drinking vices. A cigarette. I know it's horrible but it's menthol and it relaxes me. I sneak around the side of the house for some space and quiet. It is dark and am too busy looking around to notice someone doing the same thing from the other direction.

I crush into someone and drop my drink "shit" he says as he grabs me and stops me from falling over "i am sorry Angel i didn't see you there." He smells of whisky and cigarettes with a low dark smooth voice that has me melting a bit in his arms.

I snap out of it "no, no I am sorry I should have watched where I was going" I purr. Clearly I didn't need that drink I spilled.

"And where exactly are you going?" He asks. You can hear the smirk in his voice.

"Just snuck out to have a cigarette, shhhhh don't spill my secrets" I tease

"Funny I was out here to do the same" he finally lets me go and I miss his warmth. I hear rather than see him pull out a pack and light one up. I see the most charming chocolate brown eyes and tan skin. I'm in trouble now. I am a sucker for dark eyes. I pull out my pack and do the same. I feel him staring at me. He finally speaks again "are you having fun tonight? I can't believe your boyfriend let you out of his sight. Does he not smoke?"

I giggle softly know I have him now. "Oh I am having a lot of fun. No boyfriend though. I don't know anyone here. I was just handed and invite and figured why not" I take another drag.

I can hear the smile in his voice "well that's great because I am here alone and don't know anyone either. Maybe we should stick together tonight as the outsiders"

Absolutely. "That depends on if you dance. The few dance partners I've had tonight were not what I was looking for."

"Not usually" he says with a little bit of nerves before regaining his confidence "but for you I think I could make an exception. You just have to do a shot with me first."

"Where have you been all this night!" I flirt dramatically

"Only waiting for you in our darkest dreams" he flirts back "my name is Matteo, what is yours"

I freeze for a second before deciding to play it mysterious "no names handsome. I am not from around here and it's not like a we will see each other again. I'm headed off to boarding school. I think I will call you Matty though since you already have yours"

He chuckles darkly "no one has ever given me a nickname. I think I like it."

"Well do not get too attached to it because it's mine now"

"Thats fine, I'll just have to call you my Angel"

"I can work with that"

We continue to flirt and laugh back and forth for a little while even after the cigarettes are done. Finally it is time to go back inside for our shots. That is when I finally get a good look at him.

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