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"C'monnn Y/n! Pick up the pace!" Kazushi hissed as they walked through the hallways. Y/n and Kazushi were walking together in the school hallways.

"Why do I have to be there while you guys discuss your stupid gang shit? Akkun will be there, Takemichi, Takuya, and Makoto." Y/n sighed as they got closer to the class room. Kazushi then opened the door and saw the whole friend group together.

"What took you guys so long?" Akkun chuckled as he watched as Y/n and Kazushi enter the room.

Kazushi sighed, "sorry, a certain SOMEBODY wanted to take a bathroom stop!" Kazushi snarled at Y/n.

"Hey man, I'm sorry I had to pee." Y/n scoffed.

Y/n took a seat at one of the chairs as he watched the 5 boys discuss about Toman and kisaki. Y/n ignored it really, until they started to get more into it, he started to panic.

"Then Hanma gathered ex-moebius members anti Toman force to form VALHALLA!" Kazushi and Takemichi spoke to each other putting together the pieces, "Valhalla currently has 300 members!!"

Takemichi's eyes widened, "300 members...and Hanma's the leader!?"

Kazushi turned back to the chalk board, "Hanma is the 'acting leader'. Nobody knows who the real leader is."

Y/n's phone started to buzz, he stood up, "I'll be back, I just have to answer this."

Akkun looked up at Y/n and nodded. Y/n stepped out of the room closing the door, he walked around the corner and opened up his phone.

"N/n!! I've missed you so much!" Hanna's voice ranged on the other side of the line. Y/n pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Hanma please, what do you need. I'm a bit busy." Y/n sighed, he looked down the hallway, seeing a student wandering the halls.

Hanma's chuckle ringed, "calm down, I'm just trying to have fun! Anyways, I need you to meet a buddy of mine. And don't worry, I told him to be nice~"

Y/n rolled his eyes, "why do I have to meet him? If he's a friend of yours then I don't really want to meet him." Y/n scoffed as Hanma started to talk, but y/n's attention was brought up to the student who was walking towards him. The student had black hair with blonde strips of hair, he had yellow/sandy colored eyes and a bell earring. "Hanma, I think your buddy arrived already so I'll call you later."

Y/n slapped his phone shut, the student stepped a few feet closer. The student had a sudden smirk, "So you're N/n, the guy Hanma couldn't stop talkin' about."

"It's Y/n, and you are?" Y/n tilted his head.

"Kazutora Hanemiya, but just call me Kazutora." He smiled, his bell earring ringed, "I have heard a lot about you, N/n."

"Y/n." Y/n corrected him.

"Right, N/n. Anyways, I need to borrow you for a bit." Kazutora smiled.


Kazushi fixed his glasses, "The former Moebius members are gathered under Hanma...Valhalla's number 2...and the Anti-toman force is gathered under the number 3 guy, Kazutora Hanemiya-"

The classroom door then opened, revealing Kazutora and Y/n followed behind him. The group of boys turned their heads towards Y/n and the stranger.

"Is school already over?" Kazutora tilted his head as he stepped into the classroom.

Makoto stood up from his seat, "who the hell? You don't look familiar, and what are you doing with Y/n?"

Kazutora chuckled as he pulled Y/n back after he tried to walk away, "now that's not a very nice thing to say! I am your mid-school Senpai, after all."

Fear and shock grew on Kazushi's face, " M-Makoto, STOP!!," Kazushi turned his head to Takemichi, " Ta-Takemichi, I-It's him!! This is Valhalla's number 3! Kazutora Hanemiya!"

Kazutora kept a tight grip on Y/n's school uniform collar. Y/n sighed as Kazutora finally let go to go randomly hug Takemichi smiling and chuckling. Akkun came to y/n's side.

"Why were you with him, a guy in Valhalla? Do you know him?" Akkun whispered as he stayed close to Y/n.

"I'll tell you later, worry about it later." Y/n whispered back.

Kazutora grabbed Takemichi's arm, "let's go to Valhalla's hide-out! N/n, here's my number, call me later! Kay' bye!" Kazutora handed a small piece of paper to Y/n and quickly left the classroom with Takemichi dragged behind.

The classroom went silent, y/n turned around to see his friends suddenly in his face. "...what?"

"WHAT WERE YOU DOING WITH VALHALLA'S NUMBER 3???" Makoto and Kazushi yelled at the same time.


"DO YOU KNOW HIM?"Akkun shook y/n's shoulders. After 5 minutes of yelling, Y/n made some space.

"RELAX!! jeez...I just ran into him in the hallway and he asked me if I knew Takemichi and I said yes." Y/n rubbed his forehead, feeling an incoming headache. He knew it was bad to lie to his friends but it kept things calm for now.

"And he called you 'N/n', what's that about?" Takuya squinted his eyes at Y/n suspiciously.

"Chill, I told him my name and he came up with it while we were walking." Y/n ran a hand through his hair. Akkun stared at Y/n, not fully taking his word but stayed quiet.

—the next day—
Y/n was at the mall, walking around with 2 bags filled with some clothing. He whistled as commotion happened around him. Y/n had good style or taste in fashion. He wore a black sweatshirt and a black leather jacket over it. Paired with loose black jean pants held up by a dark brown belt and some black shoes. He had a silver necklace and gold earrings.

As he was walking he saw a few guys wearing Valhalla jackets. Y/n kept his head down and continued walking.

"Hey, N/n!!" A familiar voice got closer to him. Y/n slowly turned his head to see..Hanma. Y/n sighed in disappointment.

"Do you need something Hanma?" Y/n groaned as Hanma pulled him into a hug. Y/n stomped on Hanma's foot, making Hanma step back with a smile.

"You're so mean!! Is this how you treat your childhood-best-friend??" Hanma replied with a fake sad expression.

"What do you want from me twinkle-toes?" Y/n sighed.

"Can I stay at your place tonight? I got kicked out again! The old man had a few too many and got tired of me." Hanma smiled as he looked at y/n. Y/n sighed and rubbed his face.

"Sure, but don't leave your cigarettes every where this time. I don't need that." Y/n rolled his eyes and Hanma smiled and ruffled y/n's hair.

(Sorry if I misspelled anything)

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