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TW: biting nails

Y/n POV:
I took a deep breath as I waited in the waiting room of the hospital, I bit at my nails. I then heard one of the nurses call my name, I stood up and walked up to the old nurse.

The old nurse obviously had seen better days. She looked me up and down, "His room is A537, take the elevator and go to the 3rd floor then go down the hallway, it'll be on the right." The nurse's voice was scratchy and hard to understand but I understood enough.

I followed the instructions and I now stood in front of the room. I took a DEEP breath and let it out. I slowly opened the door, and there sat the guy I've been looking for. Baji Keisuke. His bronze eyes meeting mine, a slight chill running down my spine from his intense stare. I cleared my throat, "you are Baji, correct?"

Baji stared at me before speaking, "yeah, who the hell are you?" I could tell he had healed a lot,  according to Takemichi he was way more sluggish when he visited him.

"I'm Y/n L/n, I'm a friend of Takemichi." I took a seat next to his bed. I couldn't help but notice how handsome the guy was, not in a gay way though. I could see him thinking for a good few minutes.

Baji snarled, "what the hell do you want? If you "are" a friend of Takemichi's, then how come I haven't heard of ya?" The long dark haired teen tilted his head, his arms crossing his chest. I sighed, i didn't know he would be this sassy.

I leaned back in the chair, "that's because Takemichi doesn't mention me a lot, I don't want my name to be mentioned. Anyways, I have a little offer, you'll just have to hear me out on it. Some people might be in danger."

"I'm listening," Baji sighed, "you have an hour, before some of the others come back."

I nodded my head and brought out my journal, I opened to one of the pages and took a breath.

I stood in the elevator, I was listening to music as I went down to the ground floor. My stomach started to hurt from all this anxiety, this can't be good for my skin to be all stressed out. My eyes fell to my hands, my nails were kind of bleeding from picking at them. The elevator doors opened and I was about to step out when I stopped midway.

There stood Mikey, Draken, Chifuyu, and Takemichi


Their eyes widened when they saw me. I saw Chifuyu's eyes fall onto my bloody nails, I quickly shoved my hands in my pockets. Takemichi was about to say something but I quickly got out of the elevator, not wasting a second. I put more speed in my walk, not looking back.

"Fuck...fuck." I whispered to myself as I exited the hospital, how could I be so careless? Takemichi will probably ask about it later, SHIT. Oh my god I'm so stupid. I walked and took a seat at the nearest bus stop. I closed my eyes for a good 10 minutes before I hear the bus come close, I stood up and waited for the bus doors to open.

I took a seat and brought out my phone. I flipped it open and dialed Kisaki's number. I waited but no answer, I hate leaving voicemails. I waited for the beep for me to give a voicemail. "Hey Kisaki, it's Y/n....I haven't been able to contact Hanma and discuss with him about further plans. Call me when you can, so we can talk. Bye."


Hanma, Chifuyu, and Mikey all shook hands. It was announced that Valhalla is now affiliated with Toman now. And Takemichi is now first commanding captain. It's now the end of the meeting, Takemichi was wiping his tears away, Draken and Mitsuya chuckled as Chifuyu patted him on the back.

"Calm down you cry baby! I'll be telling baji about you crying like a baby." Chifuyu snickered as Takemichi sniffled.

Takemichi smiled, "you're so mean."

"Hey! I just made you first-division captain! Be thankful." Chifuyu teased before his smile slightly dropped. "Also, what was L/n-san doing at the hospital?"

Takemichi shrugged, "I don't know, I haven't talked to him in a bit. He's always busy with stuff, I think he might be helping at his hotel."

"HOTEL?? L/N-SAN OWNS A HOTEL!??" Chifuyu exclaimed.

"NO YOU IDIOT, HE HELPS WITH A HOTEL!!"Takemichi sighed, " his runs the hotel." Chifuyu nods his head in understanding. Suddenly, Takemichi's phone started to ring, it was y/n. Takemichi picked up his phone and held it up to his ear, "hello?"

Heavy breathing could be heard on Y/n's side, "Takemichi...are you available right now??..or are you busy??"

"I'm going over to Hina's place, why you ask?" Takemichi waited for Y/n's response for all that was heard was heavy breathing, "y/n-kun?"

"Okay..uh...just can we talk tomorrow?" Y/n sighed.

(Sorry I'm super lazy rn, so sorry if this is shit)

"L/'re late."
Kisaki snarled as he fixed his tie in the mirror, Kisaki wore an expensive suit, one that matched his 'golden' personality. Y/n sighed as he stepped into the room, his h/c was more short, and had a few strands in front of his face.

"There was a bit of traffic, relax. And hurry up, I can smell the food from down the hall. Shiba and Pah-chin will eat all the damn food."
Y/n scoffed as he walked towards the door, opening it for Kisaki. As they walked down the hallway, Kisaki handed Y/n a bracelet, Y/n held a scowl but put the bracelet on and it made a clicking/locking sound. The bracelet had a tracker on it, which made Y/n feel like a dog, but then Kisaki stopped.
"Meet me in the room 285, where the bar is. I'll be bringing extra guess."

Y/n clenched his fist before turning to a different direction.
Yelling and arguing were heard from the other room. Kisaki walked in and everybody's eyes turned to Kisaki.

"Aren't we having fun?"
Kisaki spoke sarcastically. Around the table, there was Takemichi, Chifuyu, Pah-chin, Muto, Nahoya, Peh-yan, Hakkai, Inui, Koko, and Hanma. They all bowed their heads, except Takemichi who was holding a shocked expression. Kisaki then strangely smiled.
"Enough with the stiff formality, guys."

Hanma laughed, "you usually don't show up for our admin meetings, Kisaki-San! And where's Y/n, don't tell me he's avoiding me."

Hanma's comment caused a chuckle out of Kisaki, " Y/n is busy currently, I've got minor business to deal with. Takemichi, Chifuyu. Could I have a moment of your time?"

Takemichi glanced at Chifuyu before standing up and nodding his head.

—20 minutes pass by—

Y/n was bitting at his nails, he had a lot going on through his head. He was close to discovering who caused what happened to his family, so of course he's going to have a lot of stress. Suddenly the door opened, he saw Kisaki's bodyguards dragging Chifuyu and Takemichi's unconscious bodies and tie them to chairs. Y/n looked at Kisaki.
"What the fuck did you do?? I told you to not harm them! What the fuck Kisaki!"

Y/n punched Kisaki in the jaw, just for one of the bodyguards to grab Y/n from behind. Kisaki sighed as he glared at Y/n

"Y/'ve gotten really comfortable with your position, but keep in mind that I could still make you disappear."
Kisaki sighed as he turned to Takemichi and Chifuyu. The bodyguard shoved Y/n to the side and walked back to Kisaki. Y/n glanced at Takemichi and Chifuyu with concern, trying to figure out a possible solution.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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