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I have a mini panic attack when I wake up in a different bed, alone. The sound of the shower shutting off helps me think clearly. Sammy walks out in boxers and I smile when his hazel eyes meet mine.

"Good morning blonde." he says and I throw a pillow at him. He walks over and kisses my forehead.

"Get up I'm taking you to breakfast."


Sammy orders a huge stack of pancakes at IHOP and says he's going to eat them all. he then shrugs.

"I dunno I should be full from last night." he says trailing his fingers up my arm. I wave his hand away as I feel my cheeks heat up.

"Shut up Sam." He smiles and bites his lip, a look that could kill me easily.

"I would so kiss you right now." he says and I look down to my plate.

"Yeah well you can't." I watch as he stabs into his pancakes frustrated.

"Grace, can we have this conversation, please." he begs, his eyes pleading. I really don't want to talk about it, there's nothing to it. I'm not comfortable having a relationship. he grabs my hand and holds it gently beneath his.

"I know you're scared, but I'm okay with that." I can't just date sammy.

"Sammy, if I just suddenly start dating you, what's gunna happen with Nash?" he sits up straight and moves his hand away.

"Nash?" what do you mean?"

"Nash and I, I don't know, you know what it's nothing, it's fine." The waiter hands us the bill and Sammy immediately snatches it before I can grab it.

"It's ihop."

"It's not right." I huff and cross my arms. It's always a battle between us.

"Grace. Nash seriously, what does he have that I don't have?" Innocence, he's oblivious to it all.

"You're going to date him and bring him into your life, I'm already here, I can offer you so much more than him." he holds the door open for me as we walk out. I rub the bridge of my nose an sigh.

"If there are rumors today about us dating, I want to be able to say yes we are." I slide into the passenger seat of his corvette and think about what he's saying. Sure it'd be simple, to be his girlfriend, to kiss him whenever the fuck I want.

But it isn't that easy.

"Okay say I do become your girlfriend. I become a target, I become your weakness, I don't want to hurt you." He looks at me and places his rather large hand on y knee and stares into my eyes.

"Grace you've been my weakness since the minute I saw you." I can't hide the smile that my lips form as he speaks those sweet words. I lean over and pucker my lips. He gives me a quick peck and I pout.

"I'm driving." He turns on his blinker and I chuckle.

"So stop."

"I'll stop driving if you agree to become my girlfriend." I sigh and cross my arms.

"Maybe I'd consider if you asked me like a man!" I say under my breath. He doest hear me, at least I think.

we drive a lot longer than normal. He doesn't take us back to the house, he takes us to the beach. Sammy gets out of the car. I don't move I'm confused as to what we're doing. He walks over and opens my door, unbuckles me and then carries me out bridal style to the shore line.

He sets me down on my feet, gently, on the soft sand. He then grabs both my hands.

"Grace, I hadn't even thought about it till you brought it up, but you're right, I have never asked you officially, I have been a total pussy and I want to change that. So here we are out on the beach alone, the waves crashing behind us. So will you be my girlfriend, we've been through some crazy shit together, but we weren't together together." His pleading eyes bore into mine.

He's right, we've been through numerous experiences, near death. I can't fathom what I was so afraid of, why on earth would I fear being his girlfriend. We've known each other for a long time. It all makes sense. I cup his face and the wind picks up blowing my light hair all over my face. We both laugh as Sammy moves my hair out of my face.

"Will you? Please?" I smile and nod.

"Of course." Sammy smiles brighter than I've ever seen and he picks me up by my waist and spins us around. When we stop he rubs his nose against mine as we smile.

"What now?" I ask and he brushes his lips slowly on mine.

"Now? Now I'm going to kiss my girlfriend." Then his lips melt against mine.


Cameron's pov

I stare at the Instagram post. I snatch Nash's phone from his shaking fingers.

"What the hell is this?" He shouts. I shrug.

"Dude if I knew I would've told you geez." Nash groans and snatches his phone back.

"You know what that's what I fucking get for trying to to after a pretty girl." I scoff.

"Shut up Nash, it doesn't say they are dating." Nash turns sharply on his heel and scowls at me.

"Tell me the last time you took a picture with a girl like that?" He does have a point. He's got his arms wrapped around her and their hands locked. It's a picture only a couple would take.

"How does she even know him, how comes they've never talked about her, why didn't we know, Sammy is our friend? Right?" I nod and agree with Nash because that's what he needs, but honestly I'm worried about betthany. I didn't mention it but I saw the last remaining bits of a hickey on her collar bone, it could've been soemthing else, but it really makes me wonder, how many secrets do these girls have?

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