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Graces pov

I walk through the gates to the estate. I can hear faint laughter and music. When I open the door I can already smell the spice smell, it's great smelling in an odd way. Despite the nice smell, I felt irritated, betthany runs off to jack for what? Weed.

"Oh grow the fuck up all of you." I say snatching the bong out of betthany's grip. Her blood shot eyes just barely blink at me. I notice she's the only one here.

"Bruh, chill." She says and laughs and then continues laughing. I spin to see where jack is, he walks into the room, he is nowhere near high. His keys in his hand and his shades still on. He sniffs and he peers around me.

"Well why didn't y'all tell me you were having a party?" Jack says smiling. I roll my eyes, set the bong down and then push him out of the room.

"You mean you haven't been in here supervising? I just got here!" Jacks face is full of shock, he suddenly pushes me aside and rushed to her side. He brushes her hair back and gently widens her droopy eyes. He sighs and picks her up.

"Irresponsible." I hiss at him as he walks past, he doesn't say anything. I follow after him.

"I wasn't done." Betthany attempts to be stern.

"Yes, yes you are." Jack whispers something to her and she huffs. He clicks on the tv and then walks out of the bedroom shutting the door behind him.

"What?" He asks, and I laugh.

"Look jack this isn't fun and games here, that was irresponsible!" He laughs in return and shakes his tongue.

"Grace no, I wasn't the one who led her here, I didn't hand her the bong, I didn't tell her where the lighters were. I didn't do shit, this is my home! It wasn't irresponsible, she isn't a child." He has a point, I bite my lip.

"Maybe you need to think about yourself, and the irresponsible things you've been doing. Now if you're going to sit here and scold me, you can leave, you know where the door is." He pulls what looks like a cigarette out of his pocket.

"Let me guess you're gunna go get high with her." He just walks off back into the bedroom betthany was in. I take in a deep breath and walk out of the house.

I find my phone in my car and dial carter.

"Ayyyeee leave a message after the tone, we all know why I'm not answering, so maybe try Maggie's phone."

I hang up with a frustrated groan and smack my hands against the wheel. Who do I surround myself with.
I stagger into the apartment almost hitting Nash as I angrily tell off Neil through the phone.

"No don't ever fucking call me on this phone again." I swing my arm out in frustration.

"Whoa whoa, chill." A large hand grabs hold of my wrist and I feel my cheeks burn.

"Who was that? You uhm look pretty pissed." I chuckle and wave him off.

"Nah it's nothing, it's all good." I lean back against our front door and watch as Nash mirrors me.

"Cam wants to hangout with betthany again ya know." He says and I snort. Betthany is pretty occupied right now.

"I'll pass it along to her, even though he should." Nash nods

"Hey can you get a message through for me as well?" I'm a little confused but nod.

"Tell grace that Nash wants to hangout with her sometime too." I can't help but feel the smile tug on my lips.

"I'll also pass that along, I'm sure she'll wonder when Nash is thinking of hanging out." His smile grows.

"Tonight maybe?" I start to open my mouth to agree until I remember Sammy telling me he was taking me out to this new fancy restaurant.

"Oh shit I have to go to this place tonight with Sammy." I say face palming. Nash straightens up.

"Oh right your boyfriend. Well I hope you two enjoy your evening." I sigh

"Sometime later?" He nods,

"Sometime later." He whispers as he turns inside his place. I frown and walk into my own, my mood now even more sour. My phone starts to ring. I decide not to answer it and get ready for dinner tonight.

Despite being pissed and feeling like shit, I actually put effort into my makeup and I curl my hair. A plain white cotton dress and red pumps completes my outfit and despite my inner battle. I actually looked like a happy wholesome person. I unplug my phone from the charger and walk to the front room. Sammy walks through the door, not even bothering to knock. His hazel eyes linger on me as he walks to meet me at the window.

"You look lovely." He says kissing my forehead. I smile and turn to face him completely. I cup his face, my thumb traces his lips. He grabs my wrist gently and kisses my palm.

"I've missed, I was worried sick." His voice cracks and I bite my lip. I want to ask him why he is talking to Neil. I want to forbid him from ever seeing Neil. Instead I smile.

"Cmon now, don't be so sappy." He rolls his eyes but agrees. He takes my hand in his and walks us out of the apartment.

Betthany's pov

I dip my spoon in and out of my cereal bowl. I'm not drifting on the clouds, I'm planted solidly on earth and it fucking drags.

"You know you can talk to me." Jack says placing the milk back in the fridge. Instead of raising a brow at him, I just nod and say that I know. I don't think I've ever honestly talked to jack. We've never sat down and just talked about the stupidest things. Never and somewhere inside me that stirs up an uneasy feeling.

"Bee, if you're having problems... You need to speak up, I don't want to have to go through that again." He says quietly. I sigh. I finally look up at him, he's been staring at me, when my dark eyes meet his he adverts my eyes.

"Jack it's fine, I got you." I stand up and rinse my bowl out.

"Next time, don't just come invade my stash okay? Next time warn me when you're coming over." He says walking away. I stop and feel a bit offended.

"What let me guess you want me to knock too, what do you want, a fifteen minute warning so you can sneak some chick out. When has this ever been an issue?" Jacks face is too hard to read so I just cross my arms and lean against the counter.

"No I don't have girls to sneak in and out, it shouldn't matter to you. I've always been faithful to you." I laugh

"Jack I'm not your girlfriend, faithful is the wrong word to use."

"You're not my girlfriend because you won't be! I have been devoted to you from day one, and all I ever heard was some day, maybe one day Jack. I've watched you pursue other men. You've always come back and to who? Me! This cameron shit, no I'm not dealing with this anymore Betthany!" He shouts. He words are like ice on my skin.

"We are never going to date because you aren't made to be attached to. I know you too well. I know better. Now if we are going to stop this, and you want these 'rules' for your place. Here's the rules for my place. Stay the fuck away." I shove my phone into my pocket and yank my keys off the counter.

"Fuck him." I yell as I speed out of the gravel drive way, spinning my tires a bit. I call grace on the phone.

"Hey, I'm calling to say I'm sorry." I say sincerely. I hear her give a soft laugh.

"Betthany we've been through worse. Are you coming home or staying."

"I don't plan on returning back there." I look in my rear view mirror, a tall figure leans against one of the pillars on the front of the house. No doubt it's Jack. I shake my head and focus my gaze on the road ahead of me.

"Wow uhm okay, well I'll see you when you get here. But be quiet when you enter, I'll be filming." Grave hangs up and I toss my phone aside. I grip the steering wheel tighter and press on the gas. Going fast has never felt better.

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