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"What did you want to discuss about...Hanma?"
Y/n looked at his tall friend. A creepy smile was plastered on Hanma's face. He wrapped his arm around Y/n's shoulder.

"N/n!! It's been a while huh? It's been a month!" Hanma smiled as he looked down at Y/n. Y/n nodded as he looked around then raised an eyebrow.

"No offense Hanma, but why did you want to meet up with me?" Y/n's tired eyes looked back at Hanma.

"Right! Well, me and Kisaki are planning on taking control of Toman!" Hanma smiled.

"...if you want my opinion, you guys will probably fail. Mikey is very strong, and you have Draken who is basically Mikey's guard dog." Y/n picked at his nails.

" that's why on August 3rd, we're going to get rid of Draken!" Hanma smiled.

"So during the festival? Where everyone will be? I thought kisaki was smarter than that." Y/n frowned.

"No, no. Just you watch! Once we take down Draken then things will be easier. Kisaki has it ALL planned out!" Hanma pulled out a cigarette and lit the tip of it with his lighter.

"Why are you telling me this?" Y/n looked at Hanma's cigarette. He noticed how the sun was setting.

"...kisaki wants you to help us!"

"You know I don't do this shit for free. If I do this I will be betraying a certain friend of mine." Y/n snarled as he glared up at Hanma.

"Kisaki has a deal for you.."Hanma chuckles.

"...I'm listening.."

—after the meet-up with Hanma.—

Y/n was looking at his feet as he kicked a pebble. He was deep in his thoughts. He then heard some voices that he recognized, he looked to his right and saw Takemichi, Mikey, Draken and the others.

Mikey, Draken, Takuya, Akkun, and Takemichi were playing soccer. Kazushi and Makoto were playing a guessing game while drawing with dirt. And Hina was sitting on the stairs with a girl that had blonde hair.
Y/n walked up to Hina and tapped her shoulder

"Huh? Ah Y/n, what are you doing here?" Hina smiled.

Y/n took a seat next to Hina, "I was just passing by." Y/n looked at the blonde haired girl. "I'm L/n Y/n, but just call me Y/n."

"I'm Emma Sano, I'm Mikey's little sister." Emma smiled. Y/n hummed. Hina and Emma continued talking as Y/n listened. Emma then looked at Y/n.
"Y/n, are you going to the festival on August 3rd?"

"Oh...uh...I will be there." Y/n replied, avoiding eye contact. Hina squinted her eyes at Y/n as she raised an eyebrow. Hina has known Y/n for a long time and could tell when something was up with y/n. But she didn't want to pressure him into talking with people around.

"Well, we will be there too! So if you want to join us you can!" Emma spoke in a calm voice.

Y/n nodded, "I'll keep that in mind."

-AUGUST 3rd-

Y/n was at the festival with a couple of friends from school. His friends were playing some festival stand game that goldfish scooping. Y/n seemed like he was having fun, but he was honestly bored. Half of the 'friends' were fake or just rude in general. For example, one of the girls was cheating on her boyfriend with his best-friend and the best-friend's girlfriend is sleeping with one of the teachers. How does Y/n know this? Nobody knows.

Y/n didn't stay for long, so he wandered off.  He soon saw Hina and Takemichi. He was about to walk over and join them but he immediately stopped. Y/n didn't want to invade their date. Y/n sighed and walked in a different direction. As he walked he saw Emma and Draken near a food stand.

"Shit...they're all here. And that Emma girl is with him."
Y/n whispered to himself as he remembered what Hanma told him.


" that's why on August 3rd, we're going to get rid of Draken!"

"Just you watch! Once we take down Draken then things will be easier. Kisaki has it ALL planned out!"


Y/n felt a bit bad that he knew something bad would happen to Draken. Draken had a smile on his face as he took a bite out of Emma's food and Emma getting mad at him. Y/n decided that it would be best if he just left.

Rain drops started to hit the ground. People started to run for shelter from the rain. Y/n's phone started to ring.

"Hello?" Y/n spoke quietly.

"It's Hanma, are you at the festival?" Hanma's voice was heard on the other side of the phone. Y/n could hear Hanma lighting a cigarette.

"Yeah...are you still planning on the whole attacking thing?" Y/n gripped his phone, making sure no one is around.

"Yeah...but I need you to do me a favor. A Toman member is willing to 'deal' with Draken. They're in the forest, near the temple. I need you to grab a knife that I hid by a tree with initials on it. Grab it and give it to the mobius member at the temple. Thanks!!! Bye bye!" Hanma spoke quickly.

"W-wait! I never-" y/n couldn't even finish his sentence due to the hanging up sound. Y/n looked at his phone and gripped it.
'This mother fucker wants me to do some scavenger hunt??! What am I?! Dora the fucking explorer??! Мудак' Y/n thought to himself.

Y/n went to the forest and after a few minutes he found a tree that had his and Hanma's initials from when they were kids. Y/n rolled his eyes and grabbed the knife. He placed it in his jacket's pocket.

"I hate this.That jackass needs to fuck off" Y/n talked to himself. He ran towards the temple and saw a mobius member. The mobius member turned towards Y/n.

"Who the hell are you?"

Y/n brought the knife out of his pocket, "Hanma told me to give this to you."

The mobius member took the knife from Y/n's hand. "I haven't seen you before...are you a friend of Hanma?"

"That's none of your concern."

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