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"Now now sweetheart what are you doing." Neil says I push the gun harder against him.

"You made him! You're forcing him to do this!" The phone on the wall rings. He starts to stand.

"I didn't fucking say you could get that." He sighs

"Let me answer it so you don't get yourself killed." I bite my lip and walk him to the phone.

"Yes I'm alright, she did what?" Neil looks to me and gives me this face. "Okay yes I'll find her she's gotta be here somewhere, get yourselves help, I'm sure rosita is around." He hangs up and turns to me. The gun centered with his heart.

"You shot her hand off, and my best guard in the leg."

"And I'm about to blow your heart out of your chest IF YOU DON'T START GIVING ME FUCKING ANSWERS." I yell. Neil doesn't even blink.


"I'm not playing games Neil!" I move closer to him. Big mistake. Neil swiftly snatches the gun from my hand and pins me against the wall. His one hand locks both my wrists above me, the gun is now pressed against my temple.

"Listen here grace, I didn't tell sam to do shit. You have me confused with someone else. For you to think I'd dabble in your relationships is the thinking of a simple minded person."

"That's what you want though isn't it, if you can't have me nobody can, mess with my relationships to get to me, make me weaker. It's either you or nobody right." Neil growls and narrows his eyes. The gun presses harder against my head and I wince a little.

"Go ahead, shoot me." He laughs and releases me. The blood is almost painful as it floods back to my hands.

"Grace, I'm telling you the truth, I don't want to hurt you, truly. That would be terrible of me." He sets the gun on the table and leans against it.

"Are you going to apologize?" He says as if I was dumb.

"What the hell for?"

"you blew my secretary's hand off and damn near killed my front door guard." I shrug and reach my arm under his to grab the gun. Neil takes the moment to seize me. His hands hold my hips. I shutter frightfully at his icy touch.

"Neil." I warn. I pull the gun and walk away from him and grab the door handle.

"But grace if I have to hurt you, I will. Don't you forget that." How could I forget, after what he did to Betthany. I can never forget how long it took for her to get back to herself, and even then that wasn't her true self.


With furious tears I walk into the apartment. Sammy had truly left me.

"Fuck you!" I scream kicking the end table that was placed next to the sofa. Suddenly betthany's room door opens and she looks at my weird.

"Grace?" And then I allow myself to break down. Betthany rushes to my side, I remember me comforting her a bit ago, except Betthany thank god doesn't pat my head awkwardly. Instead she rubs soft comforting circles on my chest.

After I'm able to control my hiccups and sobs I sit up.

"Do you wanna talk about it." I wipe my face off and take in a deep breath. I turn to her and her features soften. And so I tell her, I tell her from the moment I laid eyes on Sammy how I felt. I tell her everything, just so she can see that he meant so much to me. How he'd broken my heart. With ease out of all, it looked so easy for him, to just say he didn't love me, to say he had used me. Used me for what?

"Grace I'm sorry." I sigh and rub her shoulder.

"Me too bee me too." Betthany fiddles with her fingers.

"What is it?" I follow her gaze, on my shirt there's blood splattered against the light gray.

"Fucking hell." I mutter as I stand up tearing it off of me. I look back to Betthany and her brown eyes are the unreadable. I wait for her to say something but she oddly doesn't.

"I was in the middle of filming when you walked in." She says quietly before returning to her room. There's a knock on the door. I groan and answer the door. It's nash. He takes a moment too look me up and down. I've only got a sports bra. I blush and cross my arms.

"Nash this really isn't the time."

"Have you been crying?" He steps closer to me and tilts my chin up so he can look into my eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"Nash I'm being serious, it's nothing, Sammy and I broke up. That's all it's done and over with." I start to turn away but Nash stops me.

"No it's not okay, any guy who makes a girl cry deserves to have his face smashed." I almost laugh. Sweet gentle nash, no way would he even lay a hand on Sammy. I smile and put my hand on Nash's cheek.

"I'm fine okay, I'm just gunna watch movies and eat, so later okay?" Nash's gives me a sympathetic smile and nods walking back into his apartment. I feel bad for being so short with him, but honestly all I feel like doing is taking a shower. I want to just fall asleep on Sammy's chest. But I can't, besides he was just using me anyways.

I shower and crawl into bed with my laptop. I tweet and follow a bunch of fans. I find myself digging around my drawers to find a pen to write down some video ideas. My fingers find themselves wrapped around a zip lock bag. I pull it out and sigh as I look at the contents. A note is attached.

"I don't know if you'll find this, I know you don't smoke. I just want you to have this if you ever need to chill, it's only cuz I love you. So sit back and light up, I already rolled em for you - love Sammy"

I tear the note from the bag. I crumple it up and get ready to throw it, but something stops me. I un fold it and smooth it out. I tuck the note gently under the book on my night stand. In the bottom drawer I pull out my secret lighter. Then I walk over to the bathroom and shut the door behind me. I need it, I need it. I sit the blunt between my lips and grab my lighter.

"Grace?" I hear Betthany yell. Her voice snaps me out of my haze. I quickly throw everything under the sink. Splashing water on my face I yell back to her.

At that I thank god for Betthany and her loud mouth. I hadn't smoked but once and I vowed to never again, I almost did but she stopped me. I walk out of my room to see Betthany all dressed up.

"Shopping?" She asks hopeful. I can't help but smile.

"Sure yeah why the hell not."

Apartment 18CWhere stories live. Discover now