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!!!!!MENTIONS: smoking & substance & drug abuse!!!!!!
—AT Y/n's HOUSE-

It was midnight, the silver moon lit the sky. Y/n was on his bed, playing around with his guitar. Y/n hummed as his fingers picked at the strings, his fingers had blisters from the years of playing. Hanma then walked into the bedroom, a damp towel around his neck, wearing the same clothes he wore today, and still wet hair, leaving his hair now damp.

Y/n looked up as Hanma dried his hair with the towel, "if you want, I can see if Naoki has some spare clothes, so you don't have to sleep in those."

Hanma smirked and took a seat on the floor, "nah it's fine, I don't need your dad's clothing."

Y/n put the guitar down, "he's not my dad, he's just a friend of my Dad's that adopted me. Anyways, come here. I need to cut your hair since you have some dry ends and it looks crappy."

Hanma moved more towards the bed, Y/n pulled out some silver scissors from his nightstand and a clip. He pinned some of hanma's front hair with the clip.

Hanma snickered, "when you were younger, you were like glued to Naoki. What happened, trauma stopped you from being happy?"

Y/n scoffed at Hanma's comment, Hanma was right, but Y/n didn't want to admit it. "I just learned more about who he is, and I've lost a bit of respect for him. And stop moving your head."
Y/n straightened Hanma's head.

A smirk grew on Hanma's lips, a more curious expression, "c'monnn, tell me! I ain't got anyone to tell. Plus, I've known you for long enough for you to tell me your problems."

The snipping sounds of scissors echoed through out the room. Y/n went quiet for a little while before letting out a sigh. " like 3 or 4 years ago, Naoki was hosting a business party at his hotel. And I went with him because he wanted me there and I agreed. So everybody there, except me, was drunk. And so I was sitting at one of the tables, watching a few guys gamble. And one of Naoki's good friends turned to me, and this man was so drunk he couldn't even keep one eye open. And he said 'Hey, so you're the kid Naoki adopted?' And I said yeah and why he was asking."
Y/n paused as he trimmed a bit more of Hanma's hair before removing the clip and sectioning his hair.

"He then said 'oh did Naoki finally tell you who killed your parents?' And I didn't know what happened but I like..froze? I couldn't breathe for a good few seconds and I asked what he was talking about. And he said along the lines of, 'Naoki knows who killed your parents..but he doesn't want you wasting your life hunting them down.' And I felt I think anger and sadness. Not sure what I was feeling. So that night I asked Naoki and he refused to tell me and he just kept on saying, 'it's for the better' and 'you're too young to understand.' And I got pissed and I stormed off, and I felt hurt and decided it's best if I keep my distance from him."

Silence filled the room as y/n finished up trimming Hanma's hair. Y/n sighed as he fixed a bit of Hanma's hair.
Hanma's head leaned against one of Y/n's legs, "you don't really need Naoki, you're fine without him."

"You're right." Y/n sighed as he stood up and grabbed a broom and tossed it to Hanma, "sweep up your hairs that are on my floor. I need to take a shower."

A sly smirk grew on Hanma's lips, "I don't mind taking a second shower, if I can take it with you~" Hanma stood up as he held the broom in his hands.

The h/c haired boy gagged as he grabbed his towel, "you're so fucking gross."

—After Y/n's shower—

Y/n was in some shorts and a white shirt. He was brushing through his hair. He yawned as he watched Hanma smoke a cigarette and looked outside. He was watching some kid get jumped by a group of guys, he snickered.

Y/n looked at his tall friend, "hey, what's going on with Kisaki? He told me how a fight between Toman and Valhalla was coming soon. What's that about?"

The tall lanky teen turned towards Y/n, he sighed. "It's complicated, our main plan is taking out Mikey. Kazutora will be dealing with Mikey and I'll deal with Draken."

Y/n nodded he then looked at Hanma, y/n knew Hanma wasn't telling him something but he shrugged it off. "When's the fight?"

"It's on the 31st of October, so soon." Hanma took a drag on his cigarette. He laid down on y/n's bed, stretching out his limbs. "Also, that Takemichi friend of yours, he'll probably get a bit hurt. But I'm sure he'll survive."

Y/n sighed, "he's always getting hurt. Hold on, I need to use the bathroom."

Y/n stood up and walked to the bathroom, he sighed as he closed the door. Y/n put the hairbrush away and looked at himself in the mirror. He ran a hand through his hair, he placed his face in his hands before removing his hands. He opened one of the sinks drawers and dug around. He then pulled out a small orange bottle that didn't have a label. He opened the small tin and poured out two pills. He tossed the pills into his mouth and turned on the sink to sip water.

Y/n backed away from the sink, "fuck...what did I get myself into.."


Y/n was in his room strumming his guitar strings. He then heard a knock on his door. "Come in."

Naoki stepped into the room, tightening his tie. A small smile was on Naoki's face. Y/n glanced up at the older man then back down at his guitar. Naoki cleared his throat, "good morning Y/n, got any plans for today?"

Y/n shrugged his shoulders, "I'll probably hang out with a few friends."

Naoki chuckled, "seems like you're getting more popular! Not surprised." Naoki's chuckle slowly disappeared as y/n continued playing his guitar. Naoki sighed, he closed the door and took a few steps closer to y/n. "Listen, I know you have had a hard life, and I'm sorry. But, I'm trying my best to be there for you but I can't do that if you don't tell me what's wrong."

Y/n sighed, "There's nothing wrong, I'm just in a bad mood right now."

Naoki pinched the bridge of his nose, "you always say that. You say you're in a bad mood, that you had a rough day, or today just isn't a good day. I also have my rough days, but you don't see me hiding away in my room or running around and not coming home until midnight. I work hard, to put a roof over your head and to provide for you and me."

"What do you want me to do about that?" Y/n snarled with a bit of annoyance.

Naoki scoffed as he stood up, " I don't know what happened to you. You used to be kind, open-minded, responsible, smart, and a wonderful kid. Now, you're disrespectful, rude, dishonest, and a ungrateful teen who thinks he knows it all. You have a GOOD life now, you have so many opportunities but you're just ruining it all because you're ungrateful." Naoki had his finger pointing at Y/n as if he was scolding a dog, "you can either grow up and act your age, or you can keep on acting like a child. It's your choice....if your parents were here...they wouldn't recognize you because of how you're acting."

Naoki sighed and turned around, leaving the room. The door was shut. Y/n stopped strumming his guitar, he placed his guitar down on his bed. His chest rose and fell, his fists clenched and he clenched his hair.

All the things on Y/n's nightstand were shoved and thrown to the floor. He grabbed his school bag and threw it at the wall, papers and pencils falling out. He kicked his laundry basket over as clothes fell onto the floor.  "FUCKK HIM! THAT FUCKING ASSHOLE!!" Y/n yelled as he grabbed his guitar. He stood there for a moment, his legs shaking and his hands shivering. He crouched down and covered his face with one of his hands. He sniffled, his voice cracking as he clenched his hair.

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