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Y/n sat in class and his eyes were focused on his paper. That was until he saw people standing up and exiting the class even though the bell hasn't rung yet. Y/n ignored it until he heard his name being called. He looked up and saw Hina, Takemichi's girlfriend.

"Ah, Hina? What are you doing here?"
Y/n placed down his pencil as he noticed the concerned but also determined expression on the girl's face.

"Come on Y/n-kun! Takemichi is in trouble."
Hina grabbed y/n's wrist and pulled him out of the classroom. Y/n tried to speak up but he knew Hina was determined to help Takemichi. Once the two got closer to the lockers of the school, a crowd was organized in the hallways. Y/n was confused as Hina kept on pulling until they came upon the scene. Takemichi was with Mikey and Draken, but Takemichi seemed more scared than cheerful.

"Hold it right there!"
Hina yelled at the two gang members, her voice was firm. Takemichi's jaw dropped once he saw Hina. Draken and Mikey turned their heads towards Hina.

Draken looked towards Hina with a raised eyebrow.
"Hah? Who're you?"

"H-Hina...I'm is actually busy for me, so-"
Takemichi couldn't finish his sentence due to Hina raising her hand and SLAPPING Mikey across the face. A few people gasped or jaws dropped at Hina's brave actions.

"Takemichi! Let's go, you mustn't do what these people want. I will protect you." Hina spoke as she grabbed Takemichi's wrist. Takemichi noticed that despite Hina's bravery, she was still trembling. Suddenly, Draken grabs Hina's wrist.

"Oi...I'mma murder you, bitch." Draken's glare was cold and terrifying. "You're just gonna slap someone and say 'see ya later'? Don't make me laugh!"

Hina spoke quietly, "what part of this is a joke to you? Coming into their school and forcing them to go with you isn't something a friend would do. Lately, Takemichi-Kun has been covered in wounds. If that was because of you guys, then I won't forgive you."

Takemichi grabbed Draken's shoulder, "let...let go of her..."

Draken looked down at Takemichi, " Hah?? Whatcha say? I didn't quite hear ya!"

"I said to let fucking go!! You dumbass!" Takemichi gritted his teeth.

"You bastard. Who the fuck you think you're talking to!?" Draken grinned as his glare became more sharp.

"I ain't gonna give her up a second time!" Takemichi yelled with determination. Draken raised an eyebrow in confusion to Takemichi's statement.

"Ahh, and here I thought we could be friends, too bad." Mikey's pure smile turned into a quick glare," well then, how ya wanna die?"

"Just promise me one thing...promise you won't lay a hand on Hina!" Takemichi yelled.

"Hah?! I don't give a damn about her!" Mikey quickly responded as he pulled his fist back and launched his fist aiming for Takemichi's face. Takemichi was expecting Mikey's fist to slam into his face, until he heard Mikey's cheery voice.

"Just kidding!!!"


Mikey smiled as he walked towards the doors of the school. "There's no way I would hit a girl."

Hina looked at Takemichi, "huh? Takemichi-kun, these people are..."

-tiny time skip-

They were outside as Hina was apologizing to Mikey. Mikey brushed it off as he chuckled. Hina slowly walked away, leaving Mikey, Draken, and Takemichi alone.

"What a nice girl, it's a rare to see a girl like that. Be sure to take care of her." Mikey spoke as Takemichi slowly nodded.

"Takemichi." Y/n's voice was heard as Makoto and Kazushi were hiding behind a nearby bush. Y/n held Takemichi's bag that he forgot.

"Y/n-kun? O-oh my bag!" Takemichi walked towards Y/n and grabbed his bag. Y/n noticed how Draken and Mikey were staring at them.

"Takemichi? What did I tell you about getting involved with people like...them?" Y/n whispers to Takemichi. Before Takemichi could speak, Mikey appeared next to Takemichi with his hand out.

"I'm Mikey! You're one of Takemicchi's friends? Nice to meet you!" Mikey smiled, still having his hand out for Y/n to shake. Y/n looked down at Mikey's hand, Y/n's expression turned into a more judgy expression. There was a good 20 seconds full of awkward silence before Y/n flicked Mikey's hand away. Takemichi looked at Y/n as if he was insane. Draken on the other hand was a bit annoyed by Y/n's attitude.

"You got a problem, asshole?" Draken stepped up and glared at Y/n. The H/c haired male was about to respond, but Takemichi covered his mouth.

"HAHA.Y/n-kun, don't you have to return to class now?!" Takemichi started to push Y/n towards the school.

"Man, you're lame Takemichi. Whatever, I tried warning you about getting involved in serious gang shit. Don't come complaining to me when your hand gets stabbed." Y/n pushed Takemichi away and started to walk to the school. Takemichi was confused by what Y/n meant by that but he sighed in relief as Mikey watched Y/n leave.

"He seems funny!" Mikey smiled, "I like him!"

"I don't like his attitude." Draken spoke with a bit of annoyance, "you got strange friends." Draken turned his head to Takemichi.

"Sorry, y/n-Kun can be really snappy sometimes. But once you get to know him he CAN be nice." Takemichi looked at the other two.


Y/n was sitting on the top of a motel. He had a small journal in his hands and a black pen. The journal had a dark red cover with Y/n's initials printed in the corner. Y/n was writing as the morning breeze brushed past him. He then heard his phone ringing. He placed down his journal and pen and opened his phone.

"Hello?" Y/n's voice was low and tired.

Kazushi's voiced suddenly yelled causing Y/n's ears to ring for a moment.
"Y/n! Thank god you picked up! So a few days ago Takemichi was sent to the hospital because he got into a gang fight that involved toman and mobius! And one of the gang members of toman, Pah, got arrested for stabbing the Möbius's leader!" Kazushi took in a deep breath and sighed, "but luckily Takemichi is okay. He's home right now and we're going to go visit him. And we wanted to see if you wanted to come with us."

It went silent for a moment until Y/n finally spoke.
"What happend to hello?"

"Y/n!! Just answer the question!" Kazushi yelled.

"Fine, fine, I'll be there in a few" Y/n sighed as he stood up.

"Good. We'll see you there." Kazushi finally said then hanged up. Y/n stood up and sighed.

"I guess I have to push back my schedule. I'll have to call the others and tell them I have to reschedule the meeting."

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