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I wait patiently at the little bar in jacks house. Tracing the edge of the wine glass, Jack walks in.

"So Brazil?" He asks and I nod. "That's where I'm wanting to go. Betthany agreed to it. We are going."

"So why are you asking me?"

"Because we need your protection. We are talking about the Grand Prix here, in Brazil." Jack nods and sets his arms down on the bar.

"Sammy is in the garage." He says quietly afraid that if he says it any louder Sammy will run away. I nod and step off the stool. My heels click against the tile as I make my way to the garage.

Sure enough there he is, his shirt is off and he's under the car, I can hear the sound of a ratchet. He slides out from under the car, Sammy is unaware of my presence. His face is sunken in, making his cheek bones and jaw more prominent. Slight stumble outlines his jaw. He reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a cloth. He wipes his forehead and I see each muscle in his back and arm contract. I clear my throat, Sammy jumps and turns to me. Fear leaves his face and turns to pain.

"Why are you here?" He croaks and turns to his car.

"We need to talk." I say and Sammy sighs resting his hands on the front of the car. He turns to me and avoids my eyes.

"Brazil next week, you have to come." Suddenly Sammy is in front of my griping my face.

"You can't go to Brazil not next week!" I grab sammys wrists and remove his hands from me. Though his touch is like electricity, it's paralyzing.

"I'm going next week end of story. You have to come, please." Sammy bites on the inside of his cheek.

"I'm coming." Relief floods through my body and I can finally breathe. I know if I leave right now I'll feel incomplete, and I hate that.

"Can I ask you something?" Sammy stares at me for a second then nods, I start to talk but he holds up his finger.

"I just want you to know that sometimes people are required to do things that they don't necessarily want to do." He says it just below a whisper. I am confused, bewildered as to why he felt the need to say that. Then my eyes go wide and he puts his finger to my lips to silence me. He moves hair away from my ear.

"I know Nash kissed you." He says, his voice is laced with anger and I'm frozen. He presses his lips just under my ear and trails kisses down my jaw.

"Sam." I whisper but his lips cover mine. I don't protest, I just let it happen, I've craved his touch from the moment he left me standing there on the shore. I know for a fact that Sammy was forced to say what he said, which means Neil lied to me. I push away all thoughts and focus on sammy. His lips move against mine as he gently pulls on my bottom lip. My hands move up his bare chest. I feel like fire as Sammy grabs my l left leg wrapping it around him. His large hand rubs up and down my thigh. His hips slowly grind against mine causing me to moan.

"Grace, I need you." Sammy moans. I nod and just as Sammy and I walk inside the house we hear jack's motor cycle roar off. I turn to Sammy and he pushes me against the wall. His lips hungrily attack my neck causing me to feel weak and if he keeps up my knees will give out. Sammy grips my hips signaling for me to jump. As I wrap my arms and legs around him my fingers tug on the back of his hair.

Sammy walks us to his room where he lays me down on the bed. He begins to unbutton my shirt and I throw my heels aside. I'm left in nothing on the bed as sammy slides his pants off. He crawls back onto the bed, onto me and presses his lips back to my neck.

"Did you wear the lace on purpose?" I'm unable to answer as his fingers trail down my stomach. Goosebumps form all over me and Sammy smirks. He likes seeing me like this, completely under his control. Suddenly I snap and I sit up. Sammy is confused by my actions as I grab his arms.

"You think you can get off this easy, you broke my fucking heart." I push him down on the bed as I climb on top of him. I grind my hips against his, so slow it's painful. I take my fingers and drag them across the line of his boxers. He looks at me his eyes wide as I come up to his face. I trail kisses down his neck and down his stomach. I trace his v line with both my index fingers before I start to pull his boxers off.

The cold air hits him and he groans. With the lightest touch I slowly trace the side of his erection.

"Grace please?" He grunts as I take hold of him and pump ever so slowly.

"What was that?" His head is back and his eyes are shut.

"I said plea- please, I- I'm begging you." He breathes out. I let go of him and sit up on my knees. Within the blink of an eye Sammy is up and has me pinned against the bed.

"Enough." He breathes as he spreads my legs. I feel him slide into me and I moan. Sammy moves my hair out of my face as moves his hips against mine he pumps in and out of me smoothly, skillfully. We fit like puzzle pieces.

It doesn't take long for both of us to start to reach our climax, it's been a while since we've been intimate. As my fingers rake down his back. My toes are curled and his name is the only word I'm able to form. Sammy speeds up and I know he is getting close. My name coming from his lips is enough to finish me off but thankfully I have built up self control. I grip him tighter as I am on the edge. Within seconds I feel the knot in my stomach release.

With heavy breathing Sammy collapses next to me. I roll over and lay my head on his chest.

"I think I just broke the biggest rule there was." He mumbles. I pretend not to hear it but I know what he is thinking.


"Mhm." He says playing with my hair.

"Tell me you love me." He props himself up on his elbow and lifts my chin with his index finger so I'm forced to look at him.

"Grace I love you with all my heart, it pained me so much to have to say those words. I had an ear piece in my ear, I was being told what to say as we went." Sammy wipes under his eyes keeping the tears from my view.

"It was Neil wasn't it." Sammy nods and I kiss him.

"It's fine, we'll just pretend that this didn't happen and we are still broken up, Jack said you'd leave and only come back at night." Sammy nodded and sighed.

"I sat in your apartment parking lot and just watched. I felt better knowing I was watching, I was your guard dog." I shake my head and smile.

"Brazil next week, we're going to go, everyone's going to come home alive and healthy and he will be no more." Sammy says snuggling into me. I sigh and wish it was that easy.

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