Apartment 18C pt. 2

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Jack stands across from me. I feel the blood run down my lip from my nose. 

"Sam the girls." Jack says to me, his voice hoarse. I nod and wish I could wipe my face. The man holding jack slaps him. Jack groans. I feel my eyes wanting to close but I have to keep them open. My whole body aches as I'm dragged into an elevator. When the doors shut I look to jack. Jack gives an almost unnoticeable nod. Then he elbows the man holding him down. I follow. I quickly focus on the guy I just elbowed. I take my tied hands and punch him right in his dick and watch as he hurls over. Quickly I grab his gun and shoot him. Jack had already shot his man. I feel queasy as I watch the blood spill from the man. Jack work at untying my hands. 

"We had to, that would've been us." 

When we are both free we hold the guns out in front of us and wait for the doors to open. When they do, more suited men wait. We, as quick as we could, shoot them all down. When we get to Apartment 18c the door is wide open and the lights are on. 

"They wouldn't leave the door open." Jack says through gritted teeth. We check to make sure the hallway is clear before we set up on either side of the door. I strain to hear, but I'm able to pick up on voices, one definitely not a girls.  

"He's in there." I mouth to jack who nods. A scowl takes over his broken face. 

"Let's go end this shit." Jack says before walking into the apartment. When we walk in we  see betthany and grace sitting on the leather sofa. Grace is unharmed and I want to run up to her and kiss her. She looks at me and I can see her break. Her brown eyes are sad and I know she must think I look like a mess. Instead of saying something she shakes her head. 

"What are you doing, get out of here!" she hisses. Jack walks to betthany. Betthany shakes her head. 

"Jack look out!" Betthany shouts but it's too late. I feel thick sweaty hands grab onto my neck. Immediately I grab the hands, dropping the gun. I'm thrown against the couch. Jack is thrown next to me. Just then Neil walks into the room, a fucking martini glass in his hand, a gun in the other. 

"well well well, back to where we started, look at the whole crew!" I look to grace, she doesn't look at me. 

"Don't look at her!" Neil shouts and I turn my head to face him. "She was mine Wilkinson. She belonged to me, and then you came in and took her away. It was her and I, forever!" Neil shouts at me. 

"Neil." Grace starts, I have to contain my anger when I hear the sorrow in her voice, it makes me so pained. "It was never you and I, we are never meant to be. You need to hear this. Neil I never loved you. I may have thought I did, but I was wrong. You, the man you are is disgusting and greedy. I could never love someone like that." Neil boils with anger. He throws the martini glass causing the girls to jump. 

"you know what. You're right grace. we never loved each other. So I will be grabbing my things and leaving, but first I think I need to dispose of you all." I slightly glance towards betthany and notice her hands are fiddling with something. I try to not make it obvious that I'm staring. if she's got something that could help us, I don't want her discovered. Then I remember, alcohol is extremely flammable. There is four of us and two men plus Neil. We should have this. Grace and Betthany are clearly onto Neil. Jack and I have the men behind us. 

Neil walks back into the room with a huge bag, it must be all the contents in the vault. Neil steps into the puddle of spilled martini and then everything moves into slow motion.

Betthany throws the live lighter at his feet which immediately lights on fire. The two men behind jack and I grab their guns to shoot, but not before Jack and I tackle them, using the couch cushions like a trampoline. Jack tosses his gun to grace who thankfully catches it. Neil is on fire, his gun is on the floor along with the bag. Neil crawls on the floor and grabs his gun. Jack and I are wrestling these two guys. Then a gunshot goes off. I can only pray that Neil is dead. Then another goes off. I am able to grab the gun from the dude and kill him, then I shoot the dude on top of jack. I stand up quickly. Neil lays burning on the ground, the fire spreading quickly. Grace kneels down next to Betthany and its then that I put two and two together. My first reaction is to turn to jack and grab him. But it's too late, he's already seen. 

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