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Draken and emma both held umbrellas. They walked, sharing a few chats.

"DRAKEN." Peh's voice was heard behind them. Emma and Draken turned their heads.

"Oh, peh? What's going on? You're wearing a Tasuki." Draken raised an eyebrow at Peh.

"What's with the serious face?" Emma asked. Draken handed over his umbrella to Emma.

"Hold this and go over there." Draken stepped closer to Peh. "Peh, you can't agree with me after all, huh?" Draken cracked his neck as Peh remained silent. "You don't like me right? You wanna go one-on-one? You start."

Footsteps were heard rushing at Draken. A mobuis member appeared, bat in hand. Emma screamed, "Draken! Look out!"

-Time skip-
Draken was sitting in the ground, blood dripped down his head. Mitsuya and Takemichi stood in front of him as they were surrounded by Mobius members. Peh stepped forward and glared at the three.
"Surround those three, and kill 'em." Peh ordered the members.

A loud roaring motorcycle was heard. The sound rumbled the ground as the sound got closer. Mitsuya and Draken smirked and looked in the direction of the sound.
"About time," Draken chuckled, "it's Mikey's CB250T."

As Draken finished his sentence, mikey came sliding on his motorcycle. Mikey turned off his bike and got off.  He walked towards peh, and looked at Draken. "I see. I was called to go somewhere else so you could attack Kenchin, huh?" It goes silent for a moment before Mikey continues, " so, you're planning to split Toman In half because of me..?"

"I only care about Pahchin!" Peh yelled.

"This isn't like you! Who instigated this?" Mikey's voice was low and cold. A tall figure walked to the front and stood in front of Mikey, it was Hanma. He held a cigarette between his fingers as a member held his umbrella.

"How unexpected...Mikey blew his top. So tiresome." Hanma sighed, the ashes from his cigarette fall.

"Who are you?" Mikey looked up at Hanma, the short blonde held a strong glare."

"It doesn't matter who I am. But I'm temporarily controlling mobius right now. Name's Hanma"

Mikey held a poker expression, "are you the gross guy nagging from the shadows?"

Hanma smiled, " this is such a pain in the ass Mikey-cha-"

Somehow, Hanma had blocked Mikey's powerful kick. Everyone's jaws dropped, even Mitsuya's. Hanma grinned creepily.

"No need to be in such a rush! My goal is to crush Toman. But that's tiresome so I decided to let you man fight itself. But, I guess the result is okay. Since with my own hands, the invincible Mikey is going to FUCKING DIE!!"

-small time skip-

Y/n was walking down the street, with a cigarette between his lips. He then saw kiyomasa's group run past him with bloody knuckles. Y/n made eye contact with Akaishi. Y/n watched as they ran away from the siren's of the police. Y/n walked down to the corner of the street and saw Hina, Emma, Takemichi, Draken, Akkun, and the others rushing towards the ambulance.

"Пиздец.." y/n snarled as he looked back at Akaishi and his group running away. "These damn dogs need to be put on a god damn leash." Y/n turned back around and started walking towards Akaishi's group. Y/n followed them for 20 minutes and found them in an alleyway. Suddenly Akaishi turned around and so did his group.

"Oi! You're Hanagaki's little friend right?! What's your name again?? Some trashy name, right?" Akaishi mocked as he stepped closer with a knife.

Y/n pointed at the group, " so there's ...1,2,3,4,5 of you..and one of me. What's a guy like me supposed to do?" Y/n spoke in a sarcastic tone as Akaishi gripped his knife. Akaishi then lunged at Y/n.

"Shut your mouth!"

"...damn dogs."

Time Skip  -

Y/n looked at the group, they were all soaked due to the rain. Their unconscious bodies laid there, bruises and cuts were marked all over them.Y/n himself had blood running down his nose, one of the members got a good hit at him. Y/n noticed his phone was ringing, he picked it up and noticed it was Makoto.


"HOLY SHIT Y/N!!! YOU HAVE TO COME TO THE HOSPITAL!!! I'LL EXPLAIN IT TO YOU BUT COME TO THE HOSPITAL THAT IS NEAR THE GAS STATION!" Makoto yelled before hanging up. Y/n looked at his phone then at his surroundings.

"..should I walk?"

another time skip-

Y/n walked up to the hospital. He noticed how there were a lot of motorcycles there. Before y/n could react, Makoto and Kazushi came dashing at him.



Makoto and Kazushi took turns speaking. Y/n looked up at Akkun and Takuya walking up with smiles. Y/n sighed and gave a small glare at Makoto.

"Great, now you guys are involved in this gang shit." Y/n sighed, "you guys are such losers."
Akkun put his arm on Y/n's shoulder and smiled.

"Oh cheer up, Y/n! Just be happy we beat Kiyomasa!" Akkun laughs. Y/n rolled his eyes as he watched his friends talk about the incident. Y/n turned his head and made eye contact with some guys with blonde hair and blue eyes, the boy had the black uniform and one small earring. When y/n made eye contact with the blonde boy, the boy blushed and turned away. Y/n was confused by ignored it.

"Oh I wanted to ask you guys, where is Takemichi?" Y/n asked Akkun.

"Oh uhhh...I think he's still in the hospital with Mikey." Akkun replied.

Y/n sighed and looked at the ground. He looked at his feet them at his friends.

'How would they react...if they knew that I knew this would happen? And that more problems will come in the future?' Y/n asked himself.

" Draken..y'know.." Y/n hesitated to speak as he was waiting for the negative news.

The others smiled brightly as they all laughed a giggled.
Akkun smiled, " Thankfully, Draken survived like the bad-ass he is!"

Y/n put on a smile as he looked at the group.

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