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Sammy insisted we go out to the race tonight. Yeah I missed the vibes, I didn't realize he was actually going to be in the race.

"Sammy how long has it been since you've been out there." He shrugs as he pulls on a new shirt, messing up his hair. I laugh a little and stand in front of him to fix his silly hair.

"I'll be fine, don't I always win?" I nod and grab some mascara, Sammy thinks I'm not looking, but through the mirror I watch him tuck a gun into his shorts.

"Why are we going to this race? Why not the next time?" I pretend to be oblivious to what I saw but I can't help it. He stares at me and cups my face, running his thumb back and forth on my cheek.

"Do you want the real answer." I bite my lip and shake my head.

"No I really don't want to hear a single truth." He gives me a smile but his eyes are sad.

"Okay the 'truth' is we are going to the race because I am bored and I want money." I laugh at his explanation. That's why everybody races, that doesn't mean they make it to the race. Sammy earned his way, he didn't just drive in the race and start racing. It's all about who you know. We unfortunately were naive as to who we were hanging out with.

It's all the same, the little car show, every guy showing off his or her car. Of course it was rare for a girl, Betthany used to race, she was pretty good, but I got her to stop I couldn't watch her hurt herself.

Sammy is walking and my arms are wrapped around his one, he's having this whole dominance, she's mine thing going on. Of course I think it's absolutely adorable.

"Ooo who is that guy?" I say and Sammy stops and follow my line of vision.

"The blonde guy?" I nod. "I think he gave me his number earlier." I say teasing him. His jaw locks and he raises a brow.

"Really well let's see if he can read his phone after I'm through with him." I have to step in front of him, my palms flat against his chest.

"I'm joking jeez." I grab his collar and pull him down to me.

"Don't joke with me like that, these aren't just normal people." I nod my head and roll my eyes.

"Ayyee look who it is!" A voice shouts out. Of course no one really here's. Sammy steps around me and takes his position back. It's Nate. One of Sammy's good friends. I'm surprised when Johnson comes walking up.

" what is gilinsky and betthany here too?" I ask and Johnson shrugs.

"I guess they are in a little argument, I never know with them." I nod and we all catch up on each others news. I walk Sammy to his car. It feels like old times. There's what looks like to be a new racer at the end of the line of racers. I lean over, resting my arms in the door.

Sammy looks so hot in his car, his hand on the stick, he looks alive. His eyes are glowing and his excitement is rubbing off on me. Sammy stares at me smiling for a bit. Then I lean a bit farther and whisper in his ear

"You're going to win for me daddy?" I keep my voice hushed but I know he heard me crystal clear.

"Fuck." He smirks, runs his tongue over his teeth and then kisses me. I smile as the announcer tells us it's time. I blow him a kiss and wink at him. He should win for sure now.

The normal street hoe walks on the white line with her flag boasted high above her head.

"On your mark." The cars all rev their engines.

"Get set." The car on the end starts to roll it's window down.

"Go!" And the cars take off but not before I see who exactly is in the last car. I feel the blood leave my head and I go into panic mode. I grab my phone and pull myself away from the huge crowd.

"Jack hello?" Jack doesn't answer his phone and I groan with frustration. Sammy is out there racing against Neil. Racing a safe hobby, throw Neil in there.

I run up to Johnson.

"Give me the keys to your bike." He laughs.

"Why the hell? Grace?" He takes in my stance. His eyes go wide and we both take off to his car. I grab my phone and dial the number that is hooked to his car.

"Sammy where the fuck are you?" I ask, at first there's nothing but then he laughs.

"I over by Washington drive, he who the fuck is in the red car, the newbie?" I look to Johnson if I should tell him, he shakes his head 'no'.

"Uhm I'm not sure, why? Is this the usual race."

"Yeah, but man dude in the car must have it out for me or some shit." I want to tell him so bad but I don't want him mentally distracted.

Johnson races us down the roads, everything is whizzing by and I can't see anything but the path ahead.

"There's the intersection at park street right up here and that's when we should see them, Washington will end and they'll be on park. Johnson recalls Sammy and tells him the plans, at first he doesn't understand.

"Is Neil here?" He asks hitting the jackpot.

"Bingo now get the fuck out of there." But I know Sammy, he's not going to back out, he's going to hurt Neil, he's blood thirsty, and that's where it all goes wrong.

The sound of the cars hit my ears before I can visually see them. There in first place is Sammy, his sleek charger reflecting the bright moon light. Except it's the red Camero I can't stop staring at. Sammy turns the corner too sharp and with the help of the Camero, Sammy loses control, the car takes a tole as is rolls and finally lands upside down. The car stops and I want to rush to Sammy. Neil parks his car and gets out. Johnson hits the gas.

"Don't take one more step towards that car." I say raising my gun. Neil stops and turns to look at me.

"Look at what we have here. Blondie, nice to see you." I raise my lip up in a sneer at him.

"I was just about to finish your little boyfriend off here." I keep my hands steady, raising the gun to his head.

"I said don't take one more fucking step." I raise my voice and his eyes go wide.

"You know I was hoping for a hug and a welcome back man I've missed you." I scowl.

"You should be rotting in hell right now." I spit and Neil laughs.

"Yeah well I'm not, jack is a bitch, oh and before I leave tell him he's next." I shake my head and I open my mouth to reply with a snarky comment, but movement from Sammy's car stops me. We all turn around. It's a terrible mess and if fucking Neil wasn't in the goddamned way.

"Neil get out of here." He shakes his head and rubs his stuble covered chin.

"I don't make promises that I can't keep, you should be familiar with that." A shot is fired from behind us and the unfamiliar sound shakes me. Johnson shot, his aim is shit.

When I turn around Neil is driving away. I run like lightening to Sammy.

He's a mess. The car is totaled and I can see scratches all over his face. Johnson is there to help me and we both pull Sammy out of the wreckage. Johnson runs off to go pull the car up to us I take my shirt off- thankful I decided to wear a camisole- and use it to help with the blood coming from some gashes on his temples.

"Grace?" He says his voice is hoarse. I frown and shush him, he doesn't listen.

"I'm sorry I didn't win."


Awee Sammy don't do this.....

Sammy does like to be called daddy it has been confirmed and grace is okay with that.


Uhm so yeah there will be more action packed shit later on it'll get better. This was a long chapter I guess idk....

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