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A young boy sat against the lockers. He held up a pen that had a hidden microphone at the end. The young boy with H/c remained quiet as voices were heard coming down the school hallway.

The voices suddenly turned into more aggressive tones. The young boy pressed a button on the pen and stayed quiet.

"Whatever, just because I owe a bit of cash doesn't mean that they have to know. Just keep your mouth shut."
The deeper masculine voice walked towards the school's exit.

"I'll tell him! I'll tell the others too! How you're a liar and a bastard!"
The other voice spoke in a more demanding and firm tone.

"Hah! Go ahead, no one will believe you."

The owner of the deeper voice walked off leaving the other owner of the voice alone. It went quiet for a moment before the male with the form voice spoke.

"Is it recorded, L/n?"

The now known as Y/n walks away from the lockers and reveals himself. He ends the recording of the microphone pen.
"Yup, you have my $9100 yen?"

The other male nodded and handed over the $9100 yen. Y/n nods and tossed the pen to the other male. Y/n watched as the other male walked away with the pen in his hand. The H/c male fixed his white uniform.
"I'll have to meet up with Takemichi and Akkun. Those two are failing their math classes."


"Y/n!! Let's go! Let's go!" Kazushi and Makoto chanted as they pushed Y/n towards the bathroom.

"Not this again." Y/n rolled his eyes and walked into the bathroom. Akkun, Takuya, and Takemichi were already there.

Akkun leaned against the window, " we'll be doing an underground fight today too. Kiyomasa-kun just called me. And he said today's fight is...Takuya."

"But it's impossible for Takuya!" Kazushi protested.

"He ain't good at fighting!" Makoto yelled.

" my fight! I'm gonna get revenge for ya!" Takuya said cheerfully.

"Takuya..." Takemichi spoke as he looked into Takuya's eyes.

Akkun, Kazushi and Makoto cheered for Takuya. Y/n looked at the group with a raised eyebrow.

"I believe in you, Takuya." Y/n patted Takuya on the back.

"R-really?...thank you,Y/n-kun. I'm glad you believe in me." Takuya spoke with a bit more confidence.

"Oh no I don't actually mean it. I'm just saying it because I bet some cash on you and I really want to win some cash." Y/n shrugged as the group of boy's jaws dropped by Y/n's coldness.

"Y/N!!" They all yelled at y/n

Y/n was running a bit late to the underground fight. He had some other business to attend to, which caused him to lose track of time. As Y/n got closer to his destination he was surprised that he didn't hear any yelling but only a few voices.
"Did Takuya get beat up already? I know he's weak but I thought he would at least last 7 minutes-"
Y/n immediately went silent when he got closer and saw the scene.

Y/n's eyes widened. Y/n obviously has heard me about Manjiro Sano, and he knew his strength. Y/n took a step back and hid behind a tree. His e/c eyes looked at Takemichi then at kiyomasa who was on the floor.

'God damnit Takemichi, why do you do stupid shit!' Y/n thought as he sweat a bit.

Mikey slammed his foot down on Kiyomasa's head with a smile. He turned towards Draken and his smile grew.
"now then, shall we go home,kenchin?"

"Don't do stupid things that ruins Toman's name." Draken scolded the crowd. The two blondes started to walk away. Mikey turned his head towards Takemichi, "see you later!"

A few minutes go by and mostly everyone leaves. Makoto and Kazushi run up to Takemichi with sparkles in their eyes.

"YOU WERE FUCKING AWESOME, TAKEMICHIIII! I WAS DEEPLY MOVED!" Makoto and Kazushi yelled as they squealed like teen girls.

" guys sound like little kids with high blood sugar. What are you guys, 7 years old?" y/n scolded them as he walked up to Kazushi and slapped him on the back of the head. Kazushi yelped and cursed under his breath. Makoto flinched a little and looked back to see Y/n.

"Where the hell were you?! You missed the most amazing thing ever!" Makoto shouted.

"Don't worry your little pin head, I saw," y/n turned his attention towards Takemichi, "and if I were you, I would be reconsidering if death is the  best way to go. I wouldn't mess with guys like them, especially guys like Manjiro who couldn't care less about weaklings. One guy in my class only said one bad thing about that Manjiro guy and the next day he was sent to the hospital with broken bones."

"Jeez, Y/n! Quit being so negative." Takuya walked up to Y/n. Y/n shrugged his shoulders and looked at the group.

"I'm just being honest. Once you get involved in a SERIOUS gang like that, your name is basically now on a contract ." Y/n walked up to Takemichi and patted his shoulder.

" oh how great..." Takemichi replied in a scared and sarcastic tone.

Akkun chuckled and ruffled Y/n and Takemichi's hair, "you two are the only ones who are being so down and depressing! Now we know that Takemichi is a bad ass!"

"You're right, Akkun!!" Takemichi fixed his posture and walked over to Makoto and Kazushi; who were re-acting the scene of Mikey and Takemichi. Akkun laughed and Y/n looked up at Akkun.

"I'm starting to think you're all either stupid or just suicidal to be thinking 'positive'." Y/n groaned as he spoke in a mellow tone. Y/n was always the most mature out of the whole group of boys. But Akkun couldn't help but laugh.

"C'mon Y/n-kun! Just be happy they're being idiots and not so serious and cold like you. "
Akkun chuckled as Y/n fixed his hair.

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