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Y/n was walking to Takemichi's house. Y/n was holding a coffee cup that was filled with his favorite drink, Kalmyk tea. (Kalmyk tea or chai is a creamy tea made with pressed green or black tea, usually brewed with butter, milk, and salt.) Y/n was writing in his small journal again. He tapped his chin with the pen before continuing writing. Once he got closer to Takemichi's house he saw someone standing outside. Y/n got closer and saw it was Mikey. The short blonde male turned his head, making eye contact with Y/n.

"Oh, hello! What are you doing here Y/n?" Mikey smiled at Y/n.

"I heard Takemichi got sent to the hospital. So I came by to see him. Oh..and sorry about your friend. I heard what happened." Y/n looked at Mikey as he put his journal and pen away in his pocket.

Mikey smiled, "hm, thanks." Mikey glanced at Y/n with a certain look before looking at the door.

Yelling was heard from the inside of Takemichi's house. Y/n and Mikey looked at each other than at the house. Draken came walking out the door with Takemichi trailing behind him yelling for him to stop. Draken and Mikey notice each other and the calm vibe disappeared.

"Huh? What are you doing here?" Mikey raised an eyebrow.

"Hah? I'd like to know why you're here." Draken snarled. Akkun and the others were watching from the balcony. Y/n looked at the two and took a sip of his Kalmyk tea.

"I can sense a bit of negative energy going on." Y/n whispered.

"I came to visit Takemicchi."

"So did I."

"Hah? Takemicchi is my bitch. He ain't got nothing to do with you. Right, Takemicchi?" Mikey looked towards Takemichi.

"Hah? What're you talking about? He's my bitch, ain't that right?" Draken snapped his head towards Takemichi. Takemichi stood there, not sure how to respond. Y/n looked up at the balcony and saw Akkun, Takuya, Makoto, and Kazushi signaling for him to back up. Y/n took a few steps back not knowing how things would go down. Mikey started to walk away, making everyone think he was backing off.

Mikey grabbed Takemichi's bike and LIFTED it. He then threw the bike at Draken. Draken easily dodged the bike. Suddenly, things were being thrown around. Y/n was about to take another sip from his Kalmyk tea, only for Mikey to swipe it away and throw it towards Draken.

After a few minutes the whole place was scattered with trash and broken items. Takemichi was sitting on the ground, absolutely distraught. Mikey and Draken stood in front of each other.

"You wanna settle this right here?" Mikey glared.

"Bring it on." Draken clutched his fists.

"WAIT." Takemichi stood up. Anger was plastered on his face.

"Don't fucking precious memories!"

Mikey looked around and Draken looked to the right. "Oh. When did this happen?"

"Don't fuck with me!!" Takemichi tried to punch Mikey but just ended up falling in a pile of trash. Trash launched everywhere.

"Are you okay, Takemicchi?" Mikey walked towards Takemichi.

"Do you think my memories don't matter or something?!" Takemichi screamed.

Draken smiled as he tried to calm down Takemichi. "Now, now, just calm down."

"CALM DOWN?! DON'T JERK ME AROUND! ITS YOU TWO THAT ARE GOING BERSERK, AINT IT?!" Takemichi kept on yelling as Akkun came running. He grabbed Takemichi by the arms and held him back

"I said I was sorry! It's not like I meant to mess up your stuff." Draken tried to defend himself.

Takemichi fell to his knees crying, "Nothing matters, so you might as well fight, huh? DON'T YOU KNOW HOW MUCH OF A NUISANCE YOU TWO ARE TO EVERYONE ELSE WHEN YOU FIGHT!!? EVERYONE THAT IDOLIZES YOU TWO AND FOLLOWS YOU IS FIGHTING TOO, AREN'T THEY!!? ITS NOT JUST YOUR PEOBLEM!!! YOU'RE TEARING TOMAN APART! THATS FUCKING DEVASTATING!!!...I don't want that to happen. I don't want to watch something like that happen! You're belong selfish. Act a little more cool."

"Takemicchi...this whole time...YOU'VE HAD A GIANT SHIT IN YOUR HAIR!" Mikey laughed as the others broke into laughter. Y/n brought out his phone and took a quick picture of Takemichi's hair.

"RUN KENCHIN!" Mikey laughed as Draken followed behind him as they ran away. Akkun, Takuya, Makoto, and Kazushi were running away. Y/n quickly ran with the others, leaving Takemichi in the stink.

"Man, Takemichi stinks!" Makoto laughs followed by the others. After a little bit, they slow down but continue laughing. Y/n brings out his journal and pen. He was writing as he heard Makoto and Kazushi talked about how suicidal Takemichi must have been to yell at Draken and Mikey. Akkun laughed as Takuya added onto the joke. Y/n looked up at the group then back at his journal.

"Hey, Y/n!! Get your head out of that journal! You've been writing in that thing for years!" Kazushi attempted to swipe the journal away but Y/n quickly slapped his hand away.

"Kazushi just drop it. Y'know Y/n doesn't let people read his journal." Takuya pushed Kazushi away.

"Y/n is so secretive, it's almost scary...what dark secrets are you keep, Y/n?" Makoto and Kazushi spoke in deep voices.

"The only secrets that I'm writing about are how you guys can't keep your hands out of your pants, but I wouldn't really consider that a secret." Y/n snarled at them. Akkun chuckled as he patted Y/n's shoulder. Y/n suddenly started walking in a different direction.

"Y/n, where you going?" Takuya asked.

"Oh..I got to go. I'll see ya guys later." Y/n waved them goodbye and disappeared around the corner. Y/n walked down the nearby alleyway. He clicked his pen and looked up at the figure in front of him.

"Sorry that I had to reschedule. I had to meet up with a friend and ran into Mikey and Draken." Y/n looked up at the male. " that I'm here, what did you want to discuss about...Hanma?"

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