Chaos begins

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I rub my face as I throw the covers gently off of me, then check my phone to see a few messages. I look back to Sammy before I grab my phone and walk out of the room.

The house is of course dark with only a few lights. I guess I can understand why Betthany hates it, you can't see two damn feet in front of you. I find solitude in it, it just calms me and prevents me from seeing, from stressing. Betthany fears what's in the dark, but you should really fear what you see when you turn the lights on.

As I walk out of the kitchen with a glass of wine a figure steps out of the shadows. I hold in my gasp.

"Well it's nice to see you too."Neil says with a haunting smirk. I open my mouth to snap at him but he holds a finger up. "I let myself in, nobody locks the side doors." I cross my arms.

"Neil get the fuck out, leave, now!" Neil scowls.

"Grace, listen I'm going to be short here, you tell me where the vault is, and I'll leave you be, but as I can see you have yet to inform me of its location. You want me to leave, tell me where it is!" He takes a step closer to me, I take a step back.

"I don't think you understand, I can't just go ask her! It's not that simple." Neil chuckles.

"Grace it's a simple question, none of you, Jack, Sammy, you, NO ONE IS GETTING ANYWHERE!" Neil yells quietly at me, I ignore the names he uses as my anger boils over.

"Really if it was such a simple fucking task why don't you do it your goddamned self? I know you had her locked away and what happened? Nothing, you're not capable of doing your own work, you're a filthy rat!" I shout, while still keeping my voice quiet. Neil grabs my chin between his index finger and thumb and jerks my head forcing me to look him in the eye.

"I do what I have to do, sometimes things aren't as easy as you want them to be, but listen here grace, if I don't get this information in the next twenty four hours, you can kiss your life, Sammy's life and anyone else close to you's life to end." He yanks his hand from my face.

Just as he does this glass shatters from behind us, our heads snap to look at the doorway. A ghost white Betthany stands there, her hands frozen with glass shattered around her feet. I can't tell her next move, she's either going to faint or explode. I turn to look at Neil but he's already gone. I rush to betthany's site carefully maneuvering around the shards of glass. I struggle but I manage to pick her up bridal style.

When I set her on the couch her lips start to move but no sound comes out.

"Betthany say something, do you need water? Betthany please?" I beg as I kneel against the couch. Betthany just shakes her head. I reach out to grab her hand but she yanks it away.

"Bad." Is what she finally says. Her dark eyes are wild and she looks horrified. I can't fucking blame her. Jack rushes in next to her.

"What the hell happened?" He commands as Betthany moves away from him.

"Bad, bad bad bad." Betthany repeats and she covers her ears. Jack looks at me,

"Tell me what happened!" He yells causing Betthany to jump. I look back and forth between Betthany and Jack and the people starting to file down into the room. Betthany's eyes dart around the room and she then squeezes them shut, tight as she buries her head into her knees. What is going on is she having a panic attack. I don't fucking know, I'm not prepared for this shit. I rush out of the room ignoring jacks hisses.

Reaching my phone I quickly dial the only person I think who would have some back ground on this kind of thing.

"Hello? Grace what's wrong?" I take in a deep breath and explain what is going on with Betthany.

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